Luke Buenaventura

Condolence Book for

Luke Buenaventura

Kerry / Meath

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Dear Corinna, John, James, Ella & Eva,
Harriet and I are so sad to hear of the tragic loss of your beloved son and brother, Luke. Although we didn't know Luke, he must have been extraordinary coming from the Buenaventura family, which has personality and spirit in abundance. I pray that you find peace in the beautiful memories you created together as a family. He will live on in your hearts.
Love, Sharon, Harriet and the Wood family xxx
— Sharon and Harriet Wood
Dear Corinna, Ella and all the family. Our hearts are broken for you. Myself, Sanjoy and James feel your pain. I’m so dreadfully sorry this tragedy has happened to your gorgeous boy. It’s devastating to lose a child, a cherished sibling, as we know with the loss of our beautiful Grace in June 2023. There are no words to comfort but take one day at a time. Lots of love always. Sinéad.
— Dr Sinéad O’Malley-Kumar & Family.
Happy birthday matey!!! Make sure the angels are giving you a nice pint of Guiness bro xxx miss you lots xx
— Marco
I had the pleasure of being Luke's first line manager when he joined us at GLAS, he took to the job so well and fast became a solid member of our team. He had such a promising career ahead, his loss will be felt for a long time to come by many of his friends and colleagues.
My heartfelt condolences to Luke's family and friends, he will be forever remembered as a kind, hard working and dedicated young man.
— Emma Batchelor
Luke had the ability to deliver a funny, dry one liner from the back row in the classroom that made it hard to keep a straight face. Unassuming, considerate, and always polite. I was so sorry to hear this very sad news. Rest in peace, Luke.
— Ali Dunning
John, Corinna and family - I was and still am so sad about the news. Luke truly was one of a kind. His positivity and kind nature will be sorely missed by all those that knew him.

RIP Luke, wherever you are I know you’ll be smiling down on us and watching Leeds week in week out as always. Love you mate
— Conor Darren (Darz)
Over the last few weeks I have heard people say “there are no words” but of course there are, it’s just that it’s difficult to construct them into a sentence that conveys what you want to say.
Corinna, John, James, Ella and Eva,
It is difficult to express how devastated we are for you all. Luke was such a fantastic young man with a knack for putting those around him at ease and making people laugh. So caring and thoughtful. A beautiful, clever person with everything to live for. The tragedy is breathtaking. We are so sorry.

The love that you have for each other will help you through these dreadful days, of that I’m sure. As a family we send our love and thoughts in the hope that it will give you strength to find happiness again.

Much love
The Bexleys
— Sarah
To Corinna, John and family. Leanne advised me of your tragic loss of Luke. I will always remember your kindness to myself and my friend Marie. Staying the night with you when Luke was just a toddler. Lending Leanne your car so we could have a couple of night's away. I have since visited the beautiful area where Luke met his untimely and tragic death. Please accept my condolences and blessings for the life of Luke and the happiness he bought to you all. He will live on in the hearts of many. Bev
— Bev Clifton/Howard
Luke my man. You were a true friend of mine and Sonia, i will always remember you for the happy times we spent together going to the matches, living life the way you liked, to the full with people who mattered.

You were a brilliant man luke, coming from a wonderful family, you were a credit to them, and to yourself.

Deep in your blood was the Meath man that strengthened the bond of friendship we had, and Sonia had with you.

I'll always look back on you Luke with nothing but gratitude for the fun times, and the warmth you brought to each of our interactions, and to Davids life.

Until we head off to our next match my friend, god bless.

Nathan Nangle and Sonia Armstrong.
— Nathan Namgle and Sonia Armstrong
To Corinna, John, James, Ella & Eva - our thoughts and prayers are with you during this sad time - may you all find the strenght to get through this..Rest in Peace Luke
— Imelda & Martin Smith
My heartfelt condolences to The Buenaventura Family. I was lucky enough to have worked with Luke, he was such a joy and will be sorely missed by so many. May God give you the strength at this very difficult time. My thoughts and prayers are with you ALL x
— Rae Watson
To John, Corinna, James, Ella, Eva and all the extended family, we send our most heartfelt condolences. We pray for God’s comfort to be with you always. To Luke, may you rest in God’s eternal perfect peace. We will always remember you, forever xx
— Farah and James Beedle
My thoughts and prayers are with all the family. Luke was the loveliest man; kind and polite with a hearty laugh and a generous soul. He will be missed. RIP, Luke.
— Margaret Inglessis Kalika
Dearest Corinna and family

From all the kind words from your friends and family and from what we have learned about Luke he was so obviously the most loving and supportive son, brother, nephew and friend. You are all in our prayers.

