Seán Slowey

Condolence Book for

Seán Slowey

Carrigrohane, Cork / Ardara, Donegal

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Sincere sympathies to the Slowey family on the passing of Sean. As a BCS pupil (78- 83), I knew Sean as my geography teacher and then as vice principal. He used his sharp wit to keep us in line but always had our best interests at heart. May he rest in peace.
— AnneMarie Kelleher
Only just heard of Sean’s passing.
Sincere sympathy to all the Slowey family.
May he rest in peace.
— Brendan and Kitty Smith Ballyhaise
Sincerest sympathy to the Slowey family on the death of Sean.
— Frank & Rita Smith, Cavan
He will be missed in Jamesy Andys in Barryroe in West Cork. May he rest in peace.
— James
Condolences to all of Sean's family. RIP. Elaine Keenan - past pupil BCS
— Elaine Galvin
Sincere condolences to Geraldine, Rosemarie ,John and all the extended family on Sean's passing . He was a great teacher and mentor and always so approachable.
May he rest in peace .
— Gillian Donnelly
Our deepest sympathy to Geraldine and family on the sad passing of Seán. May he rest in peace.
— Mary and Bernard Horgan
Sean will be sadly missed at the meetings we had in Grattan Street and Patricks Hill in Cork City. We both have good memories of those meetings. He was brilliant help to my son John Paul in Holland. I am so sorry he died he was always very cheerful and merry.
— Stephen O Driscoll, Bishopstown
Deepest sympathy to the Slowey family on the passing of Sean. May he rest in peace.
— Jerry & Peggy O'Leary & Family, Inniscarra View
Very sorry to hear of Sean's passing. Sincere condolences.
— Mary Greene and family, West Village
Deepest sympathy to all the family, , RIP Sean
— Marie King Hughes, Backweston
Sean was and will be a legend - fully comitted to his profession and to his family. A dynamic colleague who always lightened your day with some good story or his wise insight into the latest political intrigue. My deep sympathies to Geraldine, Rosemarie and John and the wider family and also to all his colleagues in BCS. We have lost a great man.
— Jim O'Leary
Sincere sympathy to Geraldine,Rosemarie,and John and extended families on the death of Sean .I have good memories of Sean as a colleague in BCS. May Sean Rest In Peace.
— Catherine Casey ,Conna
Sincere sympathy to the Slowey family, May he rest in peace.
— Tim O Keeffe
Sincere condolences on Sean's passing. He was a true gentleman and always had time to stop and talk both inside and outside school. RIP.
— Jim mc Gillicuddy
Our sincere sympathy to Geraldine, Rosemarie and John on the sad passing of Sean - may he rest in peace.

Brendan, Jerry & Eamon O'Driscoll
— Brendan O'Driscoll Brompton Lawn
My deepest sympathy to Geraldine, Rosemary and John on the death of Seán. He is at peace. May he enjoy the radiance and beauty of his heavenly home and comfort you in your great loss.
— Margaret Moynihan, Cill na Martra
Sincere condolences on Seán's passing. RIP
— Conor and Anne Goggin, Chelmsford
I remember one day someone brought a firecracker into school. They set it off and they threw it onto the carpet. They burned the carpet with it. Sean came along and said "Whoever is responsible for this is facing expulsion" and then he said " Believe me I will find out who it is. Sean never found out who threw that firecracker. I know who it was that threw it and that person was never caught. Deepest sympathies to all the Slowey family and the staff of the BCS
— Garry Yelverton
Deepest sympathy to Geraldine ,Rosemarie and John on the passing of Sean . May he rest in peace
— Fiona Twohig
Sincere condolences to Geraldine, Rosemary and John. Sean was a great mentor and friend to me in BCS.
— Alec Myles
I’m so saddened to hear of Sean’s passing. Sean was a true gentleman who extended the hand of welcome and friendship to new principals and was always available to provide a listening ear or to share his vast knowledge of all matters educational. This world is poorer for his passing.
— Mary Mullarkey former president ACCS
Geraldine & family
We were so sorry to hear that Sean has died.
Our deepest sympathies on your loss.
We both feel honoured to have known & worked with Sean.
Jim& Noeleen Collins
— Jim & Noeleen Collins
Sincere sympathy on the loss of Sean.
— Bertie and Aine Kelliher
To Sean's family & extended family. Sean was a true gentleman he was my geography teacher in bcs in the seventies. Thinking of you all at this sad time. Rest in peace Sean.
— Kay O Leary Kelleher
'They shall have stars at elbow and foot,
And death shall have no dominion.'

