Michelle Donohue

Condolence Book for

Michelle Donohue


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I'm forever lost in the ocean without you
— Xxx
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You were an incredibly beautiful person inside and out. I still can't wrap my head around the fact that you're gone and can't help but think that the world has gotten a little less bright with you not in it. The years may have gone by with little to no contact but the impact that you had on my life is louder than ever.

I always took comfort in the fact that you were out there somewhere and I always thought that we'd find our way back to each other and our friendship - but now that comfort is gone and my heart is broken. I wish I had reconnected and I'm sorry I never did.

We don't have as much time as we think we have even though "it all seems limitless" and it's such a shame that it takes a tragedy to put everything into perspective.

It was so surreal being back in your house with everyone. I spent some of the most wonderful times of my life at that house; times with incredible people - all of whom have crossed my mind many times since then and throughout my life. I can honestly say they are some of my most happiest memories that I always go back to and will treasure forever.
— Daragh Cosgrove
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I will never forget the first day I met you in May 2005 - you welcomed me in immediately and never treated me as a stranger, but as a part of the group. That's the kind of person you were - so kind, caring and thoughtful. I remember we used to say you were the "Mammy" of the group - always looking after everyone and ensuring they always felt loved - and you used to always roll your eyes at us when we said it! (thank you for reminding me of this small detail, Amanda!)

It was strange to not have you there with us but in a way I see it as your final gift to us - reuniting us all in your house one last time, bittersweet as it was.

My heart goes out to Mary, Vinnie, Rachael, Phil, Paul and all of your family and friends during this extremely difficult time.

I could literally go on and on but I'll leave you with this -

You had so much love inside you, Michelle, but you gave it all to everyone around you and never kept any for yourself. You meant the world to us all and we love you and will carry you with us forever.

