Ian Hamilton

Condolence Book for

Ian Hamilton

Kilmore, Dublin / Omagh, Tyrone

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Tá brón mór orainn a Caoimhe agus Ailbhe.

Condolences to Ros & wider Hamilton family

Ar dheis na Tonnta go raibh a anam

Grá mór
Ruadhán, Siobhán, Pádraig, Lughaidh agus Éadaoin
— Ruadhán & Siobhán
To Caoimhe and Ailbhe
Sincere condolences on the death of Ian.
Regards Catherine Buckley & Paudie Hegarty, Cork
— Catherine Buckley
Goodbye Chief thanks for the music the friendship and the laughter.Love and hugs to Caoimhe and Ailbhe .Calm seas and safe harbours Ian love and light
Elaine John and family
— Elaine Mooney
I am saddened to hear of Ian's passing my deepest sympathy Caoimhe on your loss .
— Maureen Dixon - Howth
Great memories of fishing with Ian 'The Chief' and all the music sessions. Sincere condolences to Caoimhe and all the family. Terry
— Terry Kelly
Sorry to hear the sad news about Ian, condolences to all the family, RIP.
— Gillier and Jeanne Moore
We were saddened to hear of Ian's death our deepest sympathy Caoimhe on your loss ..
— Robert & Jackie Larkin
Sincere condolences Caoimhe and Ailbhe on the sad news of Ian's passing.
Rest in Peace Ian.
— Robert and Margaret Mckay
Deepest condolences to Caoimhe and Ailbhe on the passing of Ian. Thoughts are with you at this sad time.
— Fiachra, Ruairí and Oisín Lynch
To Caoimhe and Ailbhe, Our deepest sympathy to you both on Ian’s passing . We are thinking of you both at this sad time. Rest In Peace Ian.
— Noel, Teresa and Katie Lynch, Cork
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