Condolence Book for


Daughters of the Cross, Stillorgan, Dublin / Dungannon, Tyrone

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Sincere Condolences to Gretta and family on the passing of Sr. Una . May she rest in eternal peace .
— Mary and John O’ Toole Louisburgh , Co. Mayo .
On behalf of Sr Una’s loving brother Brian, our dear father, and our mother Genny, we offer our eternal love. And, will forever cherish Una’s joyous spirit and radiant smile …
May she rest in peace.
— The Cullens - Moira, Rory, Ciara and Sean
It is with sadness that we send our heartfelt sympathy to Greta and to Sr. Una's many nieces and nephews, on her recent death.
Condolences also to her cousins,her friends and her Community.
We were privileged to have met this lovely person many times and we pray she is enjoying the fruits of her labours in her heavenly home.
— Heraghty Family, Oranmore, Galway
We offer our sincere condolences to Sr. Una's sister in law Greta, to her nieces Grainne,Fiona,Ciara and Laragh and their families,to her other nieces , nephews, cousins ,and to her Community and friends, on her recent death.
Sr. Una was a gracious lady and there is no doubt that there is another angel around the heavenly throne today.
May she enjoy eternal happiness with all her loved ones gone before her.
— Hegarty Family, Louisburgh, Co. Mayo
Our sympathy to Sr.Una's family and community on her death.
A wonderful lady.
May she rest in peace.
— Elizabeth and Yvonne Coggins
On behalf of Sr Una’s neice Mary Ogle and family in Dungannon and Sydney. We pray for Una in the knowledge that she has gone to eternal rest having positively touched the lives of many. A true lady.
— Dwyer Ogle
On behalf of all the Kiltegan Fathers, we offer our sympathy to Sr. Una's family and community on her death. May she rest in peace.
— Fr. Pat Murphy, Kiltegan
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