Sheila Mitchell

Condolence Book for

Sheila Mitchell

Gortshanafa, Currow, Kerry / Tralee, Kerry

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My deepest condolences to all the Mitchell family. May Sheila Rest in Peace.
— Juliet Fleming
Sorry to see this. RIP Sheila. Very sad news. Thoughts with Laura and Layla
— Dara Lynch
Sincere condolences to all the Mitchell and extended family. on the sad passing of Sheila Rest in Peace
— James Brosnan
Deepest sympathies to Eileen, Elaine, Mossie, Laura, Layla and all Sheila's family and friends. May she rest in peace
— Réidin O'Loughlin
Our deepest condolences to Laura, Layla, Eileen, Mossie, Florence and Kathleen on the loss of Sheila. May she rest in peace. Our thoughts and prayers are with you all at this very sad time.
— Jacinta, Frank and Gillian Ryan (O'Mahony)Dublin
Sincere condolences to all of the Mitchell family on the passing of Sheila. May her gentle soul rest in peace.
— Ann Marie & Timmy Myers, Cordal
Sincere sympathies to Eileen, Mossie, Elaine, Laura, Layla & all the Mitchell family on the sad & untimely passing of Shiela, May she rest in peace. Keeping you all in our thoughts and prayers at this difficult time.
— Noel & Joan Barry O'Shea, Killeagh, Farranfore.
Deepest Sympathies to all the Mitchell family on Sheilas passing may she rest in peace.
— Eamonn and Elaine O Donoghue Cordal
My heartfelt condolences to Sheila’s beautiful daughters Laura & Layla, her mom Eileen, her brother Mossie and sister Elaine and all the extended Mitchell family. May her gentle soul rest easy 🙏
— Carol and Alan Crean
Condolence to Sheilas Family Rip
— Barth & Elizabeth Hickey Castleisland
Sincere condolences to Eileen,Mossy,Elaine,Laura,Layla and all Sheila’s family on her passing.May she rest in peace
— Maeve Galwey Jones
My deepest sympathies to Laura, Layla and the extended Mitchell family on Sheila’s passing. Ar dheis Dé go raibh a anam dílis x
— Caoimhe Healy
Deepest Sympathies to Eileen, Mossie Elaine, Laura, Layla Florrie and the extended Mitchell Family at this sad and difficult time. May she Rest in Peace
— Peggy Brosnan Dromroe Currow
Sincere Sympathy to Shelia's family
— Brian Bunyan Listowel
So very sad to hear of Sheila’s passing our deepest sympathies to Eileen Elaine Mossie her two daughters and extended families Rest in peace in Heaven Shelia
— Pat and Mary o Keeffe Farranfore
Sincere condolences to elaine,mossy and all the Mitchell family on the sad passing of Sheila
— Paul and Marie geaney
Sending my deepest condolences to my Aunt Eileen and the entire Mitchell family. Thinking of all you at this very difficult time. Rest in Peace Sheila
— Eileen Hand Hurley Chicago
Sending our sincere condolences to all the Mitchell and extended family.on the sad passing of Sheila Rest in Peace
— Noel and Mary Pembroke Droumrue currow
My deepest condolances to Elaine and all the family on Sheila's passing. May she Rest in Peace
— Ciara Coakley
Deepest sympathy to all the family on your loss. My thoughts and prayers are with you all. Martin O'Loughlin
— Martin O Loughlin
Deepest condolences to the late Sheila's loved ones and to the extended Mitchell family at this sad time. Sorry for your loss. Suaimhneas sioraí dá h-anam.
— Egan Family, Currow
Deepest sympathy to Laura, Layla, Eileen, Elaine, Mossie, Derry and extended families on the death of your beloved Sheila. May her gentle soul rest in peace. Our thoughts and prayers are with you at this sad time. Leaba i measc na Naomh agus na nAingeal go raibh aici.
— Presentation Sisters, Castleisland.
Sincere sympathy to Eileen and family on the passing of Sheila. My thoughts and prayers are with you at this sad time.
— Brendan & Elizabeth Scott Boolacullane
Deepest sympathies to Mossie, Elaine and Eileen, Laura, Layla and all Sheila's family and friends. May she rest in peace.
— Nigel and Mags Brosnan, Farranfore
Sincere sympathy to the Mitchell family and to the extended families on the sad passing of Sheila, may she rest in peace.
— Pat Healy & Charlotte Keane
Our sincere condolences to Sheila's family, Eileen, Elaine, Mossie and her daughters on the sad passing of Sheila. May she rest in peace.
— Ger and Maura McGuire, Castleisland
Deepest sympathies and condolences to the Mitchell family and relatives on the very sad passing of Sheila
— Liam Walsh Currow
Sincere sympathies to all Sheila's family. R.I.P
— Clive O Callaghan Tralee
My sympathies to Mossie and all the Mitchell family on the sad passing of Sheila , May she rest in peace xxx
— Mort Reidy
Sincere condolences to Eileen, Laura, Layla and extended Mitchell families on the passing of Seila may she rest in peace
— Lisa Naughton
Sincere condolences to all of Sheila’s family, may she rest in peace 💔
— Jacinta Bradley
Sincere Sympathy to the Mitchell family on the sad passing of Sheila. Thinking of you all.
— Jack O Leary & Anne Farranfore
Sincere condolences to Eileen, Mossie ,Elaine, Laura and Layla on the very sad passing of Sheila. May Sheila rest in peace.
— Caroline and Brian Shanahan
Sincere sympathy to the Mitchell family and extended families on the sad passing of Sheila, may she rest in peace.
— John and Sheila Reidy Dromulton
Our sincere condolences to you all on the death of Sheila, thinking of ye at this very sad and difficult time. RIP Sheila.
— Connie, Claire, Con & David
Our deepest sympathies to Eileen, Elaine, Mossie, Laura, Layla and extended Mitchell families. Our thoughts & prayers are with you all. May Sheila rest in peace.
— Martina (O' Connor,Bawnaglanna) & Frank Gaire, Duagh
My heartfelt condolences to Sheila’s daughters Laura & Layla, her mom Eileen, Mossie, Elaine , Paudie & her extended family . May her gentle soul rest easy & in peace.
— Martina Fleming
I was saddened and shocked to hear of Sheila's untimely death. I remember her as a beautiful, smiling and happy little girl in Currow National School. My deepest sympathy to Eileen, Elaine, Mossie, Florrie, her two girls and the extended Mitchell Family. My Sheila Rest in Heavenly Peace.
Sheila & John O Flynn, Banteer.
— Sheila O Flynn (Banteer/Currow)
So very sorry Elaine to hear of the sad passing of your sister Sheila. Deepest sympathy to you & your Mom and sister & brother & her girls. May she rest in peace.
— Sheila Tarrant, Glounthaune, Cork
So sorry to hear of Sheila's passing, deepest sympathy to Eileen and all the family.
— Tony Fitzgerald
Our sincere condolences to Eileen and all the Mitchell family on the sad passing of Sheila. May her gentle soul rest in peace. Amen
— Ronan and Mary O'Day, Currow.
Sincere condolences to the Mitchell family on the sad passing of Sheila.May she rest in peace .
— Tina McAuliffe
Sincere condolences to Eileen mossie Elaine at this sad time may shela rest in peace
— John and Pauline sheehy
Our sincere sympathy to you Eileen and family and extended family on your sad loss. May Sheila Rest In Peace.
— Mossie & Bridie Jones. Cordal
Sincere sympathy to all the family on the death of Sheila. God rest her soul.
— Mike and Noreen Shanahan, Knockardtry, Castleisland.
Sincere sympathies to the Mitchell Family on the very sad passing of Sheila
May she rest in peace
— Finbarr and Deirdre Ryle Farmers Bridge
Our deepest sympathies to all the Mitchell family on the sad passing of Sheila. May she rest peacefully.
— Niamh & Aislinn O Sullivan, Gortshanafa
Our condolences to Elaine, Mossie and all the Mitchell family on the loss of Sheila. May she rest in peace
— Kevin Casey & Mary Griffin, Killarney
Sincere sympathy to Eileen, Mossie,Elaine, Laura and Layla and all the extended Mitchell family on the very sad passing of Sheila. May she rest in peace.

