Condolence Book for


St. John's Park, Waterford City, Waterford

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Sincere condolences to the O Brien family on the passing of Raphael. . May he rest in peace.
— Ryan Family, Belvedere Avenue .
Deepest sympathy to you Hannah and to all your family on the loss of Raphael. My thoughts & prayers are with you at this difficult time.
— Marian Duggan Mullinavat ex HSE
Thinking of you all at the difficult time. May his Gentle Soul. Rest in Peace
— Jennifer Dunne
So sorry for your loss, thinking of ye all. May he rest in peace.
Mary, Jim, Helen, Jack McEvoy x
— Mcevoy family
My sincere condolences to Cathy and all the O’Brien family, you are in my thoughts and prayers at this very sad time.
— Lisa Keane (B&L)
Sincere condolence to Anna and family for your loss from Siobhán Walsh Kilmeaden
— Siobhán Walsh
Sincere condolences to all the O'Brien family on the passing of Ray.
A true gentleman, may he rest in peace.
— Tom & Aileen Gallagher
Sincere sympathy to Cathy and the O Brian family on the death of Raphael. May he Rest in peace
— Joe and Catherine Finnerty
To Cathy, your mother and brothers our deepest sympathy on Raphael's death . May his gentle soul rest in peace.
— Michael Dowling and Family
Deepest sympathy to Hanna,Patrick, Cathy & Glen.
Ray was a character who lived life to the full, he will be sorely missed by all who knew him.
Brian, Aine, Daire & Neil.
— Brian Russell
Sincere condolences to Cathy and family on the sad passing of your dad, may he rest in peace .
— Martina Tracey
Condolences to Hannah and family on passing of Raphael.
May he rest in peace
— Maura Millea. Ex HSE.
Sincere sympathy to Glenn and all the family , and extended family on this sad occasion. May his kind gentle soul rest in the heavens x
— Mark Power
cathy i’m so sorry for the loss of your dad.you are in my thoughts
— Jenny Murphy
Sincere condolences to Cathy and family on the loss of your Dad. May he Rest in Peace.
— Eileen Simpson & family
My sincere condolences to Raphael wife ,children and grandchildren, sisters on his passing may he rest in peace 🙏
— Tina flynn John's Park
With our deepest sympathy to all the family and may Raphael rest in peace.
— Ann and John Comerford (Carlow)
Deepest sympathy on the passing of Raphael to all his family. He was a great friend to my Dad as were the all of the O‘Brien family. Thinking of you all. Orla Flynn
— Orla Sullivan
Rest in peace Raphael!
Condolence to all the O'brien familiy.
— Anthony and Trish Gleeson, family
Sincere Condolences to Hannah,Cathy and the extended O'Brien families may your Husband and Dad Rest in peace.
— Maria Nicky Foley
Sincere condolences to Hannah and family on the death of Raphael. May he rest in peace.
— Frankie Joan Whelan.
Glenn so sorry to hear the sad news, deepest sympathy to you and all your family may he rest in peace.
— Paul & Rachel Fanning
My sincere condolences to Mrs. O'Brien, Patrick, Glenn & Cathy. And to all the O'Brien family, and the extended family on the sad loss of your Husband, Father, Grandfather, Brother & Father-In-Law. Raphael was a gentleman.

