Harry O'Shea

Condolence Book for

Harry O'Shea

Dundrum, Dublin

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Dear Ken and Nikki
I am so desperately sorry to hear that your lovely son Harry has passed away. A truely lovely block with a smile that would light up a room. My thoughts and prayers are with you and this very sad time
— Ciara Brennan
Nikki, Ken , Fionn and William, so very sorry for your loss. May Harry rest in peace. All our love , Orla, Bill , Daire, Cian and Laoise de hÓra
— Orla Davis
Ken,Nikki and family I am so sorry to hear of the tragic loss of Harry.May he rest in peace
— John and Jeanne Crowley
My deepest condolences to the O'Shea Family. Harry was such a genuine and funny bloke and he will be sorely missed. Rest easy buddy.
— Leon Ollier Doyle
To Nikki and family, so sorry to hear just now of your loss of your beloved Son. May he rest in peace. Johnny Barnewell
— Johnny Barnewell
Sincere condolences to Ken and the O’Shea family on the loss of Harry. I was so shocked and saddened to hear the news. Harry was such a pleasure to work with whenever he was helping out at Whyte’s, always telling stories and cracking jokes, never a dull day spent with him. A truly lovely person. We are all thinking of you.
— Peter Whyte
Dearest Nikki, my heartfelt condolences to you and all your family at this very difficult time for you.. it's been a long time but you're often in my thoughts.. and now you're very much in my prayers.
RIP Harry.. in a better place now..
— Liam O'Mahony
Dear Ken , Nikki. Fionn and William , sincere condolences on the loss of your amazing son and brother Harry. Cannot imagine the loss you are feeling now.
Love Sam and Tina
— Sam McHugh
Ken & Niki I was so sorry to hear of the loss of your beloved son . You are in my thoughts. Apologies for not making it to Dublin but I was away all week and have just returned.
— Pat Moynihan
Met Harry once a few years back and very quickly knew he was a good kid. Rest easy bud.
— Al.
My deepest condolences to Harry’s family. I hope the incredible turnout today brings you some comfort in mourning his loss.

Harry brought so much joy, laughter and light to everyone he met. He was unapologetically himself which made people (myself included) feel safe enough to do the same.

Even when time passed and you meet again, it was if you’d pick up where you’d left off. His warm, good-hearted nature always made you feel valued, like a good friend.

After meeting Harry again years on and hearing about Valet46 on an entrepreneurship course we did together, I loved seeing him follow his passion and turn it into a reality.

He really was one of a kind! A presence that will be missed by all of those who were blessed to have felt it.

Ar dheis Dé go raibh a anam mo chara.
— Aoife McG
Dear Nikki, Ken, all the family & friends, what a loss to this world, Harry (what little I knew of him) was a beautiful soul and funny as fook! My oh my how he made me laugh so much at a couple of parties. Love and light shone brightly from him. May his precious soul RIP and may you all find strength and courage to get through this ever so tragic loss. I am sure you have many, many fantastic funny memories to eternally lift your hearts in memory of your beautiful boy. So much love to all of you 💚🕊🙌
— Samantha Murray
RIP Harry. Great to meet you the few times we met.
— Michael Coughlan
Heartfelt condolences to Nikki, Ken, Fionn and William and all the family on the tragic loss of your beautiful son and brother Harry. Thinking of you all at this very sad time.
— Gerry and Annette and Neil Hudson
Was so shocked and saddened to hear about Harry’s sudden passing. Have such great memories of Harry from our time in Attracta’s. Thinking of all of Harry’s family at this extremely heartbreaking time. Rest in peace Harry.
— Jenny Daniel
To the O'Shea family,

I am so saddened and sorry to hear about the passing of your beloved Harry. Although I never had the privilege of meeting him, he seems like a wonderful person, full of love for others who left this world a better place.