With love from Yasmin & Chris x
— Chris and Yasmin
I am very sorry to hear of Luke's death. I will always remember him from the time we spent together at St Edmund's College. Eternal rest and may perpetual light shine upon him. God bless you all.
— Julian Stypinski
My deepest condolences to the Buenaventura & Lynch families, thinking of you all.
Grateful and blessed to have had 24 years of friendship with one of the funniest, kindest and most loyal people I’ll ever know. Taken from us far too soon. Love you brother.
— Adam James
Dear Corinna, John, James, Ella, Eva and the whole extended family,
our thoughts and prayers are with you all. May you find the strength to keep going and support each other through your grief. Rest in peace Luke. You went too soon. God bless you all. Andrea, Caitlin, Roisin and Matthew xxxx
— Andrea Clifford
To Corrina, John, James, Ella and Eva our heartfelt condolences to you and your extended families on the devastating loss of your wonderful son and brother. Luke made a lasting impression on those who met him with his kindness and his friendly nature. His loss is immeasurable and our thoughts and prayers are with you all.
— Seamus, Peig, Sean & Eoghan Lynch
Deepest Condolence to the Lynch Family on the Sad Passing of Luke May his Gentle Soul Rest in peace 💔🙏💔
— Margaret Carry & Family Rathkenny
We are deeply sadden by the loss of Luke. Our sincere condolences and prayers 🙏
— Alfie and Santina Carver and family
So so sorry to hear of the devastating loss of your lovely son Luke. I have such lovely memories of him as a little Loyola boy. His cheeky smile and kind heart. I’m sure that he grew into a lovely young man. Just so sad to be taken so young. Thinking of you all at such a sad time and sending love and my deepest condolences. Sam x
— Sam Thomas
Dear Corinna John Ella Eva and James we are deeply saddened by the news of Luke’s passing and send you all our love. Our thoughts are with you all at this very difficult time love Rachael and Rosie xx
— Rachael and Rosie Bristow
Our hearts are breaking for you with the devastating loss of Luke. Praying that you can all find the strength and courage to get through this and to be there for each other. Xx
— Gina, Maisie, Florence and Albert
Many years have passed since I taught you as a cheeky young Edmundian but it feels like yesterday. Reading through these messages I can see that when you finished school you went out into the world and lived your life to the full. You will be missed. Rest in Peace Luke. Avita Pro Fide.
— De Mallabone
So sad to hear the shocking news of Luke.He was a very memorable pupil at Loyola and I remember him with affection.May he rest in peace X
— Jacqueline Bull
Sincere condolences to Corinna, John, James, Eva and Ella as well as all the extended Lynch and Buenaventura families on the loss of your precious son, brother, nephew and friend Luke. We are so very sorry for your loss and hope that all the wonderful memories you have of Luke will help soften your grief and bring you comfort during this sad time.
Thinking of you all xx
— Eileen Howard and family
To John, Corinna and all the family We are so deeply saddened at the tragic news about Luke. It must be such a shock. We wanted you to know we are thinking of you all, especially tomorrow as you hold Luke’s funeral. May your beautiful boy rest in peace.
With much love Annie, Cathie and Donna ( David’s sisters)
— Annie Clemenger
Dearest Ben,and Corinna, John, James, Ella & Eva, and all the extended Lynch and Buenaventura families. We are so devestated for you on the tragic loss of Luke. It is incomprehensible that the vibrant, funny young man we met only last month is now gone. We are thinking of you all, and sending love and strength to you. Ar dheis Dé go raibh a anam.
Becci & Odhrán xxx
— Rebecca Coburn
So shocked and saddened to hear the tragic news , our deepest and sincerest sympathy and condolences to you all , words mean so little at this time but we are thinking and praying for you all.
Rest in peace Luke
— Susana & Noel and Noelia
Dearest Corinna, John and family. My deepest condolences on the tragic passing of Luke. Thinking of you all at this sad time.
— Aoife McGloughlin and family, Dublin.
Such sad news. I have fond memories of Luke and James from Loyola.My deepest condolences to the whole family.
— Margaret James
Rest in peace, Luke.
— Krystyna Derkacz
My heart goes out to James, his parents and all Luke's family and friends. I can picture his happy 9-year-old face as if it were yesterday.
— Mrs Regueiro
Our deepest condolences to all of the Lynch and Buenaventura family on the very sad loss of your beautiful son and newphew Luke. Thinking of you all. xx
— Mary and John Connell Dollardstown
I will forever treasure the memories I had with Luke. He was funny and one of a kind. I am so grateful for our friendship and he will be deeply missed.
— Alex Chapman
To All Lukes Family and Ben, we are so sorry to hear of Lukes passing. Such a lovely lad,gone far to soon.
— The Mcgrath Family. Bellewstown, Co Meath
