Ken Maher

Condolence Book for

Ken Maher

Kilcoole, Wicklow / Dublin

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Only learned of Ken's passing today and it was incredibly sad to hear. Ken always kept in touch with golden nuggets of support. A great man. Condolences to his family.
— David Power
We were very sad to hear that Ken has passed. He was a lovely guy and very helpful… our thoughts are with Joy and his family at this time.. x
— John and Mandy gammell
So sad to hear of Ken,s death, i worked with Ken back in the 70s we were good friends, i have many good memories and some funny one's as well
— Eddie Broughall
Much love to Joy, Scott and Casey on Ken's passing. Ken was always full of laughter and great fun to be around. His joie de vivre will be missed by everyone who knew him. Rest in peace.
— Ailish Byrne
Our deepest sympathies to you Joy and your family on Ken's passing. While our paths did not cross too often since, we have warm memories of Ken in Round Table times as a lovely person, full of energy and with a great sense of humour. May he rest in peace.
— Pat & Eliz Doyle Ashford
So very sad to hear of Ken’s passing. A true great and warm character. Whenever visiting Anoreta I would search out Ken. A true gentleman - a statement not to be under estimated. Ken RIP. Bill Bury
— Bill Bury
Dear Joy, Scott & Casey, we are so sad to hear of Ken’s passing. He was such a lovely guy, with a great sense of fun. He’s a huge loss to all who were lucky enough to have met him along life’s journey. Please accept our sympathies and our love at this sad time. Ken, rest in peace. Love from Karen & Jim.
— Karen & Jim Wood
I am so, so sad to hear of Ken’s passing. Deepest sympathies to Joy, Scott and Casey.
I have the fondest memories of Ken when Scott and Casey were very little when I used to mind them. The kindest, loveliest of men. My thoughts and prayers are with you all at this sad time. RIP Ken
— Lyn Haskins
Joy , Scott and Casey so sorry to hear of the passing of Ken prayers and thoughts are with you at this sad time
— Conor and Susan Barry Mc Nally
So sorry to hear the sad news. My thoughts and prayers are with you all.
— Dave Hanafin
My deepest sympathy to Joy Carol Colin and all the Family. on learning Ken had passed away. The Maher Family (Kevin and Sally) were the best next door neighbours in all the World. May he Rest in Peace Ken
— Ken Burgess
So very sorry to hear of Kens passing. Sincere condolences to all his family and friends. RIP
Linda (Trulock) Byrne and family
— Linda Byrne
Dear Joy, Scott and Casey,
I was so sorry to hear about the untimely passing of Ken. I have many fond memories of his fun-loving nature at many family parties, card games and sing-alongs at Gwennie and Fred’s house. May the many happy memories of Ken comfort you at this time.
— Suzanne Nevin Cogan
It is especially sad to have to say goodbye to Ken. He was such an honest, brave, stoical, caring and sincere man. He had my upmost respect and we will miss him terribly. Any man that can play golf as badly as he did and still leave the 18th green with a smile and a desire to return deserves a seat in heaven. RIP Ken.
— Gary Miles
The world will be a poorer place with Ken's passing, a really nice guy who's love of life and laughter was always infectious when speaking with him. God bless Ken, until we meet again. Sincere condolences to Joy & family
— Kevin Keyes & Family
My deepest sympathies and condolences to family and friends at this very sad and difficult time. My thoughts and prayers are with you all. May his spirit be blessed and his memory live long. 🙏😔
— Steven Docherty
So sorry to learn Ken has passed, he was a true gentleman and always a pleasure to meet.
Our deepest sympathy to Joy and all the family.
RIP Ken xx
— Seamus and Sheila Reilly
Sincere sympathy to Ken's family at this sad time. RIP.
Valerie & Paddy Monaghan
— Paddy Monaghan
Joy, heartfelt condolences to you and the family on the passing of your beloved Ken. Thinking of you all at this sad time. Xxx
— Mary Reid
Ken, you were a kind, thoughtful, caring man and it was a privilege to be your friend.
Our thoughts are with Joy and the family. In Ken's words - take care of each other.
— Norman Hayden
I only met Ken a few yesrs ago playing golf in Spain. I always found him a very strong character who treated everyone with respect and loved a good laugh. I know all his golfing friends in Spain also hold him in high regard. Sincere condolences to Joy and family. Ar dheis De go raibh a anamh dilish.
— Ian Hanratty TAGS Anoretta and Dublin
Sincere condolences to you all. Rip Ken. From Vincent and Dorothy Kelly.
— Vincent and Dorothy kelly
Remembering Ken at this very sad time for you all.
So sorry to hear the sad news about Ken. He was a lovely gentleman.My condolences to Joy, Scott, Casey, Ryan, Carol and Colin.