Ar dheis Dé go raibh a Anam.
— Anthony Heffernan
So sad to hear of the sad passing of Raphael. May he rest in peace. Our thoughts are with you all at this really hard time.
— Tony and Anne Marie Sheridan
Sincerest condolences to Hannah,Cathy & families on the passing of Raphael, may he rest in peace.xx
— Monica Foran & Shay Sheehan.
Condolences to Hannah and family at this sad time. R.I.P. Raphael.
— Maura Power (Killure visitor)
Hannah Cathy and families we are so sorry for your loss , thinking about you all.RIP Ray.
— Sharon Decky Jade & Robyn Forristal
So sorry for your loss Hannah,Patrick,Cathy and Glenn. Raphael was a great neighbour a gentleman may he rest in peace.
— Jenny and James Duggan
Condolences to all the family
— Charlie Orpen
— Charlie Orpen
Sincere condolences to Hannah and family at this difficult time you are all in my thoughts and prayers.
— May Gordon
So sorry for Hannah and all the family on the death of Ray. He was a lovely man. Your friends in Chernobyl Aid Ireland
— Chernobyl Aid Ireland
Sincere sympathy to Hannah &family on the passing of Ray may he rest in peace .
— Rene Walsh .(Kinsella )
Awh cathy ur poor dad tinking of u and all the family at this very sad time 💕
— Clodagh doyle and family
Sincere Condolences on the passing of Raphael to Hannah, Family and especially Ursula and Angela
— Margaret O' Mahony (Kenny)
Condolences to you Cathy and the O'Brien family and extended family on your very sad loss of Raphael,may his gentle soul rest in peace now
— Joan Aylward Bausch and Lomb
Sincere condolences to Cathy and family on the sad passing of your dad, may he rest in peace x
— Joanne Colbert and family
Condolences to you Cathy & family at this very sad time. May your Dad Rest in Peace
— Karen Douglas
Sincere condolences to Mrs O'Brien, Cathy, Paddy, Glenn and extended family.
— Niall and Gillian Forristal
Sincere condolences to Cathy and all the extended O'Brien family on the passing of your lovely dad. May he rest in peace.
— Jeanette Culleton & Gary O'Mahony
Condolences to Raphael family may he rest in peace
— Tommy Byrne
Sincere sympathy to Hannah, Patrick, Cathy, Glenn and all the family on the sad passing of Raphael. May he rest in peace.
— Alan & Sharon Breen
Sincere condolences Cathy and all your family on the loss of your lovely Dad, may he rest in peace.
— Janet O'Neill
Condolences to Hannah, Cathy and family on the passing of Raphael
May he rest in peace
— Shay & Emma Barry
Sincere condolences to Hanna and the O'Brien family. Worked with Ray in St. Pat's hospital. A gentleman and great for a chat. Rest in peace Ray
— Kevin Keegan formally Lacka Rd
Sincere condolences to all the O Brien family on the loss of Raphael...he was such a lovely man...RIP 🙏
— Paschal Keane
So sorry Cathy on the loss of your dad condolences to you and your family.
— Mary Kelly
Sincere sympathy to all the O Brien family on the passing of Raphael, may he rest in peace.
— Paddy and Agnes Lee, Killure Road.
Rest in peace now Ray.
— Murphy family 206.
Sincere sympathy to Hannah, Patrick, Cathy, Glenn and all the family on the sad passing of Ray. Thinking of you all at this sad time. May he rest in peace.
— Josephine Ellis
Deepest sympathy to Hannah and all the family. We have great memories of all the care and love he gave Sonya. Keeping you all in our thoughts and prayers!
— Barry, Mary and Sonya O’Brien.
Sincere sympathies to all the O'Brien family at this sad time. He was a lovely friendly man. May he rest in peace. The Morrow family, Lower grange.
— Debbie Gear
Sincere sympathy to all the O Brian Family Rip Ray . A very good friend.
— Stephen and Margaret Lawlor
Sincere condolences to you Cathy and all your family on the loss of your Dad. A lovely man who I knew from the old days in the Candy, may he rest in peace. Martin and Liz Roche.
— Martin Roche
Condolences to the O’Brien family on Raphael’s passing
— Danny and Edel Morrissey
Sincere condolences to all the O'Brien family on Raphael's passing.
— Jim (Dookie) and Jacinta whelan
Sincere condolences to Hannah, Cathy, Patrick, Glenn. and all the family. R.IP. Raphael.
— Pat, and Annette Martin.
Condolence to the o brien family on the death of raphael rip
— Babs murphy st johns park
Condolences to the O' Brien family may he rest in peace
— Starmer Family
Sincere sympathy to Hannah, Patrick, Cathy, Glenn on the sad passing of Ray.
— Jody & Louise
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