Prof Michael Hayes

Condolence Book for

Prof Michael Hayes

Kilmihil, Clare

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Mike changed my life in so many ways. From the moment I stepped on to the athletics track in my first year to joining the Soil Science team and becoming a tutor in Lake Hall he always made life interesting. I will always be eternally grateful to Mike for the opportunities and guidance he gave me.
— Jonathan Tuck
Mike was a strong influence from the day he encouraged me to BIrmingham and became my tutor in Lake Hall, my chemistry tutor and, of course, the mentor to most in the athletics club which he took to being the strongest student athletic body of its day

He had a genuine,sometimes mischievous , sense of humour and a strong sense of honesty and integrity which he instilled in all that new him

Our condolences to all the family

Peter and Jackie
— Peter and Jackie Cornes
My deepest condolences to the Hayes family and all who mourn the passing of Michael. Your passion for education, athletics and Co Clare was palpable. I admired how your carried your academic and athletic achievements so lightly. Ní bheidh do leithéid ann arís.
— Sarah O'Rourke, UL Chaplaincy
Deepest condolences to Dan, Katie, Denise, Dorothea, sister Mary & all Mike’s family on his sudden and tragic death.
I first met Mike on his arrival to UL having travelled in a large lorry carrying lab equipment from his research lab in the University of Birmingham. It goes to say nobody including the Dean expected a lorry load of equipment to arrive with him. Over the 26 years there have been many highlights & challenges. Throughout there was always fun and lots of celebrations. You never knew what he might get up to and no matter how “wide of field”, it was always with good intentions in support of students and research. He was conscious of the importance of keeping healthy. Only two years ago he won the All-Ireland over 90s race in Dublin. From 1999 to 2019 Mike organised and ran five highly successful Harvard & Yale Meets in UL.
UL and Clare were Mike’s spiritual homes. He was always encouraging UL staff and students to do better. Mike had no tolerance for the use of bad language. He could always be found working in his office on the Chemistry corridor from 9 - 6pm (or later) most days.
Mike was a gentleman and scholar, always fun & interesting. He spoke proudly of Danny & Katie and always looked forward to his granddaughter's visits. His plan was to have a get together later this summer for family, neighbours & close friends to celebrate his new house.
Mike’s sudden passing has been a major shock. UL will not be the same without him.

Rest in peace Mike.
— Bernie Quilligan, UL
I studied with Mike at Birmingham from 1974 to 1977. I was very grateful to have the opportunity and thankful to him for his support and good humour. I should like to be remembered to Denise who married Mike at this time. Many thanks to Dan & Katie for your contribution to the service.
Mike was a fascinating character & I shall always remember him. May he rest in peace and rise in glory.
— Dr Margaret Kesterton, London
my sincere sympathy to the extended families of Michael.i have known him for many years and most chats were around athletics and Clare gaa.may he rest in peace.
— john lenihan ul.
I am very sad to learn of Mike’s passing.
I was fortunate to be coached by Mike as a student athlete at Birmingham University. I have great memories of Mike and send my deepest sympathies to his family at this sad time . Steve Peaker
— Steve Peaker
My deepest sympathies to Michael's Family on your loss.
A man for all seasons.
His love for athletics and people shone brightly, especially Clare Athletic people!
You will be missed sir.
Rest in Peace.
— Pat Hogan[Ennis Track Club]
My deepest sympathy to Danny and all the Hayes family.
It was my privilege to know Mike, a really great scientist but still so modest.Such a lovely person and a kind friend. I knew him for the last ten years.He was so enthusiastic about research and had great ideas. He was very supportive of me.Only 7 days prior to his passing we were discussing about a new research project he had in mind in his office.Little did I know he would be gone so soon!
I know I will miss him badly, miss my visits to his office for a chat and my frequent phone calls.
— Munoo Prasad, UL
You were warmly welcomed back among us on the night of Fr. Tom‘s birthday party.
Rest in peace , Michael.
— A Labasheeda woman.
My deepest sympathy to the Hayes family on the sudden passing of Michael. It was a privilege to work with him. May he rest in peace
— Catherine Dalton (MIC-UL)
Sincere condolences to the Hayes family, extended family and friends remembering happy days in Birmingham and his endless commitment to athletics there and his friendship to our family. Rip Mike may the heavens welcome you with the sure welcome to a faithfuk servant in Christ.
— Anne English
Deepest sympathy to all the Hayes Family on the tragic passing of Michael, RIP. A brilliant Academic and a great FG supporter. We had lots of conversations and he gave me lots of advise during my time in public life & I appreciated same. He will be sadly missed by all his friends and family. My thoughts and prayers are with you all at this sad time. Dílis go deo.
Mike was such a great motivator and influencer. I first met him at the English Schools Athletics Championships, then as a result I chose to go to Birmingham University. After training hard with his university athletics team for two years I made it to the 1972 Munich Olympic Games.
Soon afterwards I started a Ph. D. in Mike’s research team. During this time, he fixed me a trip to the USA where I ran at the Penn Relays, and he also arranged for me to give lectures at two Universities on my Ph. D. soil work. I valued his supervision of my Ph. D. work and his securing of funds for me to become a Research Fellow in his team. He helped and supported me in so many ways and I will be forever grateful to him.
I’ve also been so impressed at how he has kept his ability and enthusiasm going so well for so long after ‘retirement’. I’m still trying to emulate him, even now.
— Dr Ray Smedley
I'm very sorry to hear of Michael's death. I offer my deepest sympathy to all his family. He was a wonderful person, a great academic, a first order scientist, someone who was always cheerful, welcoming, positive, open and friendly. And a man of principle and Faith. A lover of sports and athletics, a coach with immense interest in UL sports men and women and athletes. I’m praying for him and of course for all his family, and for all those whose lives he touched and for whom his passing will be a great loss. May he rest in peace. Ar dheis láimh Dé go raibh a anam dilís.
— Máirtín Ó Droma (UL colleague)
My deepest condolences to Mike’s family after this unexpected loss.