— Jacki Rhodes
Our sincerest sympathies to all the family at this very sad time. Ken will be remembered always for his infectious laugh, his good humour & great jokes.
— Barbara & Alan Tomlin
Our deepest condolences to Joy and all the family on the sad passing of Ken. Our thoughts and prayers are with you all.
— Val and Frank BARNETT
Our deepest condolences Joy, Scot, Casey and family, on the sad passing of Ken.
He was one of life’s gentlemen.
Rest in peace Ken
— Gerry & Pauline Sheeran
Condolences to Joy and family Ken a true gentleman R.I.P
— Eddie Keddy Kilcoole
So sorry to hear of Ken’s untimely passing. He was a true gentleman. Deepest sympathy to Joy and family.
— Desmond Donegan
So sorry to hear of Ken’s passing. Great memories of Blackrock & he always gave us a wink on his way in from work if we were out on the front wall. Condolences.
— Burgess Family
Ken was a true friend and gentleman and we will greatly miss him. The 4 of us had some really good times out together in Spain. Our heartfelt condolences to Joy and the family.
— Steve and Jayne Dark
Deepest sympathy to Joy, Carol, Colin , and all the Family on the very sad loss of your beloved Ken . My thoughts and Prayers are with you all at this very sad time.
— Jim Quinn
Dearest Joy,
Sending much love to you at this saddest of times. Ken was such a lovely person, with a great sense of humour, who always had a smile on his face. A true gentleman. He will be much missed by everyone who knew him in Malaga.
— Nina Ward and Hugh Whittam
So sorry to hear such sad news - thinking of you all and sending our sincerest sympathies to Joy, Scott, Casey and all the family
— Peter Nichols and Mary Mac Sherry
Brilliant memories, a Man's Man.
So Sorry Joy to you and your family.
All my love and condolences.
— Gerry Downes
My sympathies to Joy and the Maher family . I have known Ken for more years than I can remember. A true gentleman. I will never forget the helping words he gave me on the passing of my own son Colin. Rest In Peace Ken, you were an example of goodness and kindness to us all.
— Alex Davidson
Heartfelt sympathy Joy and family at this very sad time. You are very much in our thoughts.
— Siobhan & Barry Ward
My sympathy to you Joy and the family xxxx
— Jackie Burns
Deepest condolences to Joy,Scott ,Casey and family on the passing of Ken. Always a joy to be in his company.
— Sonny & Shirley Kenny
Sending sincere condolences to Joy and all of Kens family. Thinking of you all at this sad time. May Ken RIP.
— Paula & Henry Gilbert
I’m so very sad to hear that Ken has passed - he was one of life’s true gentlemen - may he rest in peace.
My sincere condolences to Joy and family - my thoughts are with you all.
— Sheila Haskins
Sincere condolences to Joy and all the family. Rest in Peace Ken.
— Nikola Jones Concannon & Pat Concannon
With deepest sympathy to Joy and the Maher family.
— Hilary Moroney
We have known Ken and Joy for many years and have enjoyed their friendship. Ken will be sorely missed. His good humour and cheerfulness. Condolences to all the family.
— Jim and Judith Kramer
Ken and I played indoor football for many years,an absolute gentleman and always on good form. Condolences to his entire family.
— Noel Quigley
Sincere condolences to Joy, Scott, Casey and extended family at this very sad time. Our thoughts and prayers are with you all.
— The Watson Family, Kilcoole
So sorry to hear the sad news. Our sincere condolences to Joy and family. I always enjoyed Ken's company and his optimistic outlook on life. Rest in peace Ken
— Alvin & Nuala Gunning
So sorry to hear of Ken’s passing. Our thoughts are with Joy, Scott & Casey may he rest in peace.
— Jack and Janet Caverly
My deepest condolences to Joy and all the family on the sad passing of Ken , many fond memories from over the years . May he Rest In Peace
— Ian McEntaggart
Sincere sympathy to Ken's wife and family. Played indoor football with Ken on sunday nights for many years a gentleman. May you rest in peace Ken
— Jim Driscoll
Dear Joy. Sending you, Scott and Casey my love and deepest sympathy. Ken's happy personality and smiling face will be greatly missed.
— Margaret Nevin
Such sad news to hear of Ken’s passing. Our heartfelt condolences to Joy, Scott, Casey.
He fought a very brave fight and he’s now at peace.

— Michael & Marian McGarry
Sorry to hear of Kens passing. Put a lot if years into Managing teams in Greystones Utd. A man with a Social Conscience . Rest in Peace
— Seamus Eager
I was very sorry to hear about the death of Ken and would like to send my condolences to Joy and his family. He was a lovely man and I hope he is resting in peace. I'm very sorry for your loss dear Joy. Much love xx
— mary lynch Nerja
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