Gordon Molloy

Condolence Book for

Gordon Molloy

Formerly Blackbog Road, Carlow Town, Carlow / Lahardane, Mayo

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Sincere sympathies to the Molloy family on the sad passing of Gordon. May he rest in peace.
— Alan Dillon
My condoelence go to molloy family sorry for u loss of your dad rip
— Joe kelly ballinabranna
Deepest sympathy to all Gordons family on his sad passing..Rip Gordon from a friend in Mayo.
— Marie Devaney
To all his family my deepest condolences. I am grateful for Gordon's help on so many occassions with lifts back the road and saving us from the rain so many times as kids.
— Mitch Coleman, Poland
Heart felt condolences to molloy family. Gordon was a family friend remembering the good days with my late brothers Des and Eugene . It was always a pleasure meeting him .Gordon may the lights of heaven shine Bright on you
— Margaret and Richard Knowd Dublin and Lahardane
Deepest condolences to the Molloy family thinking of you all at this difficult time Gordon was a lovely kind man who touched the lives of many.Rest in peace Gordon
— Kathleen Barrett Lahardane
Sincere sympathies to the Molloy family on the sad passing of Gordon. Enjoyed working with Gordon for many years at IT Carlow. Met he rest in peace
— Mary Jordan
Sincere sympathy to you all on the heartbreaking loss of Gordon.
Lovely memories of working with him in the early days of Carlow RTC including playing football on the staff team against the students.
May Gordon rest in peace
— Des Carbery
Sincere sympathy to David and the Molloy family on the sad passing of Gordon may his gentle soul rest in peace.
— Raymond Mc Kenna
So very sorry to hear of your Dad's passing Davy..deepest sympathies to you and all the extended family.
— Audrey Dormer
Sincere sympathy to David, Gordon, Davina and the extended Molloy family on the sad passing of Gordon Snr.
Go ndéanfaidh Dia trócaire ar a anam.
— Brian and Mary Lyons, Crossneen.
So sorry to hear of Gordon’s passing. Condolences to Annie, Gordy & David.
— Berna Ward (Mc Grath)
Rest in Peace Mr. Molloy. Condolences to all of the family.
— Darragh Fitzpatrick
Deepest sympathy to all the MOLLOY family on the sad passing of Gordon. Our thoughts are with you at this difficult time.
— Sean and Patricia Swan
Deepest sympathy to Gordon’s Family, Friends and Neighbours. May He Rest In Peace.
— Billy & Emer Loftus
Deepest Sympathy to the Molloy family at this sad time. Thinking of you all.
— William and Ann Griffin
Sincere sympathy to David and All the Molloy family. May Gordon Rest in Peace
— Travers Family Oakley Park
Sincere condolences to Annie , David, and Gordie . Thinking of you all at this tough time.🙏
— Carmel scully
Gordon, rest in peace my old pal. You are were a pleasure to work with, a gent with the best sense of humour.
My deepest condolences to Davina her husband Pa & little girl. And to all Gordons extended family.
May god rest your soul.
— Maria Quinn Homeinstead
R.I.P Gordon.
— John Alcock
Sincere sympathy to David and the extended Molloy family on the loss of Gordon.
May he rest in peace.
— Michael Joyce
Deepest Sympathy to the Molloy family on the sad passing of Gordan may he rest in peace
— Christy and Bridget McGrath Park Carlow
Sincere sympathy to all of Gordon’s family, he was a lovely gentleman.
May his gentle soul rest in Peace.
— Tom & Theresa Browne (Lahardane)
My deepest sympathy Gordie, David, your dear Mam and all your families on the passing of your beloved Dad. May he rest in peace.
My thoughts and prayers are with you all at this very sad time 💞
— Charmaine Keating
Sincere sympathy to David & Molloy family on the sad loss of your father.
— Charlie McDermott
Sincere sympathy to Annie, Gordon, David and your families on the sad passing of Gordon may he rest in peace
— Anne Mahon nee Nolan
Deepest sympathy to Gordon’s Family, Friends and Neighbours. May He Rest In Peace.
— John and Kit Mac Hale, Lahardane.
We wish to extend our sympathies to the extended Molloy family on Gordon’s sad death. May He Rest In Eternal Peace
— Patrick & Mary (S) Cawley
Sincere condolences to Annie, Davy, Gordon and extended Molloy family on the sad passing of Gordon, may he rest in peace.
— Joe Deane
🙏Rip Gordon condolence to his wife and family and friends 🙏
— Ger Fitzharris
Many memories of you Gordie many laughs, you were one of the old school stock rest easy now may god rest your soul, condolences to all your family and many friends you leave behind
— Damo Hennessy
Condolence to Anne, Gordon and David and extended families on the death of Gordon..He was a jolly, witty and pleasure to meet around Lahardane..May his gentle soul rest in peace.
— Paul & Anne Gallagher (Forde) Lahardane
Sory for yer loss god rest Gordie seniors soul
— Ruby murphy
Deepest Sympathy To The Molloy Family On The Passing Of Gordon, R.I.P.
— Pat Rowan Tolerton
Sincere Condolences to all the Molloy Family on the passing of Gordan , Gordan will be greatly missed ,May he Rest in Peace.
— Tony & Kathleen Nolan, Crossneen
Condolences to all the family and friends Rest in peace
— Martin Mullins
Deepest sympathies to the Molloy Family on the sad passing of Gordon
— Jim Hyland
Sincere condolences to gordans family on his passing. Fond memories of him coming visiting us with his dog jack. May he rest in peace. Rip.
— Damien and Ruth forde lahardane mayo
Sincere condolences to Annie,Gordy,Davy and the extended Molloy family on the passing of Gordon.
— Patsy and Tricia O Keeffe
Sincere sympathy to all the MOLLOY family on the sad passing of Gordon may his kind and gentle soul rest in peace
— JP Martina Queenan
Sincere condolences to all of Gordon's family on his sad passing I've got fond memories of Gordon from the early days at I.T.Carlow.He was a gentleman and a character who was always very obliging.
May you Rest in Peace Gordon.
— Seamus McCormack.
Our sincere sympathy to Annie,David & Gordie & extended family on the passing of Gordon,rest in peace Gordon
— Margaret & Denis Alsybury
Sincere condolences to the Molloy family at this difficult time.