I was a student in Mike’s research group at Birmingham University in the 1980’s, and we have kept in regular contact, only 10 days ago reviewing the latest athletics performances around the world.

He embraced the idea of students excelling in athletics/sports being one factor of becoming a leader in their professional field. He was a leader in his academic field and inspired students to get the best out of them.

Rest in peace Mike
— Michael Hausler
Sincere sympathy to all the Hayes family on the passing of Michael, may he rest in peace.
— Rose Greene
Deepest sympathy to the Hayes family on the death of Professor Michael Hayes May he rest in the peace of Christ Mass offered Condolences FrDan OConnor Dublin Diocesan Education Secretariat and Ringsend Parish
— FrDan OConnor
My deepest condolences to all of the family especially to Mary. I will be thinking of you all today, and hope to be able to attend the funeral via the virtual link.
— Stephen Feller
My deepest sympathy to Michael's family and friends. Michael was an amazing man and it was an absolute privilege to know him. He had a profound impact on my life at UL. His door was always open for a chat and guidance.

I first met him at the Munster Schools Athletics where he was promoting UL. He made athletics in UL a success and also a place of enjoyment. I particularly loved the hill sessions in Cratloe Woods and the Ivy League meets.

Thank you for everything Mike. I will miss you like so many others will. Say hello to my little boy Mikkel on the other side. I am sure he will cherish a chat just like I did.
— Robert Baer
Our deepest sympathy to the Hayes family on the sudden passing of Michael. May he rest in peace.
— Patrick & Teresa Fitzpatrick, Knockerra
Sincere Sympathy to the Hayes family and Michaels wide circle of friends , on the sad passing of a true gentleman !! May Michael rest in peace ..
— John G Ryan Security ul
Deepest condolences to Michael's family on his unexpected death.
Not only was he a distinguished academic, teacher and supporter of athletes, but he was a loyal and kind friend. Very fond memories. May he rest in peace.
— Mary Thomas
Condolances to all the Hayes family and friends on the sudden death of Michael. May his soul rest in peace.
— John Joe n Mary Breen
Our sincere condolences to the Hayes family on Mike’s sudden passing. Mike was a wonderful academic and an enthusiastic supporter of all things athletics! He encouraged athletes to pursue excellence in both academics and athletics. His enduring commitment to UL athletics club was truly remarkable. His fundraising skills were impressive and created opportunities for so many athletes locally and internationally. Above all else he was a kind gentleman who will be remembered fondly.

Rest in peace Mike.
— Orla and Kevin Grant (UL & previously UL athletics club)
Our deepest sympathy to the Hayes family on the death of Professor Michael. We worked with him whilst catering for the Harvard/Yale UL Games many years ago and have enjoyed his company since. He was always a perfect gentleman with engaging stories. He will be sorely missed by the UL community.
Rest in Peace Michael.
— Staff, Stables Club, University of Limerick
My sincere condolences. Often met Michael on my rounds back during my time working in UL and often called into check all was okay. Such a lovely man. May he rest in peace
— Joe Kearney, Ex-UL
My sincere condolences to Michael’s family and friends. He was an incredible scientist who made significant contributions to science internationally. I always enjoyed discussing carbon with him and learning from his vast knowledge. Rest in peace Michael.
— Karl Richards (Teagasc)
My sincere condolences to the Hayes family on the sad passing of Michael. Mike was a great man, very kind, supportive, generous with his time and was so good to all the athletes not just in UL but nationally too. Fond memories of Mike down through the years in sport, will miss him greatly.

