Michael (Mickey) Harkin

Condolence Book for

Michael (Mickey) Harkin

82 Northland Road, Derry City, Derry

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Dear John and family, I’m so sorry to learn of the death of your Dad. Thinking of you and the sadness you’ll feel now. I’m sure you will have many happy memories in which to take comfort in time. With love, Eimear, Stewart and Zoe
— Eimear Brannigan
Deepest sympathies to all the family on the passing of Michael, a stallworth of that generation. May he rest in peace with the family who have gone before him. (John's grandson, Conal's son)
— David Harkin (Galway)
So sorry for your loss. Susimhneas síoraí dá anam uasal.
Mickey was very good to me when we taught together in Steelstown, and his humour and kindness touched everyone.
— mary clare mc mahon
We are so very sorry to hear of your beloved Dad's passing. May his gentle & noble soul Rest in Peace. Suaimhneas sioraí dà anam uasal.
Orla Jackson & family, Headford, Co Galway
— Orla, Chris, Dara, Cian & Riona, Galway
My prayerful sympathies to all the Harkin family on the death of Michael. May the good Lord welcome him home into his gentle arms. May he rest in peace.
— Fr. Dick Delahunty C.Ss.R.
Thinking of all the family, especially John, Michael, Toni and Tom at this very sad and difficult time. Ar dheis Dé go raibh anam uasal Michael.
— Maedhbh and Ronan Abayawickrema
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