May your Dad be reunited with Colin.

— Dougald FitzGerald Hanover Road
Deepest Sympathy to the Molloy family on the sad passing of Gordan may he rest in peace
— Pat&Carmel Sheehan
Deepest sympathy to the Molloy family on the passing of Gordon. May he rest in peace-
— Con Doran ex IT Carlow
My condolences to David,Gordy and extended family on the death of Gordon. May he rest in peace.
— Tom Dunne
To one of the nicest people I have every met RIP SIR
— Pauline Quinn home instead
Very sad to hear of Gordon's passing. I worked with Gordon for many years in the college. I have many fond memories of him. Wishing his family my condolences on his passing.
— Jim williamson
Condolences to the Molloy family may Gordon rest in peace.
— Jimmy& elaine Doyle Ballickmoyler
Sincere condolences to all the Molloy family on their sad loss.
R.I.P Gordon
— Michael moran
Deepest sympathy to Annie, Gordy and Davy and the extended Molloy family on the passing of Gordon. May he rest in peace
— Mick and Jane Flood
My condolences to all of Gordon’s family. May he Rest in peace
— Des Hurley
Sincere Condolances to the Molloy Family on the passing of Gordan , May he Rest in Peace
— John & Mary Kenny
Sincere Condolences to the Molloy Family on the passing of Gordon May he rest in peace 🙏
— Michael O'Toole Centaur St Carlow
Deepest sympathy on the sad loss of Gordon. May he rest in peace
— Jennifer Murnane O'Connor
To all the molloy family so sorry for your loss, thinking of you all at this sad time xx
— Ann matthews and family
Sincere sympathy to Annie and family on the passing of Gordon. May he rest in peace.
— Pauline Naughton
My sympathys
— Owen gorman
Our deepest sympathy to all the Molloy family on the death of Gordon a lovly man may his soul rest peace
— Padraic sarah leonard lahardane
Deepest sympathy To All The Molloy Families , May Gordon Rest in Peace 🙏
— John & Margaret Kenny / Motorfactors Carlow
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