May his gentle soul rest in peace.
— Rosemary Daniel (UL, Athletics)
Having known and interacted with Mike for over fifty years and having more recently had at least weekly telephone conversations with him, Anne and I will miss him very much. He was a very great friend to us both.

Mike always did things differently and his arrival to work at the University of Limerick was no exception. He accepted my invitation to come to work at UL and appeared shortly afterwards on campus driving a hired lorry loaded with equipment and rather dirty soil samples. His subsequent very successful scientific immersion in UL, as well as his many athletic activities, are well known to us all and are beautifully chronicled in the tributes written here by his many friends. I will miss him very much.

Julian Ross, formerly Dean of Science
— Julian and Anne Ross
My condolences to Michael's family and friends after this sudden loss.
Prof Hayes provided great support to me and my athletics as I pursued my degree at UL. He truly embraced the idea of a scholar-athlete and supported those around him to pursue their passion and achieve to a high level. On top of that he was always open to a chat. I am grateful to have known him.

May he rest in peace.
— Kathy O'Keefe
Our deepest Condolences to Denise, Danny and Katy and to all of Mike's extended Family.
Mike will never be forgotten through the scientific work he has carried out and his commitment to the education and development of his students.
Rest In Peace Mike, dear friend and longtime colleague.
Roger and Sheila Swift
— Roger, Sheila, Rachel, Robin and Stuart Swift
My heartfelt condolences to Danny, Kate, Tom and all Mike friends and family. My heart hurts at this sad news.

"If I have seen further, it is by standing on the shoulders of giants". Mike supervised my father in his PhD, the first person in my family to finish school or go to University. I remember conferences in Italy with the soil science crew and the strong relationship between Roger and Mike, I in turn also developed a love of science and further study. I don't underestimate the role Mike had in my own journey. Though Mike is no longer with us his legacy lives on with so many.

Thinking of you all and wishing you moments of peace and comfort as you remember Mike and the lives he touched.
— Rachel Swift
Our deepest sympathies to Daniel and the Hayes family.
It has been a great pleasure to have known Mike for over twenty years, as a wonderful professor, educator, researcher and friend.
May his gentle soul rest in everlasting peace.
— Daniel & Jane Toal
Sincere condolences to the Hayes family for the loss of Michael. He was a true stalwart in both academic and sporting endeavours, and will be missed. Ar dheis Dé go raibh a anam dílis.
— Lane Family
Sincere condolences to Maureen, Gerry and all the Hayes family on the sad passing of Michael.

May He Rest in Peace
— Fionnuala & Colm Quinlivan
Sincere sympathy to the Hayes family. Michael was an inspiration to so many, may he now rest in peace
— Con and Patricia Sheehan and family
Just hours before his departure, the friendly professor explained the health benefits of cranberry juice, pointing at his refilled jug, and let me know about his healthy kidneys. It is a pity that these chats on the third floor are discontinued.
— Eberhard
Sincere sympathy to family and relatives on the passing of Prof.Michael Hayes.,R.I.P.A brilliant academic and a kind,encouraging and friendly person. Solas na bhFlaitheas da anam uasal.
— Tadhg Murphy,Cooraclare.
Sympathies to the Hayes Family on the passing of Michael . May he Rest in Peace . Although I never had the pleasure of meeting Michael myself , I have many memories of my father Sean Bermingham , his first cousin , speaking very highly of him .
— Ann O Donoghue (Bermingham) Arklow
Deepest sympathy to all the Hayes family on the sad and sudden passing of Michael.May he rest in peace 🙏
— Geraldine Dooley Kilmihil
My deepest sympathy to the Hayes family on the passing of Michael. May he rest in peace.
— Salar Mehdikhani
Comhbhrón croí do clan uí hAodha, Mick a distinguished world academic who inspired many in the field of sports to excel. He remained of the soil of Clare from the Ivy League of the USA to his spiritual UL home he returned to. Suaimhneas sioraí dá hanam uasal
— Daniel MacCarthy
Deeply saddened at the loss of this lovely man. Rest in peace Michael and thank you for your invaluable time and devotion to the University of Limerick.
— Mamie Hayes - University of Limerick
Our deepest sympathy to all the Hayes family on the sad passing of Michael .May his gentle soul rest in peace Amen. 🙏🌹
— Tom & Peggy O'Sullivan .
it was with great sadness that I learnt about Mike's death. As one of Mike's earliest research students in Birmingham, we learned together about the complexities of being pioneers in soil organic matter research and as a result built a great respect for one another. During my time I introduced several polarographic and other electroanalytical techniques into the research toolkit of the group. After I left the team and on my return from a postdoc year in Sweden, I remember introducing the new technique of microcalorimetry to Mike and his ever growing team. I remember many entertaing discusions with Mike & his team during my time in Birmingham Medical School in the 1970s. Please accept my very sincerest condolences to all of Mike's family at their very sad loss.
— Dr John Michael Thompson
Sincere condolences to the Hayes Family on the death of Prof. Michael. I have been privileged to know Michael for the past thirteen years. A gentleman, who had word for everyone and who enjoyed a chat on varied subjects, such as science, philosophy, theology, sport, community and athletics. One need not be in a hurry. I would be asked of Clare's chances at the beginning of the league and championship and ULs GAA teams. It was a privilege to read his contribution of the different athletes. He knew them and was proud of their achievements. I can recall his excitement when the American colleges came to UL for their special summer competitions. Michael had an interest in people and loved to be of assistance.
He was a committed Christian who attended mass on Saturday evening or Sunday morning when he was at UL. The local churches in West Clare were blessed with his presence when he was at home. In latter years he was a regular to the daily mass at the Contemplative Centre. The chair in the corner was left for Michael's arrival. The Lord gifted him with a wonderful intellect that made a difference for people of all walks of life. May his gentle and loving soul rest on that chair prepared for him by the Lord. Rest in peace Michael and pray for us in the company of all the faithful returned to God
— Fr. John Campion SDB UL Chaplaincy
Sincere condolence's to the Hayes Family on the death of Michael.
May his gentle soul rest in peace.
— Helena Ryan Kilmihil
My deepest condolences for this invaluable loss.