With condolence to Geraldine, Rosemarie and John on the passing on of Sean
— Joan Lennon
It is with deep sadness we learned of the passing of Sean ( 'Junior' his friends in Ardara). He was a good friend all through national school and later in St. Eunan's. Deepest sympathy to Geraldine and family and to his brother Des.
— Nicholas Mc Gill and family, Ardcath Co Meath and Ardara
Deepest condolences to all the Slowey family, our lovely neighbors in Ardara, RIP, junior,
— Gerard & Peggy Kelly
My condolences to your family (a former student in BCS)
— G Duggan
To all the Slowey family I wish to give my sincere condolences on the death of Sean . A true gentleman while I was teaching with him . No words can express the loss of Sean but our thoughts and prayers are with you all at this sad and difficult time . May Sean rest in peace .
— Margaret Dewhurst
Deepest sympathy to John, Rose, Ayesha and the Slowey family, and condolences on your loss.
Go dtugaidh Dia suaimhneas siorraidhe dá anam
From Cormac, Moira, Piaras and Eoin.
— Cormac O'Súilleabháin
Sincere sympathy to the Slowey family on the death of Sean. RIP
— Neil O Leary
Sincere condolences to the Slowey family on the recent passing of Sean. My he rest in Peace.
Conor & Gillian Cronin
— Conor Cronin
Deepest sympathy to Geraldine, Rosemarie and John on the death of Seán. Thinking of you all at this very difficult time. May Seán rest in peace.
— Maureen Mc Grath
Sincere sympathy to Geraldine Rosemarie and John on your sad and great loss on losing Sean, a true gentleman.Ye will miss him so much.May Sean rest in peace.
— David and Margaret Fenton
Sheila and I offer our sincere sympathy to Geraldine, John,Rosemarie and extended family on the sad loss of Seán R.I.P. Seán was a true friend who possessed an excellent brain and a friendly disposition. While Deputy-Principal and Principal of Ballincollig Community School, he always had the welfare of pupils and staff at heart. On retirement he became President of A.P.V.C. an organisation that will now sadly miss his organising ability . May he now Rest in Peace.
— Dan Murray
Sincere sympathy to Geraldine,Rosemarie,John and extended family on Sean's passing.Fond memories of a kind and good humoured colleague in BCS.Rest in peace.
— Helen Walsh,Boherbue
Sincere sympathy to extended the Slowey family on the death of Sean. May he rest in Peace.
— Joe and Sheila Gatins,Laghey
Condolences to the Slowey family on the death of Sean. R.I.P
— Bart and Rosemarie Whelan
Condolences to all the Slowey family
— Bart and Rosemarie Whelan
Sincere sympathy to Geraldine, Rosemarie, John and extended family on the sad passing of Sean. He was an a true gentleman and a pleasure to work with in BCS. May he rest in peace.
— Avril Owens
Deepest condolences to Geraldine, Rosmary and John. He was a great friend and mentor. I worked with him at BCS, served on parents association with him and on BCS Board of management. Always there with a positive attitude. May he rest in peace.
— Richard Moloney
So sorry to hear of Sean’s death. A great educator whose legacy lives on in many schools and in many lives thanks to his generosity with his wisdom and his time. He was an ‘influencer’ before we ever heard of the word! Thank you Sean.
— Mary McGillicuddy
So very sorry for your loss! Amy Craig former BCS pupil!
— Amy Craig
Our deepest sympathy to an old classmate of many years ago.
May Sean rest in peace.
— Tommy & Margaret Collins, Dunmanway
May the Lord give Seán eternal rest and comfort his family and all those who mourn him.
— Frank Steele Cork
Deepest sympathy to the Slowey Family on the sad passing of Sean. RIP
— Sean and Pauline Rowley Ballina
Our sincere sympathy on your sad loss. Sean was always a kind and supportive colleague. May he rest in peace.
— JJ & Una Murphy & family
My Deepest sympathies to Geraldine , Rosemarie , John and to the extended Slowey family. I have wonderful memories of Sean during my time in Bcs. What a true Gentleman he was . May he rest in peace.
— Eilish O Callaghan Hurley Former Bcs pupil
So sorry to hear of the death of Junior /Sean and sincere sympathy to his wife Geraldine and family and to his brother Des. Junior was a childhood friend in Ardara and we are saddened that he has passed, may he rest in peace.
— Sara Bouchier nee Sorcha O'Byrne
Sincere sympathy to the Sean's family. May he rest in peace.
— BOM St Caimins Community School Shannon
Sorry to hear about your father's passing Rose. Condolences to your family and his friends and neighbours. May he Rest In Peace.
— Nessan and Aoife O'Gorman
Sincere sympathy to the Slowey family on Sèan's passing. May he rest in peace.
Former Colleague at B.C.S.
— John & Frances Holland, Matehy
Sincere sympathy on your loss.
I have good memories of Sean when I was a pupil in BCS in the late seventies
— Ned Dorney Ballyvodane Donoughmore
Very sorry to learn of Seans passing. My sincere sympathy to Geraldine and family.
Holy mass will be offered.
— Peter Murphy, formerly Principal, Palmerstown
Sean was a dear friend for so many years and stayed in my family home in Belleek . Then through the Community an Comprehensive schools we connected again. Sincere sympathy to all his family, his beloved wife Geraldine , who is so sad these December days . My prayers are with you all these days as you take Sean home to his beloved Donegal.
— Eileen Aiken nee O'Loughlin
Rest in peace,Mr Slowey.
Fantastic Teacher..gentleman.
— Sean Jennings
Sincere sympathy to the Slowey family on the passing of Mr. Slowey. Thinking of you at this especially difficult time. May he rest in peace.
— Lorraine Walker
Sincere sympathy to Geraldine, Rosemarie, John and the extended Slowey family on the death of Seán RIP. Is mór an méid a rinne Seán ar son an oideachais i mBaile an Chollaigh. Ar dheis Dé go raibh a anam uasal.
— Mairéad Ní Mhurchú & Staff, Scoil Mhuire, Ballincollig
Sincere sympathy to all the Slowey family. May Seán rest in peace.
— Frank & Anne Mc Ghee, Ardara
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