Norah Kelly

Condolence Book for

Norah Kelly
(née Gallagher)

Meenaniller, Derrybeg, Donegal

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I am very Sorry Norah Kelly (nee Gallagher ) passed away
— John mc dermott & Siobhan byrne
Comhbhrón leis an gclann uilig ar bhás Norah, suaimhneas síoraí di agus leaba i measc na n-aingeal. Ar dheis Dé go raibh a hanam.
— Foireann Choláiste an Eachréidh, Baile Átha an Rí
Comhbròn o croí lena fear céile Conall, le Mena&Patricia, le Bríd óg agus an teaglach uilig ar bhás Norah.Suaimhneas Síoraí tabhair dí a Thiarna.
— Joan Nic Géidigh, LeitirCeanaim
Deepest sympathy to all the Kelly and Gallagher families. May she rest in peace.
— Micheal phadai rosie and Marie
Our condolences to Mena , Brid and all the family on Norah’s passing. May she rest in peace.

Joe & Mary Langan
— Joe & Mary Langan
Condolences to all of the family on the sad passing of Norah. May she rest in peace
— Vincie John & Family Annagry
Sincere sympathy to Connell and family also Mena and family Norah was a lovely lady .May her gentle soul rest in peace .
— Anna and Edmond Boyle
Sincere sympathy to all the family. God rest her soul.
— Mary Matt O'Donnell
Condolences to Connel and all the Gallagher family. Nora was a lovely lady. Codhlaidh go samh Nora
— Rosaleen Boyle Diver
Sincere sympathy to Conal and all of Norah’s family. May she rest in peace.
— Brian & Rosaleen Ferry and family, Creeslough
Comhbhron sincere sympathy.
— Maire agus Grainne Diver Coshcaldy
Condolences to all the family
Rip Norah.
— Owen&Marion Ferry
So sorry of the death of nora lovey laddy rip noel.glaagow thinkingbof her famley
— Noel
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