John Joe O'Connor

Condolence Book for

John Joe O'Connor

Cahirboshina, Ventry, Kerry / Ballydavid, Kerry

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Dear Máire, sincere sympathies to you, Diarmuid, Hazel and Pats on the sudden death of John Joe. May he rest in peace.
— Martina O'Sullivan
Sincere sympathy to Mrs O'Connor, Diarmuid, Hazel and Pats whom I know from their time as students in Rockwell. Rip John Joe.
— Sean Ryan, Rockwell College
Comhbhrón ó chroí le Máirín agus an clann ar bhás John Joe
Suaimhneas sioraí d’anam dílis.
— Seán Ó Grífín
My sincere sympathies to Máirín and family on the passing of a gentleman Jihn Joe. Ar dheis Dé go raibh a anim
— Des Murphy Ballinasig
Sympathys to all the family on John Joe's passing, may he rest in peace. Ar dheis Dé go raibh a anam dílis
— Bridie, Tommy, Michelle & Breandán Fitzgerald
Cómhbhrón ó chroí lé muíntir Uí Chonchúir agus muíntir Uí Bheaglaoich uilig faoi bhás John Joe. Suaimhneas síoraí go raibh aige.
— Muintir Shé, Baile'nchóta, Ceanntrá
Sincere sympathy to Maureen, Diarmuid, Hazel, Pats and all the extended families. May John Joe rest in peace 🙏
— Hennessy family Conor pass Dingle
Comhbhrón ó chroí le clan Uí Conchubhair ar fad.
Ar dheis Dé go raibh a anam
— Christóir O Súilleabháin Baile Ghainín agus An Uaimh
Sincere condolences to Hazel and all the O’Connor family, I am so very sorry to hear of the passing of your beloved Dad Hazel, sending you and Daragh and Harry all my love at this very hard time. Suaimhneas síoraí go raibh aige x
— Fionnuala Ní Chíobháin, Baile Atha Cliath & An Ghráig
Sincere sympathy to the O. Connor family on the passing of John Joe. may he Rest in Peace.
— Eamonn and Eileen Mc Carthy Glens
Sincere Sympathy to the O'Connor and the Begley Family on the death of John Joe.May he Rest in Peace.
— Máire Ní Ghrifín
Sincere sympathies to Máire, Diarmuid, Hazel and Pats on the sudden death of John Joe. May he rest in peace.
— Clare O'Sullivan , Ballincurrig, Co Cork
So sorry for your loss. Farewell to a classmate. May he rest in peace.
— John & Lucy Fenton
My deepest sympathies on the loss of your lovely Dad. Oh what a gentleman he was and always so nice. Sending you lots of love at this hard time. Your were the apple of his eye xxx Thinking of your mum and brothers and extended family x
— Maryellen Courtney Galway
Comhbhròn ò chrói daoibh go léir
— Ciara Ní Mhathúna
Sincere condolences to Hazel and the O’Connor family on the passing of John Joe. May he rest in peace. Our thoughts and prayers are with you all at this difficult time.
— John & Ciara Kelliher, Tiernaboul, Killarney
Sincere sympathies to Mairín and family on the very sad passing of John Joe. May he rest in peace
— Blandina and Micheál o Connor
Comhbhròn ò chrói leat a Mhàirín agus an clann uile ar bhás John Joe Ar dheis Dé go raibh a hanám
— Siobhán agus Edward Hennessy
Cómhbhrón ó chroí lé muíntir Uí Chonchúir agus muíntir Uí Bheaglaoich uilig faoi bhás John Joe.
Beannacht Dé lena anam agus sólás dá chlann.
— Micheál, Máire agus Fionnán O Loingsigh, Cillfhionntain
My sincere condolences to all the O Connor family on the passing of John Joe. My thoughts and prayers are with you all. May he rest in peace.
— Shauna O Mahony
Comhbhrón ó chroí leat a Mháirín agus leis an gclann uile ar bhás John Joe. Suaimhneas síoraí dá anam.
— Máirín agus Paul Ó Dubhlaoich
Sincere sympathy to Hazel ,Daragh , Harry and all the O Connor family on the sudden passing of your dad . Thinking of you all at this very sad time , you are in our thoughts and prayers. May her rest in eternal peace 🙏
— Mary Snee and family
Sincere condolences to Hazel, Daragh and the O Connor family on the passing of your beloved dad. May he rest in peace. Thinking of you at this difficult time.
— Gillian Barry
Our deepest sympathy to you Maureen and family on the sad passing of John Joe a true gentleman thinking of you all at this sad time may John Joe rest in peace 🙏
— Dermot, Kathleen Kavanagh & family Reenbee, lispole
Sincere sympathy to Maureen, Diarmuid, Hazel, Pats and all the extended families. May John Joe rest in peace.
— David and Mary Foley , Donoughmore, Co Cork
Pats & family, so sorry to hear this news, our thoughts are with you all at this time. Ar dhéis Dé go raibh a anam.
— Alan Looby
Our deepest sympathy to you all at this sad time. May John Joe rest in peace.
— Reiner and Niamh Utsch
Heartfelt sympathy to Mairin , Diarmuid, Hazel, pats & Harry on the passing of John Joe. Sending you all my love and strength at this difficult time .
May John Joe gentle soul rest in peace,
— Julieann Stanley
