Nancy Haran

Condolence Book for

Nancy Haran

Rathmines, Dublin / Grange, Sligo

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May Nancy rest in peace. We spent many a summer with her, enjoyed her baking, her great nephews and great nieces will miss her. May God be good to her.
— deirdre hunt-haney
Sincere sympathy to the Haran family on the death of Nancy. May she rest in peace. ( worked with Nancy in Store St)
— Mary Cotter
Sincere sympathy to all Nancy’s family on the sad passing of Nancy. Wonderful memories of working with Nancy in DSW. She was a great friend and work colleague over many years. I will miss her terribly. May her soul rest in peace.
— Anne Moloney
It is with deep regret that I heard the news of Nancy' death this evening. May she rest in peace now. She was a lady, always kind and very helpful to my late sister Rosella who was her neighbour for many years. I will remember her with fondness. I extend sincere sympathy to all her family.
— Mary and Pat Travers
Sincere condolences to Eileen, Naomi and Ronan, and to all Nancy’s extended family. She was the definition of a lady. I have many memories of her visiting Drumfad. May she Rest In Peace.
— Cleo Hanly née Moore
Eileen, so sorry to hear of Nancy's passing . May she rest in peace. I shared a flat with Nancy in 1970/71. I met her a few times since on my visits to Dublin.
— Lily Twomey, Glounthaune
Sincere sympathy to Eileen and family on the death of Nancy. May she rest in peace.
From Liam and Frances Bane
— Frances and Liam Bane
Sincere sympathy on the passing of Nancy. May she rest in peace.
— Marie Casserly
Sincere sympathy to Eileen and family on her sister Nancy's sad passing.
— Eva Larkin & Eoin Prendiville, Churchtown, Dublin
Sincere condolences to the relatives and friends of Nancy. May she rest in peace.
— Lorraine Leydon
Sincere sympathy
to Eileen and all the family on the sad
departure of Nancy.
RIP Nancy - remember meeting Nancy many moons ago - a truly
lovely person. RIP Nancy.
— Martina and Peter McKenna
I am sorry to hear of Nancy's death. In earlier times I had the pleasure of attending Cliffoney N.S. with all of the Haran family. While working in Dublin in another Dept we used to have a chat in the Social Welfare canteen about news from Grange and Cliffoney and our primary school days. May Nancy rest in peace.
— Luke Nicholson Ballincar Sligo
Deepest sympathies to Nancy's family. She was a lovely lady who I had the pleasure to work with in Store St in 91. Rest in Peace.
— Moira Lavin
Deepest sympathy to Eileen and Family on the death of Nancy. Will never forget Nancy for her help and kindness. Thinking of you all at this sad time. Frances &John
— Frances & John Byatt-Smith
So sorry to hear of the passing of Nancy. Our sincere condolences to all the Harán families. RIP.
— Josephine and Brendan Cox
Sincere sympathy to dear Eileen and extended Haran family on the death of Nancy , a dear sister and aunt.
— Mary and Luke Larkin ,Tipperary
Dear Eileen. Please accept my deepest sympathy. I remember when we first met in Sligo back in ‘67. Mom and I arrived unannounced to see Nancy, Tom and yourself. We ruined your plans for that week but you all were so gracious. In fact we then followed Nancy and yourself to Dublin where she and yourself were our Special tour guides. A special memory all these years later. God Bless Nancy. Sending love to you and The Family.
Mary Ann and The Naughton/ Normand Family
— Mary Ann Naughton
Thinking of you, Dear Eileen, as you and your dear family say good by to wonderful Nancy. She was always a pleasure to be around and we remember quite well how she went out of her way to ensure that we were enjoying ourselves. Many fine stores are told of Nancy's good nature and loving ways.
May you be comforted in knowing that Nancy now rests in the arms of Our Lord.
RIP, Dear Nancy.
From your friends and family in the USA!!!
— Betty Decelle
Deepest sympathy to Eileen & family on death of Nancy
May she rest in peace
— Anne Casey
Sincere sympathy to Eileen and the extended Haran family on the passing of Nancy. May she rest in peace.
— Ann and Ritchie Brennan, Cliffoney
Sincere sympathy to you Eileen, to your family and to the extended Haran family on the sad passing of your Dear sister Nancy.
May She Rest in Peace
— PADDY & MARY GALLAGHER Formerly Cloyspare
Deepest sympathy to Nancy family on her passing. Worked with Nancy for a number of years in Dublin and she took care of the Sligo contingent. Was always good for a laugh and always wanted to know what was happening in Sligo even after I moved back and the famous Morris minor. RIP Nancy
— TJ Keaveney
