Sr Mary Margaret Quinlan O.S.s.R

Condolence Book for

Sr Mary Margaret Quinlan O.S.s.R

Drumcondra, Dublin

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Deepest sympathy to the Redemptoristine Community, the Community of St. Alphonsus and Sr. Mary Margaret's family on her passing. We have fond memories of meeting Sr. Mary Margaret during out visits to the Monastery. May she rest in peace.
— Tom, Marian, Kieran and Alan Tuite, Oldcastle
Deepest Sympathies to all the Community on the sad passing of Dear Sr.Mary Margaret.May Her gentle Soul Rest In Peace.
— Alan & Anne Laird
My deepest sympathies to Sister Gabrielle and all the Sisters on the death of Sister Margaret. A beautiful and prayerful life, now in heaven. Thank you for all you do - you are in my thoughts and prayers, Belinda
— Belinda Flaherty
Condolences to Sr Margaret’s family and her Community at St Alphonsus May she rest in the peace of Christ after a life of faithful service to the Gospel sympathy and prayers Fr Dan O Connor Ringsend
— Fr Dan O Connor
Sympathy to SrMargaret family and community at StAlphonsus Convent Sr Margaret and all the Nuns were so good to our brother Fr Brendan
— Houlihans
My deepest sympathy to the community and to Sr. Mary Margaret's family. I'll miss her smile and her gentle presence. May she rest in peace.
— Marita McKenna
Deepest sympathy to the community and Sr.Margarets family. An inspiration and great witness to the faith.
— Jacinta Scully
Deepest sympathy to Sr.Lucy, Sr. Gabrielle and all the Redemptoristine nuns, also to Sr.Margaret’s sister and extended family. May her gentle soul rest in peace.
— Phyllis Price, Clara
Deepest sympathy to SR.Margaret
— Kieran & Nicola Crowley, Dublin 9
Sympathy to the Quillan family and the StAlphonsus nuns SrMargaret was a life long friend of our mother
— Jane Power
Deepest sympathy to SR.Margaret.
— John Mary & Kevin O Grady 71 Iona road glasnevin
Please accept our heartfelt sympathy for the death of your beloved Sr. Mary Margaret. It was always so lovely to speak with her and feel the power of her prayer for us all. Our prayers are with the Community and her family. Ar dheis Dé go raibh a hanam.
— Frank, Stephen, Cormac and Eimear Duff
Deep sympathy to the Nuns inSt Alphonsus SrMargaret was so Good to our Fr John down the years
— OConnell family
Sympathy to SrMargarets Community and Family from Connell family at this sad time
— Connell family
We wish to express our deepest sympathy on the death of dear Sr. Mary Margaret May she rest in peace Amen.
— Breeda McCarthy and family Templebodan CoCotk
Our deepest condolences on the death of sister Mary Margaret thinking of you all at this sad occasion may she rest in peace
— William and Margaret Margaret dermott
So sorry to hear of the death of Sr Mary Margaret yesterday. Loving sympathy to Sr Lucy & the Community & to Sr Mary Margaret's family. We'll join the funeral Mass on Webcam to thank God for the ways in which Sr Mary Margaret touched many of our lives. Now in God's embrace, she will continue to do what she did so faithfully on earth - to pray for all of us & for our world.
— Srs Mary MSHR & Kathleen RSC
Deepest sympathy Sr Gabrielle and the entire community on the death of Sr Mary Margaret. May she rest in peace.
— Miriam Kent
Sincere sympathies to the Redemptoristine Community and to the Quinlan family on the death of your beloved Sister Mary Margaret.

Ar dheis Dé go raibh a hanam.
— Sean Magnier, Kilworth, Co Cork
My condolences to Sister Mary Margaret's family and to the Redemptoristine Community. May she rest in peace.
— Joe Hannigan, Donegal
Rest in peace sr Sargaret. Deepest sympathy to all the nuns and sr Margaret's family
— Gearoid Kelly and family
Since sympathy to to Sr Gabrielle and all the Sisters on the death of Sr Mary Margaret RIP. May Sr Mary Margaret enjoy her eternal reward with Our Lady and all the saints.
— Julia Cullinan Terenure
So sad to learn of Sr Margaret’s passing, She will be sadly missed , I know she will be watching over us.St Margaret pray for us . Ken and Vera Fitzpatrick.
— Ken Fitzpatrick
I am really saddened to hear of the passing of dear Sr Mary Margaret.

I have fond memories of visiting her in St Alphonsus as a student in Clonliffe many years ago.

A youthful woman filled with wisdom, always offering a listening ear which was accompanied by words of sound advice, inspired by the Holy Spirit.

Her prayers never went unanswered when offered by her on my behalf.

My thoughts are with her immediate family and with her Redemptorist family in St Alphonsus.

"Sr Mary Margaret, Well done Good and faithful Servant"

Ar dheis De go raibh do hanam dilis

Rest in Peace
— David Toomey Drogheda
Our deepest sympathy on the death of Sr Mary Margaret - our loving prayer for her and for Sr Gabrielle and Community; for Sister’s family and friends.
The Carmelite Community, Star of the Sea, Seapark, Malahide, Dublin
— Sr Rosalie ODC
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