Molly Gill

Condolence Book for

Molly Gill
(née Bonner)

Collooney, Sligo

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Sincere Sympathy to Michael and all the Gill Family on the sad passing of Mollie. I often heard how she loved coming home to Collooney. May she rest in peace.
— Mary Bartley
Sincere sympathy to the Bonner and Gill families on the sad passing of Mary. May she rest in peace.
— Jimmy & Bernadette Mc Loughlin, Breanletter, Keadue
Deepest sympathy Tommy, Sharon, Aaron, Scott, Sean, Michael and extended family on the sad passing of Molly.
We have fond memories of visiting Perth in 2004 when Molly and Tommy welcomed us to their home and showed us some of the sights of the city.
— Emmett and Orla Lee
Michael you are in our thoughts and prayers. Molly is at peace now.
— Maureen & Gary Collis
I was so lucky to have such a beautiful friend as Mary. We had so many happy times together. RIP now Mary. Till we meet again.
— Maureen Collis
With sincere sympathy to mickey on the passing of molly she was a lovely lady may she rest in peace lily and Andy old St collooney
— Lily Whiteside
Condolances to the Gill family on the sad passing of molly and to mickey on the passing of your sister may mollys gentle soul rest in peace
— Carmel tahney and family
Deepest sympathy to all the Gill Family on the sad passing of Molly.fond memories of Molly visting Leitrim Village.A lovely gentle Lady.May her gentle soul rest in oeace.
— Padraic & Patricia Coggins Leitrim Village
Deepest sympathy too all the Gill family @ her brother Michael on the passing of Molly may her soul rest in peace
— Terry mc loughlin rowan Tree garden's Collooney
Sincere sympathy to the Gill family on the death of Molly and to her brother Michael.
A sad time for you all.
May Molly R.I.P.
— Patricia Collis Collooney
Sincere sympathy to brother Michael , and all the Gill family on the sad passing of Molly .
I had the pleasure of meeting Molly and family members on her visits back to Collooney .She loved to visit old friends and remember times gone , but not forgotton .

My prayers are with you all at this difficult time .

May Molly Rest In Eternal Peace .
— Dermot Flynn Collooney
Sincere sympathy to the passing of your sister Michael , may she rest in peace.
— Gerry Teague
My Deepest Sympathy Tommy, Sharon, Aaron, Scott, Sean, Michael and extended family on the sad passing of your beloved Molly. We always loved to see Molly come to visit and enjoyed her many chats. A lovely lady.
May her gentle soul rest in eternal peace.
— Deirdre Mullen, Collooney, Co Sligo
Deepest sympathy to Michael ( Mickey) and her husband and family on Mollys death.
May her soul rest in peace..
— Tony Gray, Kevinsfort,Sligo.
Deepest sympathy to her husband and family in Australia onthe death ofMolly and to her brother Michael in collooney may Mollys soul rest in peace 🙏 🙏🙏
— Ursula &Tommy Sheanon Collooney
Sorry for you Mickey on the loss of your sister Molly and on behalf of the Mc Garry family express our
Sympathy to Molly’s
Husband , Children,Grandchildren and Friends .
Bless Her and You All .
— Gerry Mc Garry
Deepest sympathy to Michael on the passing of his sister Molly and to Mollys Husband and family. May she rest in peace.
— Mary & Colm McMunn
Sincere sympathy to Michael and the Gill family on the sad passing of Molly. May her soul Rest In Peace.
— Brendan and Sheila Gray, Union Wood, Collooney
My deepest condolances to Tom. Sharon, Aaron Scott, Sean and your extended families on the sad passing of your wife, mother and granny molly. To micky condolances on the passing of your sister molly. Molly loved coming home to collooney she was a true lady. May her gentle soul rest in peace xxx
— Viv gallagher collooney
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