Ann Bradley and family
— Ann
So sorry for your loss
Rest in peace Sheila x
— Lorraine Brick
Sincere sympathy to the Mitchell family on the sad loss of Sheila. May she Rest in peace
— Mike Mary and Bryan O Leary Farranfore
Sincere condolences to the Mitchell families on the sad passing of Sheila.

May she rest in peace
— DJ & Marion OConnell, Knockeen Castleisland
Sincere Sympathy to the Mitchell family on the sad passing of Sheila.
May she rest in peace.
— Jer, Ann, James and Edel Brosnan, Crag, Farranfore
Sincere condolences to all the Mitchell family on there loss. RIP
— Tadhg and Mairead o Keeffe
Sincere sympathy to the Mitchell family on the passing of Sheila. May she rest in peace.
— William, Mary & Liam Kelly, Currow
Deepest sympathy to the Mitchell family on the sad passing of Sheila. Thinking of you all at this difficult time. May Sheila rest in peace.
— Stacey Horan, Scartaglin
Sincere condolences to Elaine, Paudie and all the Mitchell famiy on the sad passing of Sheila. May she rest in peace.
— Nora Anne Murphy Currow N.S.
Our deepest condolences to heartbroken Mom Eileen, Mossie,Elaine,Laura,Layla,Florrie,Kathleen & to all extended Mitchell Family on the very sad passing of your beloved Sheila. Our thoughts & prayers are with you all at this very sad & difficult time. May Sheila’s gentle soul rest in the hands of the lord 🙏
— Johnny & Catherine Brosnan Threegneeves Currow
Sincere sympathy to the Mitchell family on the sad passing of Sheila may her gentle soul rest in peace.
— Denis and joan broderick
OUR SINCERE SYMPATHY TO Laura and LAYLA ON the death of your lovely mother. Also to dear EILEEN Elaine and Paudie and family,to MOSSIE and family and the extended MITCHELL Family. May Sheila rest in peace .Thinking of you all at this very sad time.
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