Margaret C. Stewart

Condolence Book for

Margaret C. Stewart

Newcastle, Galway / Moycullen, Galway

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Deepest sympathy to Nuala and all the Stewart family on the passing of Margaret.

May she rest in peace.
— TP Fallon & Lucy MacAuley
Sincere sympathy to all who mourn Margaret’s passing.
May God console you and may Margaret be at peace
— Eileen Mulkerrins
Sincere sympathy to Miss Stewart's extended family on her passing.
I have fond memories of her teaching me in Taylor's, for keeping us students up to date with the rise & fall of the stock market and with current affairs.
— Aisling McCarthy
Deepest sympathy to Nuala, John, William, Stewart and extended family on the sad passing of Margaret.
— Kieran & Emma Fallon
Sorry to hear the sad news of Margaret's passing may she rest in peace
— Gavins Lakeview Dalystown
Sincere condolences to Nuala, John and extended family. RIP
— Jim and Jane Fallon
Deepest sympathy to the Stewart family on the passing of Margaret. May she Rest in Peace
— Mary Nestor, Bushy Park
Remembering Margaret today with great fondness.
My sincere condolences to Nuala,
extended family and friends.

May Margaret rest in exquisite Peace.
— William Bourke, Slane, Co. Meath.
To Nuala, John and extended family.
Sincere sympathy on Margarets death.
May her soul rest in peace.

Maureen Acton.
Former staff of Moycullen N. Home.
— Maureen Acton
So sorry to learn that Margaret Stewart has died. She taught me English in Dominican College in the 60’s and was an excellent teacher. She also became my client in later years in my legal practice and I always enjoyed our chats particularly when I would meet her occasionally in Galway. My sincere condolences to her sister Nuala and all the family and may Margaret be at peace with all her family who are deceased and may she receive the rewards laid aside for her in heaven after a life of service to education and the care of all her students. Rest in peace.
— Elizabeth Byrnes nee Crowley Oranmore Formerly Taylor’s Hil
Sincere sympathies to Nuala, John, William, Stewart and the extended Stewart family on Margaret’s passing.

May she rest in peace.
— Bryan Fallon & Dearbhalla Smyth
Fond memories of Margaret over many years ,we are formally from Galway city. May she rest in peace.
— Bryan and Margaret Flannery ,Milltown.
Sincere sympathies to Nuala and the extended Stewart family on the death of Margaret. May Margaret rest in peace
— Siobhan & Eugene O Donovan kilmoganny Kilkenny
Deepest sympathy to the Stewart family and Stuart Gavin on the passing of Margaret may her gentle soul rest in peace
— John Donnelly
Sincere condolences to Nuala and extended families on Margaret's death.She was an erudite lady and a dedicated teacher as the many tributes of past pupils testify. Margaret was a staunch member of the ASTI and shared her wisdom generously. She was the inspiration behind the founding of the Mayo branch of RSTA .I wish to convey the sympathy of that branch also. She was equally committed to safeguarding the welfare of retired teachers. She will be sadly missed but fondly remembered.
Ag guí suaimhneas na síoraíochta ar a hanam uasal dílis.
Carmel Heneghan (Chairperson,Mayo branch,RSTA)
— Carmel Heneghan
Sincere condolences to Nuala and all the family on the sad passing of Margaret. I remember her as a wonderful teacher in Dominican College, Taylor’s Hill and she gave me my great love of French. May she rest in peace.
— Anne Monahan ( nee O’Leary) Cavan.
Our sincere condolences to all of Margaret’s Family on her passing .Margaret was a long
Time Member of The Galway Art Club,She was Secretary for a number of years and a Great Committe Member.we have wonderful memories of our many Trips Abroad and all the fun we had. May her gentle soul rest in peace. 🙏🏻
— The Galway Art Club.
May her gentle soul rest in the peace of God.
— John and Hildegarde McGinty
Sincere sympathy to Margaret's family and friends. She was a wonderful and inspiring teacher as shown by the many lovely tributes paid by her former students. She was a strong promoter of teachers' pay and conditions, an active member of the ASTI and a valued member of the RSTA. Margaret was an excellent mentor to her younger colleagues and so many will remember her with great fondness. May she rest in the arms of the Lord.