Sending all the love in the world to the Buenaventura family x I have lost one of my closest friends outside work. We had each others back from the very first day we met and that's something you can't buy. I will miss our walks we had, our random nights out drinking and eating, you're irreplaceable bud xxxxx
— Marco Cara
My thoughts and prayers are with you all. I’ve the fondest memories growing up as a young lad playing football with Luke, Ben, James & David in Beauparc, all while Jimmy looked over us and cheered us on!
— Fiachra Clarke
So so sorry to hear of the tragic news of your wonderful Luke. Our deepest condolences to you all at this very sad and terrible time. Thoughts and prayers are with you all.
God bless you dearest Luke may you Rest in Peace 🙏🏻
— Dee, Aidan, James, Luke & Charles O’Connor
Dear Corinna and John and family, thinking of you and praying for you on the tragic loss of your wonderful son Luke. Deepest and heartfelt condolences to you all. May he Rest in Peace.
— Caroline Flynn
Our most sincere condolences to the Buenaventura and Lynch family, for the terrible loss of their beloved son. Dear God, receive such a noble soul in your arms and give his family the strength to learn to live without him.
— The Pittaluga’s family
Debbie, heartbreaking news on the tragic loss of Luke, he was such a gem of a guy. Our thoughts and prayers are with you and all the family.
— Edel and Jonnie Vaughan
Words feel hollow Corinna and no-one can possibly understand the grief felt by you, John, James, Ella and Eva. Our thoughts are with you and all of the extended Lynch and Buenaventura families, now and in the days and months ahead.
Codladh sámh Luke.
— Carol Lynch
Thinking of you corinna john and family at this sad time. May you find some peace and comfort in the memories you have of your son Luke. Condolences to the extended families and his friends.
— Sharon Brady
Sincere condolences Debbie and family on the tragic passing of Luke. Thinking and praying for you all. May Luke rest in peace.
— Catherine and John Masterson, Navan
Our deepest sympathy to Corina Emma Debbie David and all the Lynch and Buenaventura family on the tragic passing of Luke may he rest in peace
— Siobhan & Victor Farrelly Cruicetown Kilmainhamwood
My deepest condolences to Lukes family for their heart-breaking loss. Luke will be sorely missed, he was a genuine, kind, funny and thoughtful soul who never failed to bring sunshine and laughter to everyone he met. LB, you shall shine forever a bright star in the heaven sky.. we will miss you so much. Gilda x
— Gilda Cara
Sending you my sincere condolences on the sudden loss of your lovely boy so far from home.
May he fly high with the angels in heaven. RIP. Remembering you all in my prayers.
— A Kerry lady
Dear Debbie, deepest condolences on the tragic passing of your nephew Luke. Thinking of you and your family at this time, absolutely devastated for you all, may Luke rest in Peace.
— Emer O’Dwyer
Sincere condolences to Corinna,John, David, Debbie , the Lynch and Buenaventura Families on the sad passing of Luke RIP.
Brenda, Jenny and Robert Mooney.
— Brenda Mooney
To the Lynch and Buenaventura families, our most heartfelt condolences on your terrible loss. May Luke’s gentle soul rest in eternal peace. Gary & Michelle
— Michelle Galvin
My deepest condolences to all of you at this difficult time.
— Aaron Commane
Deepest condolences to Debbie and all the family on the passing of Luke, rest in peace
— Teresa Gilligan, Hayestown
It is with great shock,sorrow and sadness we learned of Luke's untimely passing. We had the pleasure of having Luke stay at our home, Imeall na Mara before he embarked on the mountain. We chatted with ease & joked how his name was like the island of fuerteventura. He devoured a hearty breakfast. It breaks our hearts how Luke's adventure ended in untimely tragedy.
Our deepest sympathies and condolences to Luke's family & friends at this tragic time.
Suaimhneas síoraí dó.
— Phil & Michael...Imeall na Mara. Ballydavid.
Deepest sympathy to Corinna Debbie David Emma their families and friends on the passing of Luke. May he rest in peace.
— Theresa Frank Owens Beauparc.
Much love to the whole family. I’m so sorry to hear the tragic news. Forever part of the Edmundian family xx
— Nikki Pitman
My deepest condolences and prayers are with you all. To my great friend Luke, who always made me laugh, thank you for a lifetime of special memories, the privilege was all mine. Rest in Peace.
— Emily Watson
I have no words to express just how sorry I was to hear about this. Luke was a special, fun loving, bundle of mischief. He always made me smile. I was lucky enough to work closely with him and I have noticed that the office has been very subdued, everyone is so upset. Heaven has gained a bright star. I will always try to remember him cheeky faced and a little tipsy at our office party. Rest in peace sweet lad
M x
— Mags Jeffery
Corinne so so sorry to hear of Luke's passing, thinking of you all and sending you love and my prayers, God bless x Helen
— Helen & Abbey Farrelly
Emma, Corinna, Debbie and David and your families and friends. Thoughts and prayers are with you all. May Luke rest in peace. God rest him x
— Aileen Hurley
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