Sr. Carmel Downes O.P.

Condolence Book for

Sr. Carmel Downes O.P.

Cabra, Dublin

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My deepest sympathises to Sr Carmels family and the Dominican sisters.
I got to know Sr. Carmel during my time teaching in Muckross Park College. A lovely lady.May she Rest in Peace.
— Meta Fitzsimons Cappagh Askeaton
I am so sorry to learn of this sad news. Sincere condolences to the extended Downes family, friends, and the Dominican community.

Sr. Carmel and her late sister Mary were lifelong friends of my late mother Angela Real in Limerick.

I am so glad I got to know her a little bit during my mother's final years, when she visited often. She was so capable, perceptive, and kind. A long life well lived. May she rest in peace.
— Colette Real
So sorry to hear this news. Condolences to her Dominican family and friends.

Sr Carmel was a great friend to my mother in law Phyllis Nagle, who herself passed away on 22 March.

Sr Carmel was also a friend and colleague of Phyllis’ sister, Sr Rita Lane, in Muckross.

It was a pleasure and privilege to have known her.
— Jack & Alison Nagle
I was sorry to hear that Carmel has passed. I remember meeting her many times in Dublin. She was a dedicated Dominican and will be missed. May she have eternal rest.
— Fr. Adrian Farrelly O.P. Dominicans Newry
Sincere sympathy to Sr Carmel’s family and also her Dominican family. May she rest in peace.
— Ann Tallon and family
My deepest condolences, I was so very sad to hear of Sr Carmels passing. I am a past pupil of St Dominic’s and I had the greatest honour of knowing Sr Carmel as our principal. She knew us all & I have the fondest memories.. Rest in peace Sr Carmel xxx
— Edel Gibson (nee Lawrence)
So sorry to hear of Sr Carmels passing. Condolences to all the sisters and her family. May she rest in peace.
— Michael and Jane Lane
So sorry to hear of Sister Carmel's death. I was a pupil in Muckross Park.
— Maura Donnelly
I was so sad to hear of Sr Carmel's passing. My condolences to all her family and her beloved Dominican Community.
Sr Carmel was a great teacher, mentor and friend. She had a great love of God and a heart of love for all she met.
I will always remember her guidance, kindness, compassion, mercy and love, and her great sense of fun.
I am grateful that I got to know her as a friend through the youth Prayer Group at Muckross, circa1980/81. She has been a light throughout my life and kept in touch throughout the years. I am grateful that I got to see her when in Ireland last July. May she rest now in heaven with her Lord and Saviour as all her good deeds go before her.

With much love and Prayers
Angela (Class of '75) Ross and Family
Western Australia
— Angela Bushby (nee Moran)
May you Rest in Peace,Sr Carmel,so sad to hear of your passing.I will always remember you for the fun we had in Muckross,thankyou for your kindness always.🌸💗
— John & Gaye Barton (Fitzgerald)
May you rest in peace Sr Carmel
You were given the gift of your vocation and honoured it exquisitely
You were generous in sharing your wisdom , albeit subtly
I admired you in school and even more so in latter years
Your dear friend Una King sends her warm wishes of granting you eternal peace until you meet again
— Karen Kavanagh nee McElhatton
My sincere sympathy to the Irish Dominican Sisters on the death of Sr. Carmel. May she rest in the peace of the Risen Christ.
— Brian O'Leary sj
Sincere condolences to the Downes family on the death of Sr. Carmel.

She taught many of the Fitzpatrick women over the years; a couple of us probably gave her a headache with our terrible attempts at cooking in her Home Ec class, but she believed in us regardless.

May she rest in peace.

Mary, Niamh, Orla, Emer & Rosemary Fitzpatrick.