I hope wherever you are you can still feel the butterflies <3
— Daragh Cosgrove
Michelle thank you for being my friend for the past 8 years. Thank you for the calls, texts, you singing you are my sunshine to me after I played it on the piano to you. Most of all thank you for donating your body to research. What an amazing thing to do for students to eventually become professionals. You really are an inspiration. I will forever love you. I've spoken with your mammy Mary. Beautiful woman I can see where you got all your love from. Fly high beautiful lady. Lots of love always, Carla, Laura and Katie in England xxx
— Carla Dolloway
Thinking of you and your family at this very sad time Mary may your beautiful daughter rest in peace
— Noreen Wright Fingal County Council
Sincere condolences to Mary, Vinnie and Rachael on the very sad passing of Michelle. May her gentle soul rest in peace.
— Mary & John Burke, Cherry Garth.
Dear Mary and family. I am deeply sorry for your loss. Rest in peace, she was a beautiful soul Mary.
— Raquel Murillo Diestro
Mary, I am so sorry to hear of Michelle’s passing. My deepest condolences to you and your family. May she Rest in Peace
— Anne Marie Reilly FCC
Mary, I am so sorry to hear the news that your beautiful daughter Michelle has passed away, may she rest in peace. Thinking of you and all of your family at this very sad time.
— Caroline McGrane, FCC
Mary, my deepest condolences to you and your family. May your daughter Rest In Peace.
— Sharon Quinn, Fingal Libraries
Mary,Vinnie and Rachael,
My condolences to you, to Michelle's extended family and to her friends. Many years ago now, in 1999/2000, in 6th class in primary school,I had the privilege of being Michelle's teacher. I remember her so well and have often thought about her since. On me, she left a lasting impression. She was truly kind, caring and compassionate. With eyes that sparkled, she had a beautiful smile and such a sweet voice for singing. I am so very sorry for your loss and keep you in my thoughts at this sad and difficult time.
— Eimear McDonagh, Holy Family SNS (Eimear Ní Uallacháin)
Sorry to hear the sad news of Michelle's passing. She will never be forgotten and always loved.
— Noel & Linda
Mary I am so sorry for your loss. Thinking of you and your family at this tragic time. May Michelle RIP.
— Liz Fallon
Mary & Family & Friends, I am so sorry for your loss of your wonderful daughter. May you have the strength and peace to get through. If she is half as nice her mum you have a heart and spirit of gold and I am sure she did too. Thinking of you at this time take care.
— Ann McCab
Mary, Vinnie & family, we are very sad to hear this news and are thinking of you in this difficult time.
— Phillip, Annamie & Kids
Mary, My deepest condolence to you , Vinnie and Rachel on the passing of your beautiful daughter. May Michelle Rest in Peace. My thoughts and prayers are with you all at this incredibly difficult time.
— Yvonne O'Brien
Mary, I am so sorry to hear of the death of your beloved daughter Michelle. May she Rest in Peace.
— Fran Creed FCC
Mary so sorry to hear of your sad lost, may Michelle Rest In Peace xx
— Kim Coughlan FCC
Dear Mary so sorry to hear about Michelle may she rest in peace xxx
— Mary Kennedy, FCC (Rates Section)
Sincere sympathy on the loss of your beautiful daughter. There are no words that can console you on your loss. May she rest in peace now.
— Mary McGuire Fingal County Council
I am so sorry to learn of this news, Michelle you had the kindest heart. Always trying to help others and give them advice, despite how unwell you were. Rest in peace angel. I hope you are finally at peace x xx x
— Amanda
Mary, I am sending my heartfelt sympathy to you and your husband and family. You are all in my thoughts.
— Yvonne Boylan, Fingal Libraries
Both myself and Nikita are so sorry to hear of your loss, and our thoughts are with you all.
— Jodie Hickey
So sorry to hear of the tragic loss of Michelle. Our thoughts and prayers are with Mary,Vinnie and Rachel and all her extended family and friends at this sad time. Michelle R.I.P
— Johnny and Shirley Stapleton and family
Dear Rachael,
I was very sorry to hear that your beloved sister Michelle died recently. May her soul rest in peace.
Thinking of you and sending love and blessings to you and your family. 💚
— Angela Boushel
Dearest Mary and family, my heartfelt condolences on the loss of your beautiful Michelle. Thinking of you so much and sending love at this difficult time.
— Assumpta Hickey
Mary, I am so sorry to hear of Michelle’s passing. My deepest condolences to you and your family. Thinking of you all at this sad time.
— Aoife Carberry
I was so sorry to hear of your tragic loss Mary. My sincere condolences to you and all your family
— Lesley Kavanagh
Deepest sympathy to Mary, Vinnie and Rachael.You are all in our thoughts and prayers at this sad time. May Michelle's kind and gentle soul rest in eternal peace.
— Kieran & Marie O'Donoghue & Family, Forest Dr.
Sorry to hear the sad news of Michelle's passing. You are all in our thoughts
— Graham Family, 5 Forest View
Sorry to hear the sad news of Michelle's passing. You are all in our thoughts
— Graham Family, 5 Forest View
My sincere sympathy to Mary,Vinnie and Rachael and extended family on the passing of your beautiful daughter and sister Michelle. You are all in my thoughts at this very sad time.
— Mary O'Hara
My deepest condolences to mary and family on the loss of your beautiful daughter Michelle may she RIP
— Susie wogan
A very generous and brave choice to make may you rest in peace Michelle
— A Meath Father
Very sorry to hear of the sad news of Michelle's passing condolences to you all x
— Debbie Lynch ( Carmody) and family
To dear Mary, Vinnie, Rachael and Rian on the loss of your beautiful Michelle. I cant imagine the heartbreak you are feeling at the moment. Thinking of you all at this very sad time for your wonderful family
— Linda Larrigan
To Mary and family, so sorry to hear of Michelle's passing. Thinking of you all at this difficult time.
— Justin Ahern, Fingal Libraries
Deepest sympathy to Vinny, Mary, Rachael and the extended Donohue family on the death of Michelle. My prayers and thoughts are with your family.
— Gerry and Finola Delaney
To dearest Mary and family. My deepest condolences on the loss of your beloved daughter Michelle. Thinking of you and sending love at this very difficult time.
— Emer Sharkey, Fingal Libraries
My deepest sympathy Mary on the loss of your beautiful daughter.
Thinking of you and wishing you strength at this very sad time.
— Aoife O’Reilly, Fingal Libraries
My sincere and heartfelt condolences to Mary, Vinnie, Rachael and Rian on your heartbreaking loss. May Michelle rest in everlasting peace. You and all Michelle's extended family and friends are in my thoughts and prayers. Lorraine & Conor x
— Lorraine Carmody
So sorry to hear the sad news about Michelle.
She was a part of our family for a long time and will be dearly missed.
Thinking of you all at this difficult time.
The Walsh Family.
— The Walsh Family
My deepest condolence to mary ..vinnie ..rachael and all the family on this sad time may Michelle RIP 🕊🕊
— Debbie wogan
Sending my heartfelt condolences to Mary, Vinnie, Rachel and all the family. It was a pleasure to have known Michelle. Our duet held very special memories, it's so much more poignant now. I'm thinking of you all and holding Michelle in my prayers. May she rest in peace. ❤️
— Mark Bowyer
Sincerest sympathies to all Michelle’s family, friends and loved ones, I am so sorry to hear of her passing, thinking of you all in this sad time.

She was truly a unique and gifted soul. She always put others before her and created such a lasting and powerful impact on anyone that met her.

I will cherish the memories growing up of an always smiling, always caring, beautiful person who extracted the best out of people and encouraged them to be their best selves.

Rest in peace.
— Amanda McNelis (Chaney)
We are so very sorry to hear of Michelle’s passing. She was a friend of our daughter Amanda and was a frequent visitor to our home in Rathingle, Swords for a few precious years. She was the mammy of the group of friends. She was such a lovely girl. We would like to extend our deepest sympathy to all her family. Ar dheis Dé go raibh a hainm dílís. Ken & Johanna Chaney, Kingscourt Co. Cavan. Formerly Swords.
— Ken & Johanna Chaney
Sincere condolences to Michelle’s family and friends. Thinking of you all at this sad time.
Carmody Family.
— Audrey Adamson ( Carmody )
Our thoughts are with Vinny, Mary and all the Donaghue family at this sad time. Michelle rest in peace, another beautiful angel to watch over you
— Leo and Margaret Andrews
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