Patrick Joseph (Paddy) O'LOUGHLIN

Condolence Book for

Patrick Joseph (Paddy) O'LOUGHLIN

Clontarf, Dublin

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I just heard today that Paddy has passed away. He was such a lovely man and such a great friend to my late husband, Norman. I am so sorry for your loss. I will remember him with great fondness.
— Hilary Hughes
My sincere sympathies to the O’Loughlin family on the sudden death of Paddy. Lovely memories of him in RSA and then meeting him at the Pensioners coffee mornings and many outings during the years. Always a perfect gentleman and full of fun. May his gentle soul Rest In Peace.
— Annette. Fitzpatrick (Royal Insce)
Sincere sympathy to the O'Loughlin family on Paddy's passing. He was always such a gentleman. Ar dheis Dé go raibh a anam dílis.
— Suzanne McKearney (ex-RSA)
We are all heartbroken to hear about the loss of Paddy.
I always enjoyed our chats in Highfield when walking him up to visit June.
He was a true gentleman, RIP Paddy.
— Áine & the receptionists at Highfield
Veronica and I were shocked and saddened to hear of Paddy's untimely death. We offer our deepest sympathy to Paddy's wife , June , daughters Antoinette ,Maria and the extended O'Loughlin family.
Paddy was a wonderful friend and colleague and always brought cheer and good humour to any gathering.
He was a passionate supporter of Shamrock Rovers all his life and was delighted when they achieved 4 in a row Premierships this year and to give him "bragging rights" in his well earned place above.
Paddy will be sadly missed by all who had the pleasure of knowing him. May he rest in peace.
— veronica and john robinson
Condolence to dearest June, on Paddy’s passing may he Rest in Peace
— Stephanie & John Carty
June, Antoinette & Maria, I was so sorry to hear about your dad's death. He and you all were such a part of my life on Blackheath and it was so lovely to visit with you so many Christmases after. I delighted in calling to chat and introduce Zoe to him. Your home was always so welcoming and your dad so gentle & gracious. I was so fond of him. Sending my love & thoughts to you all and wishing him peace xxx
— Catherine McGrath
Deepest sympathy to the O'Loughlin family on the death of Paddy. He was a thorough gentleman with a great sense of fun. May Paddy Rest in Peace.
Ann Farrell, Royal Insurance
— Ann Farrell
Sincere sympathy to the O’Loughlin family on the passing of Paddy. Worked with him in EBS, he was at all times the essence of a gentleman. RIP.
— Pat Nestor
Rest in Peace Paddy 🙏🙏
— Marie & Tommy
Sincere condolences to the O'Loughlin family on Paddy's passing. He was a gentleman and wonderful colleague in Royal Insurance. May he rest in peace.
— David Bannister
Sincere condolences to Tony and family on the passing of Paddy. May he rest in peace. You are in our thoughts and prayer
— Triona & Denis Maginness
Condolences to paddy’s family, I knew him from RSA, a gentleman, RIp
— Frances perkins
Sincerest condolences to Tony and immediate family on the sudden passing of Paddy. May he rest in peace. You are in our thoughts and prayers.
— Breiffni & Joe Ryan
To the O'Loughlin family, I wish to offer sincere sympathy on the death of Paddy, a kind and wonderful neighbour who graced Blackheath Gardens with his gentle disposition for so many years.
May he rest in peace.
Terry Murray
— Terry Murray
Sincere condolences to June and family. Very sorry to hear of Paddy's passing. May he Rest in Peace.
— Alan & Susan Ryan
Sincere condolences to June and the O'Loughlin family on Paddy's passing. May he rest in peace.
— Bernie Saunders
Sincere condolences to the O'Loughlin family, Auntie June, Antoinette and Maria, so sorry to hear of your loss. Many lovely memories of times together. I remember Paddy as a kind and gentle man with a lovely smile for everyone.
Thinking of you in these sad times.
Sheila Byrne. (Cabinteely)
— Sheila Byrne
So sorry to hear of Paddy's passing. What a very nice person he was, always engaging, considerate and witty. My deepest condolences to June, Antoinette and Maria.
— Aidan Murray
My sincere condolences to the O'Loughlin family, relations & friends on Paddy's passing. A true gent & a great Dubs supporter. Have fond memories of Paddy from our days in Royal Insurance, in particular the gentle ribbing he always gave to us "culchies", particularly Galway supporters, when playing against his favourite team. May he rest in peace.
— Gerry Maloney
We were so sorry to hear of Paddy's passing. Our connection with Paddy was the Royal Insurance. He was great company, always in good humour. Condolences to his family. RIP Paddy
— Pat and Bart Broderick
Dear June,Antoinette and Maria.
Sorry to hear the sad news about Paddy.
Sending my deepest and sincere sympathy.
May Paddy rest in peace.
— Betty Clarke and Family.
Very sorry to learn of paddy’s passing . I delivered food to him every week and always enjoyed a warm friendly chat . He was a pleasure to have known . One of life’s Gentlemen . R.I.P
— Tony ( Wiltshire Farm Foods )
Sincere sympathy to the o loughlin family on paddy’s passing. I worked with paddy many times in EBS Clontarf and he was a true gentleman. May he rest in peace
— Patsy Hetherton
Dear June, Maria and Antoinette, I am so saddened to hear of Paddy's passing. Many good childhood and teenage memories of time spent in your home, Paddy always ready with some of the best original 'Dad' jokes. Always a kind and gentle soul. Now reunited with David. Ar dheis De go raibh a hAnam Dilis. So sorry I cant make the funeral. Louise
— Louise (Ward) Loscher
I’m very sorry to hear that Paddy has passed away. I worked with him in Law Union and Rock and later in Royal Life. He was a great colleague, always very helpful. My sincere condolences to June and family.
— Ger Fisk
Dear June, Maria and Antoinette,
We were very sorry to hear the news of Paddy's passing. Paddy was a such a lovely person and neighbour all these years. Our heartfelt sympathy to you at this sad time. May his gentle soul rest in peace.
— Rachel, Barry and family (at No. 15)
Sincere sympathy to Tony on the death of his brother.
Also condolences to all of Paddy's family.
May Paddy rest in peace.
— Seamus & Pauline Walker, Drumderry, Bunclody
May we offer our deep and sincere sympathy on hearing about Paddy’s passing.
A lovely gentleman, always greeted us with warmth and kindness and caring and shared a joke about times in the RSA and Law Union.
May his gentle soul rest in Peace.
— Des and Pat McManamly
Dear June, Antoinette and Maria
It was with great sadness that we heard of the passing of Paddy, a true gentleman and a great friend.