Also on behalf of Gay Fitzpatrick & Dara Fitzpatrick (deceased).
— Fitzpatrick family.
Sincere condolences to Sr Carmel's family on her passing. What a wonderful person she was. Rest in peace.
— Bernadette,Aideen Suzanne and Gillian Lacy
Sincere sympathy to angela and all the downes family her nieces and nephews she adored on the passing of carmel she was so kind to me while in dublin and over the years to me and the boys thanks for everything carmel will miss all our chats rest peacefully
— Mary guerin and boys
My deepest sympathy to The Dominican Family, Fr. Frank, and to Sr. Carmel’s sister in law, Angela, her nieces, nephews & extended family treasured by Sr. Carmel
Sr. Carmel will be greatly missed by her little Prayer Group.
May she now rest in eternal joy & peace.
— Catherine Cathcart
On behalf of my late mother Philomena
Morris, Née Dooley, and all the extended Dooley family, Limerick city, our deepest and heart felt condolences to Sr Carmel's extended family and friends. Sister Carmel was such a warm, wise, empathetic person, and a wonderful teacher, friend to our aunt Carmel OHara, née Dooley, and to so many past pupils, including myself. Many she rest in eternal peace.
— Kate Morris
Sincere sympathies to Sr Carmels family and her Dominican sisters on her sad passing. Thank you for allowing us to celebrate your birthdays especially your 90th since you moved to Cabra.We will miss you. RIP Carmel.
— Philo Butler
Farewell Sr. Carmel - made brown bread in your honour this evening and thought about all the laughs we enjoyed over the many years since you taught me the joy of sewing and cooking in the 60’s in Muckross Park and we remained good friends over all the years - thank you too for all the much needed hail Marys! Now may your dear soul Rest in eternal Peace.
— Ann Harper
May Sister Carmel Rest In Peace.
Detty Moore.
— Detty Moore
My first memories of Sr Carmel (Sr Concilia as she was then) was when she taught me domestic science in Santa Sabina Sutton. As PE teacher I then had the pleasure of working alongside Sr Carmel in Muckross Park. Sr Carmel was extremely keen on sport and was incredibly supportive to all the sporting activities in the school...always on the side of a hockey pitch or athletic track cheering on the girls. Some years later my husband and myself attended a fun filled parenting course run by Sr Carmel in Muckross Park. I along with my family have remained great friends with Sr Carmel. She was an inspiration to us all and will be missed dearly. RIP Sr Carmel. Louise and Howard
— Louise Mahon (Moran)
My deepest sympathy to Sr. Carmel’s sister in law, Angela, her nieces, nephews extended family & Dominican sisters.
Sr. Carmel was very kind to me in Muckross Park. She was always there for me —very helpful, caring & thoughtful.
May she now rest in eternal joy & peace.
— Sheila Wallace
Sincere condolences to Sr. Carmel's family and Dominican Sisters. Bless her for passing on her cookery skills and unsuccessfully her sewing skills to me! She was always so kind and caring and often threw a blind eye to the messing which went on behind her back in the domestic science class. Another wonderful Dominican nun who dedicated her life to the girls in Muckross. Rest in peace.
— Carina O'Meara
Sincere condolences to Angela, the Downes family and the Dominican sisters on the sad passing of Carmel. She was a relative and a cherished life long friend to Phyllis, Pat and the Mangan family. We have many great memories of family gatherings with Carmel and her kindness to us all over the years. May Carmel rest in peace.
— Therese Guerin
Our condolences to Sr Carmel’s family and to her Dominican family. She was a great supporter of the PPU and remained in touch with so many of her past pupils. She will be missed.
— Muckross Park Past Pupils’ Union
It is with great sadness to hear of Sr. Carmel’s passing. RIP. She was involved in setting up Muckross Park gym club almost 50 Years ago. She was a tremendous support over the years & always took great interest in how the club and everyone was doing. She was a great friend to me & was held in high esteem with all the members she came in contact with. She will be greatly missed.
— Marie O’Raghallaigh
Deepest sympathy to all who cherished Sr.Carmel.especially Fr.Frank.....may she rest in peace and reap her reward for a life well lived...
— Margaret
Rest in eternal peace Carmel. You started out as my teacher and became a lifelong friend to myself and my daughter. We love you dearly and are so glad we visited you recently. You were a great friend. I will miss you greatly. Thank you for everything especially the prayers x
— Anne-Marie and Grace Hughes
Sincere sympathy to Carmel's Dominican sisters and her immediate family at this sad time. She was always kind and considerate and great company at our extended family gatherings. May she rest in peace.
— Ellen Chambers ( Guerin)
Sincere Condolences to Sr. Carmel's family and Domincan Community, she looked after me when I started teaching Physical Education in Muckross in the 70s, and she was Games Mistress at the time, she was excellent to work with, we maintained contact all through the years and I am very sorry to hear of her passing, Deirdre Blair Conway
— Deirdre Blair Conway
It was such a privilege to be in your company…. Any time any day - and you always had time for us all - RIP sister .. you’ll be missed..!
— Maeve Kenny
My condolences to Sr Carmel's family & her Dominican colleagues.

I have great memories of our "Domestic Science" classes with Sr Carmel during the 60s. We always managed to have lots of laughs along with all that learning.

May her kind soul rest in peace.
— Chris Gallagher nee McAree
Sorry to hear about Sr. Carmel,s death.Sr Carmel introduced me to the Order through my own sister while I was still in school and I went on to join through her help and prayers which I ways look back with happy thoughts. Sorry, Fr. Frank O.P. thinking of you, your family, and the Carba Congregation and the Order. Always in my prayers. May God carry her home.
— Martin MacEntee
So sorry to hear the news of Sr Carmel’s passing. Such a lady.
We had her for Home Ec in the 80’s & she was always ready for a bit of fun. I remember her dressing up as Boy George for our end of year fashion show.
I will cherish our coffee catch ups in Galway over the last few years & remember her with a smile.
May she RIP
— Róisín O’Driscoll, Muckross Park, Class of ‘86
Sincere condolences to Sister Carmel's family and her Dominican Sisters. I have many great memories of times spent with Sister Carmel over the last 46 years - right up to a few weeks ago. She was always very interested in and supportive of business and personal happiness. I will miss her. May she rest in peace.
— Rachel Clarke
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