I will remember Harry and you all in my prayers, always.
Ar dheis Dé go raibh a anam.
— A young dundrum parishioner
Nikki &Ken my deepest condolences on the untimely death of Harry at such a young age
— Martin Callanan Naas
Sincere Condolence to The O'Shea Family on the very sad loss of Harry.
Our thoughts and prayers are with the family at this very sad time.
— John and Eugene
Thinking of you all during this extremely tough time, words can’t express my sorrow. If you need anything, we’re always here x
— Emma from Laser
Ken, Nikki, Fionn and William, we are greatly saddened to hear of the tragic passing of Harry. Our thoughts are with you all, and Harry, Eleanor, family and friends. Sending heartfelt sympathies from the Campbell and Mulhall families to you all.
— Mark, Sue and Claire Campbell Mulhall (Wycham Park)
Deepest sympathy to Ken, Nikki, Fionn & William. We are thinking of you at this very difficult time. The service was lovely today and we hope offers some consolation for all of you.
— Paul and Patricia McBride
So very saddened to hear this news. My heartfelt condolences to Ken, Nikki, Fionn and William, his extended family and friends.
May Harry rest peacefully.
— Jane Elliott
To Nikki and Ken, very sorry to hear about your tragic loss, may Harry rest in peace.
— Brian Keating
Deepest condolences to family. Great memories of Harry from the Benildus days. RIP.
— Glenn Whelan
Rest in peace Harry. Sincerest condolences to Ken, Nikki, Fionn, William and all the O'Shea family. Ar dheist Dé go raibh a anam dílis.
— Maitiu O Suilleabhain
So very saddened to hear this news. My deepest condolences to Ken, Nikki, Fionn and William. I cannot imagine your pain and loss. Rest in peace Harry.
— Kate McBride
Our Sincere Condolences to all the O’Shea family on the sad tragic passing of Harry.
— The Begley Family
Dear Nikki and Ken, we were heartbroken to hear about your tragic loss. Our hearts go out to you during this painful time. You are in our thoughts and prayers.
— Ray & Miriam
To all of the O'Shea family, words cannot be enough to describe what you as a family are going through, wishing all the best and strength today and in the future. May he rest in peace
— Jan Frederiks
Dear Ken, Nikki, Fionn, William and family.
We are heartbroken to hear of the tragic loss of your wonderful Harry. Such lovely memories of the after school days and parties with our girls. He always brought a smile to all around him. Our thoughts and prayers are with you. May Harry rest in peace.
— Olive and Pat Germaine
I can't believe this news and the loss of such a fine young man so tragically and painfully. Ken and Nikki may you find some relief in your pain from all the happy memories you have of him and the times you had happily together. In shock. So sorry Ken and Nikki. Jerome
— Jerome O Drisceoil
Deeply saddened to hear of Harry’s passing. Sending love and strength to Nikki, Ken, Fionn and William at this heartbreaking time.

Harry there was not a day that you didn’t light up our St Attractas Classroom with laughter and joy. Your kindness and friendship meant so much to us all. Forever grateful for the fun and the memories, rest easy now my friend xx
— Amy Cunningham
Our deepest sympathy to the O Shea family on the sad passing of Harry. Fond memories of Harry in play school and St Attracta’s. May his gentle soul rest in peace.
— Tony, Emma, Mark and Luke Ennis
Our family are so sad for ur great loss of a wonderful son Harry he was a joy to have known he brought a light to every one he meet ♥️
— John and june Byrne And family of Darry Byrney
So sorry for your loss
— Joe O'Rourke
Ken, Nikki, Fionn & William - so saddened to hear this terrible news about Harry. Impossible to process and impossible to understand how you must be feeling. May he rest in peace and our thoughts and prayers are with you all.
— Des & Tish Marmion
Dear Nikki and Ken - deepest condolences on the loss of of your beloved son Harry. May he rest in peace
— Karina McArdle
Dear Ken, Nikki, Fionn and William, so sorry to hear of the tragic loss of Harry. You are in our thoughts and prayers during this sad time. May he Rest in Peace.
— Xavier and Fiona Tynan
Deeply saddened to hear of this tragic news, my deepest condolences to Ken, Nikki, Fionn, William and all of Harry's family and friends. My thoughts and prayers are with you all during this difficult and sad time. Ár dheis Dé go raibh a h'anam dílis.
— Paul Murphy D14
No words left guys ….