My sympathies to all of Nancy's family. May she rest in peace. Fond memories of her from my time in Store Street. DSW. She was a great lady. A hard worker and very fair in her approach to all the staff. RIP
— Marie Casey nee Burns and Family Kildare
Sincere sympathy to Nancy's family. She was always a joy to work with, always cheerful, obliging and in good form. Rest in peace Nancy.
— Anne Delaney and Con Ward
Sincere sympathy to Nancy's family may she rest in peace.
— Christina Collis Oates Tawley
Deepest sympathy to Nancys sister , nieces and nephews . She was a wonderful lady .
May she Rest In Peace .
— Mary McGowan Sligo & Carns
I wish to convey my condolences to Eileen and to her family on the death of their beloved Nancy. What a lovely lady, may God be good to her..
— Sean Forrest
Sincerest condolences to Nancy's family and friends at their sad loss. If you needed a telling off Nancy would do it, but she wouldn't mean it because she was too kind-hearted. Rest In Peace Nancy 🙏
— Tommie Noone
Sincere sympathy on the sad death of Nancy. May she RIP.
Nancy was a lovely lady and we had many great conversations together in Sligo.
— Harry and Ferga Lynch Prospect Mullingar
Sincere sympathy to Eileen and family on the death of Nancy R. I. P.
— Mary Quirk, Rossaun Seven Oaks
very sad to hear of the passing of Nancy a friend and neighbour, may her gentle soul rest in peace
— Mairead Lee, Rossaun, Seven Oaks
Very sad to hear of the passing of dear Nancy. She was one very nice lady. Many an evening we spent with her and Tom in Drumfad. Having great chats and samples some of her beautiful home baking. She will be sadly missed by all who knew her. Rest In Peace Nancy. 🙏
— Gerry and Teresa Keegan Carns Moneygold Grange
Very sad to learn of the passing of Nancy. In the 60's she ran the printing and dispatch process for DB cheques better than Wells Fargo. She was an absolute lady, always in good humour and most obliging. I asked her to give me first option on buying her Morris Minor if she ever decided to replace it. However, family comes first! Ar Dheis Dé go raibh a hanam.
— Martin Ryan
Deepest sympathies to Nancy’s family. She was a wonderful work colleague and friend. A true lady.
— Michael Daly
Our deepest sympathy to Eileen and all the family and extended family on the sad passing of Nancy' Nancy was a lovely lady and will be sadly missed. May her gently soul Rest in peace.
— Brendan and Carmel Rooney
Deepest sympathy to Eileen and the extended Haran family on the passing of your dear sister Nancy. Nancy was a kind, caring lady, I had the pleasure of meeting with her during some of her many trips back to her native Drumfad. May she now rest in eternal peace in the company of all her loved ones who have gone before her.
— Kathleen Farrell Feeney and Cormac Feeney
Nancy's cheerful disposition lit-up the office. If you asked her to do something, you could forget about it - safe in the knowledge that it was done - and done 100% right. RIP.
— Dermot Condon
May Nancy RIP A lovely lady sympathy to her sister Eileen &extended families may Nancy RIP
— SUSAN & TERENCE leonard & family
Deepest sympathy to all Nancy's loved ones. She was a competent, hard-working and extremely pleasant colleague in the former Department of Social Welfare. May she rest in peace.
— Mary Keane
Deepest sympathy to u Eileen and family had the pleasure of looking after nancy she was a wonderful lady a great talker always looking for gossip will miss her smile it was a pleasure to look after her may she rest in peace 🙏
— MaryRussell carer
Lovely memories of working with Nancy over the years. Thoughts and prayers with her and all her family. RIP
— Kathleen McGarry nee Gavin
My sincere sympathy to you Eileen and all Nancy's nephews and nieces on the passing of your beloved sister and auntie Nancy ❤ May her gentle soul have eternal peace.
— Mary McGoldrick Keegan
Eileen (Nllie) sincere and deep sympathy on the death of Nancy.May she rest in peace.I pray for the repose of her soul and ask the Lord to comfort you all. Bridie
— Sr Bridie McGowan
Deepest sympathies to the haran family on the sad passing of nancy.
An absolute lady..had the pleasure of meeting her with her brother Tom in drumfad.
May she rest in peace.
— Lorraine o connor ballinfull
Fond memories of singing with Nancy in Liobhan's Cullenswood Singers. Rest in Peace dear Nancy x
— David Lowther
May you rest in peace Nancy. I remember you from my days in the Dept of Social Welfare Store St.. you were a great lady then and always.. Such a dedicated lady to her work and so well respected.. I can hear you coming down the corridor .. as you now enter The Good Lords House. Deepest sympathy to all of Nancy's family. May she rest in peace.
— Ann Wright
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