Nan Faul

Condolence Book for

Nan Faul
(née McBrien)

'Aisling', Cairns Hill, Sligo Town, Sligo

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Sincere sympathy to Des and all the Faul family on the passing of your mum. May she rest in peace.
— Angela Currid
So sorry I just heard of Nans passing
To all the family I send my sincere
Sympathy I spent many years in
Des and nans home they were both
very homely and for me it was home from home a lovely caring lady
Rest in peace Nan 🙏🙏❤️
— Michael Cluskey
To Des and family, sincere sympathy on the passing of your mother Nan, may she rest in peace
— Majella Finlay and family, Tullamore
Sympathy to the Faul , McBrien families on the death of Nan. May she now rest in peace with all her family gone before her
— Sean and Mary Davey ballinaboe
Deepest sympathy to Des and the Faul family, thinking of you all at this difficult time. May Nan rest in eternal peace.
— Sheila Devaney, Hazelwood
Comhbhrón ó chroí, to Nanette, Barry, Bryan, Des, Niall and all your families we extend our sincere condolences on Nan's sad passing. Nan was a wonderful person, her attitude was one of understanding, care and positivity. Now reunited with her beloved Des, suaimhneas síorraí ar a h-anam uasal dílis.
— Martin & Joyce Enright
Comhbhrón ó chroí , to Nanette, Barry, Bryan, Des, Niall and all your families we extend our sincere sympathies on Nan's sad passing. Nan was a wonderful person, a true lady, always understanding and so positive. Now reunited with her beloved Des, suaimhneas síorraí agus leaba i measc na naomh go raibh ag a h-anam uasal dílis.
— Martin & Joyce Enright
Sincere sympathy to the Faul and McBrien families. May Nan Rest in Peace.
— J.P. & Kathleen Clarke Coolaney
Sinsere sympathy to Nanette and all the family on the death of your mother. May she rest in peace.
— Joe and Connie Brady Breaghwy
Sincere sympathy to Nanette and family on the death of your mother. May she rest in peace.
— Joseph & Deirdre O’Connor
Sincere sympathy to Nanette and the Faul family on the passing of your precious Mum Grandmother and Great grandmother. Our thoughts and prayers are with you all.
— Jacqueline and Hilary McDonagh
Our deepest condolences to the Faul and McBrien families on the said passing of Nan. May her gentle soul Rest In Peace.
— Marian & Tom Toolan & Family, Coolaney
Nanette so very sorry to hear the sad news on the passing of your dear Mum Nan. Our deepest sympathy to you Barry Bryan Des and Niall and all the family relations and friends. Your Mum was a lovely lady and always smiling. I always enjoyed meeting your Mum and Dad.They were always so pleasant and chatty. Her pain and suffering is now over. May her gentle soul rest in peace
— Sean and Mary Feeney, Carns, Grange
Sincerest condolences to all the family on Nan's passing. May she Rest In Peace xxx
— Sinead Langan
With deepest sympathy to all Nans family at this sad time, so sorry for your loss, I worked for Nan some years ago, she was a lady, when you were finished work, she had the kettle on and you wouldn't leave without a cup of tea or a coffee, heaven has gained an angel, rest in peace Nan and Des, 🙏🌹🙏
— Eugene and Mary Taheny, Gleann Riverstown, ,
Deepest sympathy to Des and the Faul family on the passing of your Mum. May she Rest in Peace.
— Leroy Lenehan
Deepest Sympathy Des on the passing of you Mum.
May She rest in peace.
— Sean Collery Ballinacarrow
Condolences to all Nans family may her gentle soul rest in peace
— Ann Winters Sligo
Sincere sympathy to all Nan's family on her sad passing. May Nan rest in peace.
— Al & Bernadette White, Ballinacarrow
Sincere condolences Des and family.
— Dr.Dave Banks
Deepest sympathy to Nanette.Barry.Bryan.Des & Niall on the passing of your lovely Mum.Nan was a beautiful person.May her gentle soul rest in peace.
— Joan Brett& family.Tubbercurry
Sincere condolences to Des and the Faul family on the sad passing of Nan. May she rest in peace.
— Frank Feighan
Sincere Sympathy to the Faul family on death of your mum may she rest in peace.
— Terry and Anne Connolly Strandhill
Our Deepest Sympathy to Nanette & all the family on the death of your Mum
Thinking of you all at this sad time
May her Soul Rest in Eternal Peace
— Michael & Linda Woods Streedagh Grange
Our Sincere Sympathies to you Nannette @ all the family on your Mums Passing.a lovely Lady, God rest her Soul. May she rest in peace 🙏
— Sean @ Mary Feighney Mc Gowan
Our sincere sympathy to the Faul family on the sad loss of your beloved Nan.May she rest in peace
— Maria and Kieran Keeney
My condolences to Des, Nanette and the extended Faul family on the death of your mother and grandmother. Suaimhneas síoraí dá hanam uasal dílis.
— Imelda Harte
Sincere condolences Nanette,Hannah and families on the sad passing of your beloved Nan! Thinking of you all at this sad time.
May her gentle soul rest in peace! 🙏
— Sinead and Shane Galway
Our deepest sincerest sympathies to Niall and all the Faul family on the passing of your beautiful mum Nan. May her gentle soul Rest In Peace.
— Sharon and Emmet O’Doherty
Our sincerest deepest sympathies to Niall and all the Faul family on the passing of your most beautiful mum Nan. May her gentle soul Rest In Peace.
— Sharon and Emmet O’Doherty (Bundoran)
Deepest condolences to you Nanette and extended family on the sad passing of your mum. May she rest in peace.
— Mick Kennedy & Carina Lang, Streedagh
Deepest sympathy Des & all the Faul family on the sad passing of your dear mum.
May her gentle soul rest in peace.
— Judy Scanlon, Drumfin, Co. Sligo
Deepest sympathies to Des and all the Faul family on the passing of your mum. May she rest in peace.
— Padraig McGourty, ATU Sligo
Deepest sympathy to the Faul family on the death of your mother Nan. May her gentle soul rest in peace.
— Matt and Mary Brennan, Cloonacool.
Our deepest sympathies to Des and all the Faul family on the sad passing of your mum. May Nan rest in peace.
— T J Kilgallon and Eileen Magnier
Deepest sympathy to Des and family and extended Faul and McBrien families on the sad passing of Nan.
— Leo and Caroline Coleman and family, Carrowmore, Lavagh
Deepest sympathy to Des and the Faul family on your sad loss.
— Gerry and Margot Conway
Deepest Sympathy to Nanette and Des and extended Faul Family.
Fond memories of your Mum in Bridge Days.
May her gentle soul rest in Peace
— Terry and Paul Clarke.
Sincere sympathy to the Faul family on the death of Nan. May she rest in peace.
— Mary Moyles Hilltop Park
Deepesr sympathy to Nanette, Barry, Bryan, Des, Niall andall the family on the sad passing of Nan. We were classmates at Secondary school in Ballymote many years ago Rest in peace, Nan.
— Pauline Brett, Killavil.
Our deepest condolences to Nanette, Barry, Bryan, Des and Niall on the very sad news of your dear mother Nan's passing. To your families and extended families, my sincere sympathy.
You are all in our thoughts and prayers.
May your beautiful Mum rest in peace
Beatrice and Brian
— Beatrice Roberts, Mountainlodge
Deepest sympathy to the Faul family on the death of your mother Nan and to Bernie and Bernard and family. May her gentle soul rest in peace.
— John and Marie Maloney. Lackagh drumfin
Sincere sympathy to Nanette Barry Bryan Des & Niall and extended family on the death of Nan R.I.P. a lovely lady May she rest in eternal peace with her dear Des in the glory of heaven In our thoughts and prayers
— Frances Kelly and Family Carraroe
Condolences to the family of Nan and to the extended Faul and Mc Brien on her passing . May her soul rest in peace.
— Mary Lee . Coolaney
Deepest sympathy to Des and the family on the death of Nan. May she Rest in Peace.
— Jimmy and Mary Devins
Deepest sympathy to Nanette and family and to all the extended Faul family on the sad passing of Nan. May she rest in peace.
— Patricia and Helen (Galway)
Our sincere sympathy to the Faul family at this sad time. May Nan rest in peace
— Ann & PJ McGuinness. Lackagh, Drumfin.
Sincere sympathy to Nanette and the Faul family on the sad passing of your Mum Nan. May her gentle soul rest in peace.