Susie Hall
President RSTA
— Susie Hall
Our sympathy to you, the family of Margaret. A talented lady with many gifts, lovely memories of her loyalty to whatever cause she took on and of course her sense of humour. Rest in peace Margaret after work very well done.
Padraic & Eilish.
— Padraic and Eilish McCormack
Sincere sympathy to Nuala and all of Margaret’s family at this sad time of her death, on my own behalf and on behalf of the Galway Branch of the Retired Secondary Teachers’ Association. Her contribution to education was great, not only in the classroom to her pupils, but outside of it to her serving colleagues in ASTI and later, to those of us who are retired in RSTA. She was an inspirational and strong leader and worker for the rights of teachers when such energy and generosity was needed. She will be well remembered and with gratitude.
— Mary Francis-O’Conghaile
Heartfelt sympathies to Nuala, John, William, Stewart and the extended family. I remember meeting Margaret with you - she was a lovely lady.

Thinking of you all. Xxx
— Patricia Gavin and Richard O’Dwyer
My condolences to Nuala and extended family on Margaret’s passing. She was a very good neighbour and friend. May she rest in peace.
— Olivia Moylan
Another great Galwegien gone to her eternal reward among the Angels.
Rest in peace Margaret.
Our condolences to all the family.
Fond memories of our political discussions in Fine Gael.
A talented lady.
Ar dheis Dé go raibh a hanam dílis.

Slán go fóill Margaret.
— Seán and Mary Tierney, Castlegar,Galway.
Sad to hear of the death of Cousin Margaret. Our condolences to Nuala and the extended Stewart Family
Ar dheis De go raibh a hanam
Fergus and family
— Fergus Stewart
My condolences to the sister and brother in law, nieces and nephews, of Miss Stewart, may she rest in eternal peace, she was my English and commerce teacher in Dominican school, Taylor’s hill in the seventies, and I had the pleasure of meeting her again at 40th reunion coffee morning, what a kind and gentle lady.
— Norah connolly-lally,
Fond Memories of Miss Stewart.... loved her classes in Dominican College Taylor's Hill fado fado. In later times meeting her in a social capacity in town was such a treat as she was so interested in seeing how her pupils were doing and enjoyed conversations with her when we lived in Clifton Park. May dear Ms.Stewart RIP. Bernie McGinley (Nee Joyce)
— Bernie McGinley (Nee Joyce)
Sincere condolences to the Stewart family, in particular Nuala, John and the Gavin family in Friarstown, Westmeath.

I hope it is some condolence to read these many warm messages of remembrance.