We have fond memories of great chats on our visits to Paddy and June over many years.
It was a pleasure to have him in our lives.
He is now reunited with his son David.
May he rest in peace.
— Derek & Marian
I was very sad to learn of Paddy's sudden passing. He was a lovely gentleman and great fun to share time with especially on pensioners association coach outings.
My sincere condolences to all the family.
May you rest in peace Paddy
Robert Broderick
— Robert Broderick
I am so sorry to learn of Paddy’s death. He was such a kind gentleman .
Sincere condolences to June and to all the family. Rest in peace Paddy.
— Teresa McKearney
Dear June, Antoinette and Maria
I was saddened to read of the passing of Paddy. I worked with him in the EBS over 30 years ago and have never forgotten his kindness and compassion. He was a true gentleman. I also remember having a lovely lunch in your home with Paddy and you June and how welcoming you were. May Paddy rest in peace.
— Ruth O’Leary
Sincere condolences to the O’Loughlin family on the death of Paddy. Such a helpful colleague, friend and advisor. Happy memories of meetings and especially Union conferences in his company. May you Rest In Peace Paddy.
— Michael Gavin
Sincere condolences to all who loved Paddy. I remember him as a lovely neighbour, gentle and kind. May he rest in perfect peace.
— Margaret Donohue (Murray)
Sincere condolences to the O’Loughlin family. Paddy was a lovely gentleman, I visited him recently, we reminisced and had some laughs over my babysitting exploits. Rest in peace Paddy.
— Lillian (Murray) Spelman
Sincere condolences to the family on behalf of the Caffrey family
— John Caffrey
My dear June, Antoinette and Maria:
It has been an honor to have met Paddy. He was gentle, kind, always welcoming me with a smile and recommending that I take care of myself when saying goodbye, reminding me to see each other again next Saturday. He now enjoys the Peace of Our Heavenly Father along with that of his son David. I will miss you…
May a sincerely condolences.
— Jaqueline Salinas
Dear June, Antoinette and Maria,

I was so sorry to learn the sad news about Paddy. He was always such a kind man, and a wonderful neighbour especially to my Dad who was ever so fond of him.

I remember him always being so patient and gracious when I was small and wanted to visit/sit with Chester in your front garden.

Thinking of you all at this sad time.
— Sarah Ann McGrath (Toronto, ON, formerly Blackheath Gdns)
Sincere condolences to you Antoinette and all the O' Loughlin family and extended family on the passing of your Dad Paddy, a true Gentleman. Thinking of you all at this very sad time.
— Breda Markey .... Highfield Healthcare
Sincere condolences to Paddy’s family.
He was a very special person and a wonderful help to all of us pensioners in RSA insurance. May his gentle soul rest in peace.
— Michael Ryan,Malahide
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