Professor Hayes has always been a reference to me as a professor, a scientist, and a human being. Much of what I am today owes him. He welcomed me, guided me, and had me as a collaborator with extreme respect, cordiality, and affection. A wonderful human being.
— Etelvino Henrique Novotny (Brazil)
Sincere condolences to the Hayes family on the passing of Michael. Michael had a huge passion for athletics and was involved with Ul athletics for many years, his passing has deeply saddened the entire athletics and UL community.
May Michael Rest In Peace.
— Joe and Eileen Chawke
So sorry to hear this news.
Michael was a dear friend, an intellectual and a gentleman.
A ''university man'' to his fingertips.
Condolences to Dan, Katie and family.
— Patrick Flood
Sincere Sympathy to the Hayes Family on Michael's death.
May Michael Rest in Peace.
— Bernie Hartigan
Sincer condolences to the family and extended familys on the death of Michael rip
— Michael and Anne Kelly clohanbeg cree
It was with much sadness that I learned of the death of Michael. I extend my deepest condolences to his family. I always enjoyed our chats on athletics.
Ar dheis Dé go raibh a anam dílis.
Dermot Coughlan
— Dermot Coughlan
Deepest Sympathies on the sudden passing of Michael to his family.A Gentleman and Scholar. I enjoyed listening to his stories over the years.R.I.P.
— John Tuohy/ O'Mahony's Booksellers U.L.
Sincere sympathy Maureen and all the Hayes family on the sad passing of Michael,may his gentle soul rest in peace.
— Breda & Gerry Cabey.
Our thoughts, prayers & sincere condolences to Michael's family at this sad time. May he rest in peace.
— Kilmihil Athletic Club
I was deeply saddened to learn of the sad and tragic passing of my friend Michael. He was always so lovely to me and we enjoyed great chats whenever we met . He offered marvelous opportunities to athletes everywhere and many from my club, Ferrybank AC, benefitted from his hard work. He was a huge friend of Irish Athletics and especially athletics in his beloved UL. Rest in eternal peace Michael . May you continue to enjoy all the athletics from on high .
— Brid Golden
Deepest sympathies to Dan, Katie, your sister Mary and all the Hayes family on the sudden loss of Michael.
I had the privilege of first meeting Michael over 25 years ago (at the UL track) and he surprised and informed me every time we have since met. Indeed we travelled together to the Munster Schools Athletics only a few weeks ago, where I found him recruiting athletes for the UL varsity team and also enquiring about their academic interests. I am well aware of the high esteem he is held in the field of soil science, an interest he informed me he got while growing up in his native Lisbawn, a place he never forgot even if he was also at home in many parts of the world.
Your immense presence will be sorely missed.
Ní fheicimíd a leithéid arís.
Rest in Peace Michael.
— Michael Quinlivan
Sincere sympathies to you all at this sad and shocking time. May Michael rest in peace.
— Matthew Bermingham Moyasta
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