May she rest in peace.
— Maurice and Ellie Fallon, Westmeath and Oxford
Sincere sympathy to all the family on Margaret’s passing. She was
An inspiration to all those she taught and she gave me a great love of English and also business. Some
Former classmates met her in later years and she
Was delighted to see that her efforts were not in vain. May she rest in peace
— Norita Robinson nee Owens
Sincere condolences to all the family, may Margaret rest in peace
— Enda Callanan (Keogh Accountancy Group)
My sincere condolences to the extended Stewart family on the sad passing of Miss Stewart.
I have such fond memories of Miss Stewart, as she was my Business teacher in Taylors Hill. She was a wonderful teacher with such warmth and humour. Ar dheis Dé go raibh a hanam.
— Cllr Clodagh Higgins, Salthill, Galway
Sympathies to Nuala, John, Alex and the extended Stewart family on Margaret’s passing. May she Rest in Peace.
— Seán Kyne, Galway
Sincere Sympathy to the Stewart family on thr the death of Margaret,a lady excellent teacher, May she Rest in Peace
— Joan & Dermot McLoughlin,Roscam, Galway.H91 V8W
So sorry to hear of the death of my Cousin Margaret.
Unfortunately I will be unable to attend the Funeral Mass in the Cathedral because I am recovering from recent hip surgery.
Sincere condolences to her sister Nuala and the extended family.
May she rest in peace.
Maura Carroll
— Maura and Michael Keogh, Knocklyon Dublin.
Deeply saddened to hear of Margaret’s passing. She was a very fine lady, a woman of impeccable character and a strong political ally.
We always enjoyed her company and erudite mind. Our sympathies to her sister Nuala, brother in law, nieces and nephews and many friends.
May Margaret rest in peace.
— Fidelma Healy Eames, Michael Eames & family, Maree, Oranmore
My deepest sympathy to Nuala and the extended Stewart family, relatives, friends and neighbours on the passing of Margaret, may you be comforted by the caring thoughts of those who share your sadness.
Ar dheis dé go raibh a hanam
— Minister of State Anne Rabbitte Callan T.D.
I would like to offer my sincere sympathy to Margaret’s family on her death.
Margaret was my English teacher in the Dominican Convent, Taylor’s Hill from 1966-1970.
May she rest in peace.
— Ann Gannon
sincerest condolences to the Stewart family, I have happy memories of Miss Stewart teaching me in Taylors and then latterly as a dear client in my shop..Rip
— Emer Murray
Miss Stewart was a caring and considerate teacher who took an interest in all her pupils as individuals. Deepest sympathy to her family, neighbours and friends.
— Garry Hynes Dangan
Condolences to all Margaret's family. She taught me Inter Cert Commerce in Taylor's Hill many years ago and was passionate about her subject, which I'm sure was not always easy when trying to teach giddy 13 year old girls bookkeeping! Rest in peace Miss Stewart.
— Anne Tynan
So saddened to hear this news. Sincere sympathies to the Stewart and extended families, neighbours and friends. Great memories of Ms. Stewart - a super teacher, passionate about her subject and willing to share her experiences, which made the classes that more special. Ar dhéis Dé go raibh a hanam dílis.
— Fiona Tynan - O Sullivan Donoughmore Johnstown Kilkenny.
I send my deepest sympathy to all Margaret's family.
We were school pals long, long ago.
May she rest in the peace of the Lord💐
— Mary Hynes Silke, Furbo.
Deepest sympathy to Margaret's family , a lovely kind lady ,a great teacher, great memories at Taylor's,may her gentle soul rest in peace..
— Mary and Margaret Gibbons , Barna Rd ,
Deepest sympathy to Margaret's sister Nuala, her nieces and nephews and the extended Stewart family. I have known her since student days, and enjoyed her stories about her time in Nigeria. May she rest in eternal peace and happiness.
— T.Codyre,Rahoon.
Deepest sympathy to Nuala and family and extended steward family’s. On passing of Margret she was amazing with her history and knowledge she was a cherished member of our Ara newcastle branch May she find rest with the angels and all who have gone before her 🙏🏻💐💐 Maureen and paddy.
— Maureen o toole newcastle
We were saddened to hear of the death of Margaret. We offer our sincere condolences to her family. She was a dear neighbour & a fountain of knowledge. May Margaret now rest in peace.
— Eamonn & Della O'Donnell
RIP Miss Stewart, a lovely teacher in the Dominican College, class of ‘92 . Condolences to family and friends.
— Alma Murphy (Hynes)
Sincere condolences to all the Stewart family.
Rest in peace Margaret.
— Maureen Doherty
Rest in peace, Ms Stewart, and sincere sympathies to her family. Former Commerce student, Dominican College.
— Nessa MacDonagh
Sorry to hear of Margaret’s death, condolences to her family. I’ve known her all my life as neighbour, teacher and friend. May the Light of Heaven be to her
— Mary O Rourke
Our sincere condolences to all of Margarets family on her passing. May her gentle spirit rest in peace. As a teacher she was an inspiration, totally devoted and commited to her craft. My twin sister, Dorothy rip. and I were fortunate to have Margaret as our teacher in Taylors Hill in the 70s and subsequently I was equally fortunate to have Margaret as a student of painting at the Paint Box in Bearna for many years. Margaret also travelled with us on a number of painting trips. She was such fun and always wonderful company. May those who love her take comfort in the knowledge that her legacy will not be forgotten.
— Denis and Miriam Cronin
Deepest sympathy to the Stewart family on the passing of Margaret. She was a member of our group for several years snd we enjoyed her company at our meetings and on holidays and outings.
May she rest in peace.
— Newcastle Active Retirement Association
My sincere condolences to the Stewart family on the loss of "Miss Stewart" a memorable and dedicated teacher who was determined that all her students could learn, may she rest in peace.
— Veronica Helly, former student
Condolences to the Stewart family on the passing of Margaret. I remember her as a gifted and dedicated teacher. May she rest in peace.
— Sarah Holland
Deepest sympathy to all Margaret's family, may her gentle soul rest in peace. Kathleen.
— Kathleen Cannon,
Rest in peace Margaret.
Condolences to all her family,and friends.
— Paddy joe mc Donagh,Oughterard
Sincere sympathy on the death of Margaret. May she RIP. May God comfort her family.
— Harry and Ferga Lynch, Prospect, Dublin Rd, Mullingar.
Condolences on the passing of Margaret. May her gentle soul rest in peace.

Former neighbour.
— Goretti & Martin Wynne. Headford/Newcastle
Deepest sympathy to all the Stewart family on the passing of Margaret, from a past pupil.
May she rest in peace
— Carmel Robinson Ryan Kinvara
My sincere sympathies to all the Stewart family on the passing of Margaret. Ar dheis Dé go raibh a hanam.
— Hildegarde Naughton
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