Helen Hempenstall

Condolence Book for

Helen Hempenstall
(née Riseborough)

Rathgar, Dublin

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Dear Tanya and Neil, so sorry to hear of the death of you lovely Mum Helen. She was a really dear and very kind lady. Rest in Peace Helen.
Mary Harris
— Mary Harris
Tanya, Neil,

Our condolences on the loss of your wonderful Mum - she was a great friend to us over the years and we will miss her a lot (& her postcards from around the world 🌍) - I think it’s tradition to say ‘rest in peace’ but I’ve no doubt that Helen will continue to wander 🥾

Take care of each other,

Kel, Hazel & Isobelle
— Kel Gillen & Family
Dear Neil & Family,
Sincere condolences on the final journey for Helen.
I had the pleasure of working with her as my boss while at Oxfam Francis Street. She was an inspirational leader with a no nonsense attitude. God bless her and may she rest in peace.
— Paul Houlihan
Dear Tanya and neil. So very sorry to hear of your mums death. Thinking of you both at this difficult time.
— Patricia Wojnar
Sincere sympathies to Neil and family.
— Vincent Barrett
Deepest condolences Tanya on the loss of your mum. I've very fond memories of her from living across the square.
— Torunn Dahl
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