Mary Loreto Jane Treacey

Condolence Book for

Mary Loreto Jane Treacey

Toronto and originally from Norwood Park, Ranelagh, Dublin

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Dear Iomair Gilbert Gabriel & Mary’s family,
We are all very sorry to hear of Mary’s passing. We spent many happy days together at HFC Skerries in the 1960s & for many years after.
Thinking about you all at this sad time.
— Eithne Lynch (née Browne)
To Imor, Gabriel Gilbert and your families,
I am so sorry to hear your great loss in Mary's death. She was a truly amazing lady, who I much admired. May many happy memories of your life with her help you through these sad and difficult days. May Mary rest in peace 💜
— Anne Kiely (neè Colgan)
Gilbert so sad to hear of the passing of your sister Mary. May she rest in peace
— Assumpta and Francie Creedon
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