After spending the last few days with you and your family and learning more and more about your beautiful son Harry , Have to say that after being neighbours for 25 years I can honestly say that Harry had nothing but a warming smile and a huge ‘hi!’ whenever we crossed paths (which was possibly a daily occurrence!’ 😊)
As for the parties 🎉 we’ll say no more 😂
Taken from you tragically and way too soon that it’s hard to believe it’s real ….
I hope you all find the strength to overcome this immense sadness…
Harry …… let the angels look after you now xxxxxx
Sincere condolences from us all
— Vanessa, Dave & girls 30 CPW
Ken, Nikki and family, there are no words I can use to help you in your grief, I really wish there were. I pray that God wraps you all in his loving arms at this time and helps you through the days, months and years ahead. May your beautiful boy watch over you forever.
— Sharon Keegan
So sorry for your tragic loss
— Kenny and Renee Moore
Ken, Nikki, Fionn, William and family.

Want to offer our condolences on the passing of Harry and that we will keep you all in our thoughts and prayers.

James, Jacqui, Tadhg, Padraic and Doireann.
— James OShaughnessy
Ken, Nikki, Fionn and William, we were devastated to hear of the tragic passing of Harry. Our thoughts are with you all and also Harry, Eleanor and family. Sending our heartfelt sympathies to you all. Will keep you all in our prayers. Nicola, Pete, Scott and Saoirse
— Nicola Buchanan (O’Brien)
I didn’t know Harry as long as I would have liked to but he done me a massive favour not a week after I met him.

He went out of his way to do that for me and I’ll be forever grateful for his kindness. We had a great laugh a couple of times after drinking in Dundrum.

A really kind and selfless person.

His passing was a shock to everyone who knew him it was also the day of my mother’s wedding.

I know he would have been telling me to go enjoy my night and not worry.

He was deeply missed at beyond the pale over the weekend also, I didn’t really feel up for going but decided to go for him since he sadly couldn’t make it.

Much love brother taken from us way too early <\3

My condolences to all of his family who I’m sure I’ll meet at the funeral tomorrow. <3

Rest in Peace Harry.
— Adam Harrington
Nikki, Ken, Fionn and William, there are no words to express my deep sadness on the loss of your wonderful Son Harry! I have very fond memories of Harry, such a warm-hearted,friendly guy, always had a smile on his face. He was such a dear friend to my Geoff. He will be sadly missed. May he rest in peace.
— Cathy Vard
RIP young man 💙thinking of your family at this devastating time 💔
— June Leonard
Our hearts go out to you Ken, Nikki, William & Fionn.
Rest in peace Harry.
— Jeff & Cathy Murphy
Dear Nikki, Ken, Fionn and William...All of us here in St. Attractas JNS are shocked and saddened to hear of the tragic loss of Harry our wonderful past pupil...May all your happy memories of him comfort you at this very sad time. Rest in Peace Harry.
— Tommy Neary and Staff of St. Attractas JNS
Very sorry to hear the sad news.
— Mark Hanley
Dear Nikki, Ken and Family, we are so very sorry to hear about Harry. Our thoughts and prayers are with you. We will light a candle for Harry tomorrow. John & Trish
— John & Trish Koumarianos and Family
Nikki, Ken and family sincere condolences on the tragic loss of Harry. May he rest in peace
— Susan Martin
Sincere sympathy to Nikki and all of your family on your heartbreaking loss.
— Rev Nigel and Rev Jane, Taney Parish
We are so very sorry to hear this dreadful news of the loss of your dear son Harry. He & you all are in our prayers.
— Highfield Park & Westbrook Road neighbours.
Nikki, Ken, Fionn & William, I am heartbroken for you on the loss of your wonderful Harry. May his gentle soul rest in peace.
— Mary Van Esbeck
Nikki Ken and family, sincere condolence on your tragic loss. Rest in peace Harry
— Chris
My deepest condolences to Harry's family and all of his many pals
An absolute gent, and a gas lad - a joy to be around!

Rest in Peace Harry, you will be dearly missed by so many
— Richie Farrell
Sincere condolences to Ken & Nikki on the tragic passing of your son Harry. My sympathy to all.
— Paul Murphy
To Nikki, Ken and family- sincere condolences on the tragic loss of Harry. May he rest in peace.
— Mick Donohoe
Sincere condolences Nikki, Ken, Fionn and William. May Harry rest in peace.
— Shay and Denise Duff.
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