Sincere sympathy on the death of John Joe may he rest in peace.
— Michael and Mary Sayers
Sincerest condolences to you all at this shocking and difficult time. Ar dheis Dé go raibh a hanam. Thinking of you all.
— Máille and Kevin, Caherboshina
Our sincere sympathies to Márín and family.
— Mika, Chie, Tomoko and Declan Fitzmaurice, Coláiste Íde
Suaimhneas siorraí a John Joe.
— Máire Danny
Deepest sympathy to the O Connor family and extended family on the passing of John Joe . May he rest in peace
— Thomas and Phil Riordan Dingle
Sincere sympathy to Mary Ellen all the O" Connor and Begley families on the passing of JohnJoe.May he rest in peace
— Nora Casey,Acres
Sincere condolences to Máirín, Pats, Hazel, Diarmaid and the O' Connor family on the passing of John Joe. Ar dhéis Dé go raibh a anam.
— Áine & Tadhg
Comhbhròn o chroì libh go lèir Ar dheis Dè go raibh a hanam
— Thomas Eileen O Donoghue and Family
Comhbhrón ó chroí le Máirín, Diarmuid, Hazel, Pádraig agus an clann ar fad ar bhás John Joe. Suaimhneas sioraí dá anam uasal.
— Séamus Firtéar Cathair a Treanntaigh
Dear Hazel, Darragh, Harry & all the O'Connor family.
I'm so sorry to hear about the loss of your beloved Dad and Grandad. Hazel, you always spoke so lovingly about him and it was clear you were both besotted with each other. I'm sending you all our love and thinking about you, especially over these coming days.
Aileen, Jude & Lena xxx
— Aileen Connolly, Dublin
Cómhbhrón ó chroí libh go léir. Beannacht dé le anam John Joe.
— Serena ní Bheaglaoi, Baile na BhFionúrach
Sincere condolences to Máirín,Diarmuid, Hazel and Pats. To all the O’ Connor family. Sorry to hear John Joe, had sadly passed away.May John Joe, rest in peace.
— Christine Guiheen & Sean Mc Intyre
Dear Máirín, Diarmuid, Hazel, Pats & all the O'Connor family members. We were so sorry to hear of John Joe's passing. I will miss John Joe along the road where I walked the dog and the big hearty salute he used to give. Rest peacefully John Joe.
— Ted & Carmel Browne & Family Milltown
Chuig Máirín, Diarmaid, Hazel, Pats and Harry. Mo chomhbhrón ó chroí libh go léir ar bhás John Joe. Tá súil agam go bhfaighidh tú an leaba is fearr ar Neamh taobh le m'athair nach maireann. Suaimhneas síoraí do John Joe
— Jess Ní Dhubháin
Comhbhrón ó chroí le Máirín, Hazel, Diarmuid agus Pats, le clann Uí Chonchubhair agus le clann Uí Bheaglaoich, le cairde agus gaolta ar bhás John Joe.
Ar dheis Dé go raibh a anam.🕊🕊
— Anne Marie Nic Gearailt, Baile an Mhamhnaigh, An Daingean
Sincere sympathies to you Máirín and all your family. May he Rest in Peace
— Paul O Brien and family Muirioch
Sincere Sympathy to Máirín, Diarmaid, Hazel, Pats & all the O' Connor Family on the sad passing of John Joe.
May he rest in peace.
— Elaine Sheehy & Family
Comhbhron o chraoi Mairin Agus do clann go leir ar bhas obann John Joe, fear uasal seimh cleachtuil, Suaimhneas siorrai agus Leaba I measc na Naomh go raibh aige
— Mike & Mary Fitz Marthain
Cómhbhrón ó Chroí Máirín agus an Chlann ar fad. Beannacht Dé Le Anam John Joe.
— Nóirín, Helena Liam Ó Rócháin
Our deepest condolences to the O'Connor family. RIP John Joe
— Pa and Mel Holohan
My sincere sympathies to Máirín and family at this difficult time on the untimely death of John Joe
— Pádraig Foley
Comhbhrón ó chroí le Máirín & leis an gclann go léir ar bhás John Joe.Leaba i measc na naomh go raibh aige.
— Treasa & Tomás ó Lúing Baile an Chaladh
Very sorry for your loss - RIP john Joe
— John lynch
Sincere sympathy to all the family on the sad passing of John Joe .
May he rest in peace
— Tom & Teresa & Aodh Curran , Ballinrannig
Deepest sympathy to Maureen and family on the passing of such a gentleman.
May he rest in peace
— Marguerite and Kevin Russell cloghane
My sincere sympathy to John Joe's family at this sad time.
— Mary McMahon Ivers
Comhbrón ó chroí le Mairín, Diarmuid, Hazel agus Pats ar bhás obann John Joe. Imithe i bhfad ró luath uaibh. Leaba i measc na Naomh go raibh aige
— Seosamh agus Siobhán Uí Cnchubhair, Breanainn,
Deepest sympathy to the all Family. May he rest in peace.
— Magdalena Bowler
Deepest Sympsthy to the O'Connor Family on John Joe sudden passing RIP, l was privileged to have worked with him. Ireen Maes
— Ireen Maes
Our deepest condolences to Pats and your family on the sad passing of your Dad. Keeping you in our thoughts. May he rest in peace.
— Ben & Emma Mulligan
Comhbhrón ó chroí libh go léir
— Máire Ní Dhálaigh, Dún Chaoin
Our condolences to you all may he rest in peace
— Tommy Hand Jenny Nagle
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