Sr. Joan Smith

Condolence Book for

Sr. Joan Smith

Marino, Dublin

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Rest in peace dear Sister Joan. I was in Cross and Passion Kilcullen in the 1970's. God Bless you.
— Ann Daly (nee Murphy)
I have just heard the sad news of Sr Joan’s death. With very fond memories of Joan’s years with the pastoral care team at Tallaght University Hospital. May she rest in peace. With deepest sympathy to all.
— Fr John Kelly
Condolences to the family and friends of Sr. Joan and her Cross and Passion sisters. May she Rest in Peace.
— Eilis Keogh
Condolences to the family of Sr. Joan and especially her Cross and Passion sisters. May Joan Rest in Peace at last. Helen, Aisling,and Sinead.
— Helen O’Sullivan
Have lovely memories of St Joan being so fair as a teacher. She certainly went on to have an amazing life after Kilcullen, such an interesting person. She will be sadly missed by all her close friends and family.
I was leaving very 1977
— Phyllis Blake
Warmest sympathies to Sr Joan’s family and all the CPC community. Just having heard about the wonderful life of Sr Joan, it is most inspiring.
Sr Joan taught me Maths and managed to make Maths so much more simple and straightforward, that I ended up loving the subject. For that I am grateful.
She also had a lovely attitude and way of teaching.
May she rest in peace.
— Gabrielle Cocoman
Sincere sympathies to the Smith and Martin families on the sad passing of Sr. Joan.
May she rest in peace.
— Pat, Gillian, TJ & Adam Smyth
A wonderful wife, taken too soon. RIP.
— Leo Brennan
Sr. Joan seemed like a wave of modernity when she became Headmistress after Sr. Cecilia Mary, in CPC, the late 70s.
She was very calm & kind to me personally and she gave us, the young women under her charge, a sense that we could become whatever we wanted to be. She also modelled some very inclusionary practices, though we were too young to see it at the time, but in hindsight, I recognise some compassionate choices that she made that were transformative in the lives of young women & their families.
She did not appear to fuss over details and navigated the school through fairly momentous changes: the phasing out of boarders & the introduction of boys, both of which must have been a huge challenge.
We, in Kilcullen are grateful for her service to our community.
My sincere sypathy to her family & sisters of the Cross & Passion, may she rest in peace.
— Frances Moloney
Heart felt condolences to Sr.Joans family and the Cross and Passion community. I have fond memories of Sr.Joan as principle in Kilcullen in the 90s. My siblings and i are so grateful for our time in CPC. May you Rest in Eternal Peace.
— Paula, Mary, Anne, Claire, Mark and Patrick Stapleton
Sincere sympathy to Sr Joan's family, the Cross and Passion Community and all her friends. Sr Joan achieved so much in her time as Principal at CPC Kilcullen. I had the honour of working with her. She was a lady who earned respect. May she rest in peace.
— Anne Stewart
Deepest sympathy to the family and the Cross and Passion community on the passing of Joan who was a kind and caring friend to me during my time working in Cross and Passion College, Kilcullen. May she rest in peace.
— John and Breda Archbold and Family, Kilcullen, Co. Kildare
I was very sorry to learn of the death of Sr Joan Smith with whom I served on the Board of Management of Maryfield College. Sr Joan was a person of great calm, intelligence and concern for the whole school community. Her advice and contribution were much valued by all. My sympathies to her family and the Sisters of the Cross and Passion.
— Gerard Wrigley
Our deepest sympathy to Sister Joan's family, friends and the Cross and Passion sisters. It was our privilege knowing this wonderful lady. Lots of happy memories as our good neighbour and friend during her time in Cross and Passion College on main street Kilcullen. Rest in peace Sister Joan.
— John Joe and Noreen Dowling & family, Main Street Kilcullen
My very deepest sympathy to Sr. Joan's family and the Sisters of Cross and Passion. It was a real privilege to work with Sr. Joan in CPC Kilcullen, a leading light in so many ways.
Ar dheis Dé go rabh a hanam dílis.
— Katriona Harney
I’m sure everyone will agree he was a wonderful husband, father and grandfather. RIP
— Felicity
Deepest sympathy to all Sr. Joan’s family and her cross and passion congregation in Ireland and abroad. I have great memories of Sr Joan when I was boarding in CPC Kilcullen in the early 70s. Her smile was infectious and always cheered us “boarders”who were far from home up when we needed cheering up. Rest in peace Sr Joan .
— Therese Young. Kilrush. Co. Clare
Deepest Sympathy on the passing of Sr.Joan. I was so privileged to have Sr.Joan as My Headmistress. So gracious and kind
R.I.P Sr.Joan
— Maeve Brophy
Sincere sympathy, Rena and family.
— Rena Smyth
Sincere condolences to Sr Joan’s family and community. She was wonderful and kind to me in CPC , Kilcullen in the 80’s. She has been thought of fondly through the years.
— Rosemary Power (Kelly)
My sincere sympathy to Sr Joan’s Family ,Cross & Passion Community and friends .
Fond memories of meeting her here . A kind , thoughtful , inspiring lady . Thoughts and prayers at this time .
May she rest in peace .
— Helen Ryan Melbourne
Sincere condolences to Sr. Joan’s family, the Cross and Passion Sisters and her friends in Ireland and Australia.
Sr. Joan made a significant difference as teacher, school principal, hospital chaplain and in her work for 13 years in Australia.
She led CPC Kilcullen in its development as a co-educational school, a very special place in the local and wider community.
May the fine lady rest in peace and may her family, community and friends treasure great memories and be very proud of the quality of her legacy.
— Catherine Moynihan
Heartfelt condolences to Sr. Joan’s family and the Cross & Passion community. I have happy memories of working together with Sr. Joan in CPC Kilcullen for many years. She was a kind and compassionate person. May she rest in peace.
— John Kinane & Family, Naas
Sincere condolences to Marie and all the family- many fond memories of ten years together in Australia where she is fondly remembered.
— Brigid Murphy
Sincere condolences to the family & Community of Sr. Joan. I attended CPC Kilcullen 45 yrs ago & have lovely memories of Sr. Joan. She was very kind, fair & a wonderful person. R.I.P.
— Eileen Tierney (Kelly)
A fair and respected principal when I was in CPC. May Sr. Joan Rest in Peace. Condolences to her family and Cross and Passion community.
— Sabina Reddy
My condolences to Sr Joan’s brother, Charlie, and her nephew, Jim.
— Felix Larkin
My deepest condolences. Sr. Joan was definitely ahead of her time and made a huge difference to CPC and all that attended. May she Rest in Peace
— Mark Evans
Rest in peace Sr. Joan. You were a kind person with a patient nature, respected, so good to me and then my daughter, often thought about and a great principal. ❤️
— Mary O Halloran
I was thinking of Sr Joan a couple of days ago, remembering back to my interview for a teaching job in Kilcullen.
She was so personable and engaging, a vibrant lady who was ahead of her time in many ways.
I definitely owe my many happy years in CPC to Sr Joan.
May she rest in peace.
— Margo Spillane
Sr. Joan was principal when I attended CPC .. A lovely person, very kind and fair....May She R.I.P.
Condolences to all her Family and Friends
— Michelle Mulhall
Deepest sympathy to Sr. Joan's family and the community of the Cross and Passion sisters. I have had the honour of working with Sr. Joan in Cross and Passion College in Kilcullen. May she rest in peace.
— Rosemary Boran
So sorry to hear this news. Joan was a great educator and friend in Cross and Passion Kilcullen. Condolences to all who mourn her. Rest in peace Joan.
— Angela Keogh Murray
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