— Helen McLean.
Our deepest sympathy to Nanette, Barry, Bryan, Des and Niall on the death of your dear mother, Nan; and condolences to the extended Faul & McBrien family’s, neighbours and friends. You’re in our thoughts and prayers at this sad time. May Nan’s gentle soul rest in peace.
— McGettrick Family, Kilvarnet, Ballinacarrow
I'm so sorry to hear of your loss of Nan, a beautiful soul. Sending all my love and may she rest in peace xx
— Megan O'B
Sincere sympathy to you Des and the extended family on the death of your Mum.
May she rest in peace.
— Seamus Kilgannon
Deepest sympathy to the Faul family on the sad death of Nan. Nan was my my Bridge partner in CSGC Bridge club for 30+ years. A kind and gentle lady who will be sadly missed by all who knew her. Rest in peace Nan.
— Mary Kennedy
To Des and to all the Faul family and extended families I am so sorry to hear of your Mum’s passing.
I offer you all my deepest and heartfelt sympathies, and I am thinking about you all at this particularly difficult and sad time in your lives.
May Nan’s gentle and kind soul rest in peace
Go dtuga Dia slan abhaile Thu.
— Eddie Mac Hale
Sincere sympathy to the Faul family. Fond menories of staying in Aisling some years ago. Nan and Des were wonderful hosts. Go ndéana Dia trócaire orthú.
— Martina O’Keeffe
Sincere condolences to all the Faul family on the death of Nan. All of us here at Swilly Seals are thinking of your all and very specially of Orlagh and Roisin.

From all the swimmers,coaches and committee at Swilly Seals Letterkenny
— Swilly Seals ASC
So sorry to hear of Nan's passing. A true friend who always looked on the bright side of life and never complained. A true "salt of the earth". Sincere condolensces to Nanette, Barry, Bryan, Des and Niall, and family. May Nan rest in peace x
— Andrew Doyle
So sorry to hear of your mum's passing Barry. Hope you and your family are doing ok.

Take care,
— Fiona McFadden
Sincere sympathy to all the Faul family on the passing of Nanette, may she Rest in Peace
Angela, Yvonne, Paul and Liam
— Cunningham Family, Aughamore Near
Sincere sympathy to all the family great memories from our b and b. years.
— May and Danny herrity townview BB letterkenny
Sincere sympathy to you, Nanette, Barry, Bryan, Des, Niall and your families on the death of your Mam Nanette. May she rest in peace.
— Louis and Sheila Doherty.
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