Stephen Monks

Condolence Book for

Stephen Monks

Rathfarnham, Dublin

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Very sorry to hear the news. I worked with Stephen in the Yellow House and met him a few times over the years since then. He was a really lovely guy and will be sorely missed. Thinking of you all
— Eoin Prendiville
We're so desperately sorry about the loss of Stephen. He was always a wonderful guy to talk to and he will be sorely missed. Our hearts go out to Louise, Gerry, Jennifer, Gary, Stephanie and Suzanne. You're in our thoughts. Peter and Gill, Hannah and Scott.
— Peter Slattery
Heartfelt condolences to you Louise and all the extended family on the untimely loss of your beloved Stephen. Such a terrible loss to everyone. May his gentle soul rest in peace.
— Jacqui Nolan ex mt carmel
Dear Louise-I was so saddened to hear of the death of your beloved son Stephen. I hope, in time, that all the lovely memories you have of him will ease your sorrow. Thinking of you, your husband Gerry and all your family at this very sad time.
— Maureen Sutton Coombe/Mount Carmel
So shocked and saddened that you have lost your lovely son and brother so young. In reading all the tributes and viewing the beautiful service I have learnt a lot about Stephen s character and love of life making it all the more tragic. We are thinking of you all Louise Gerry and family and Susie
— Evanne Lysaght
Dear Gerry, Louise and family, heartfelt condolences to you and all who knew and loved Stephen, a beautiful son, brother, cousin, partner, and friend. My thoughts have been with you all every day over this deeply sad and difficult time. With much love and deepest sympathy, Medb
— Medb Charleton, New Zealand
Dear Monks Family,

I was deeply saddened to hear about the passing of Stephen. Although I did not have the chance to know him well, my heart goes out to all of you during this difficult time. Please accept our deepest sympathies and know that you are in our thoughts and prayers.

In times of sorrow, I find comfort in the words of the Bible. I hope these words bring you some solace:

"The Lord is close to the brokenhearted and saves those who are crushed in spirit." - Psalm 34:18

I wish that my family and I could be there to help console you in person. Even though we are far away, please know that our love and support are with you. May the love of family and friends bring you peace, and may the memories of Stephen be a source of comfort.

With heartfelt condolences,

Andrew Michael McKenna and Family - Heidi, Connor, Emelie & Lilian
— Andrew McKenna
Dear Jen, I was so sorry to hear of your brothers passing. My deepest condolences to you and all your family. My thoughts are with you all.
— Greta Hughes
Louise Gerry & all the Monks family ,so sorry to hear of the sad & sudden passing of your beautiful son Stephen ,May his gentle soul rest in peace Rita Gavin Mt Carmel
— Rita Gavin
I will always remember Monks as his friendly, joyful, puppy dog energy. My deepest sympathies to his family, friends and partner in this difficult time. X
— Saoirse
Dearest Gerry, Louise and family. we were heart-broken at the news of Stephen's passing away. Listening to the celebration of the mass for your wonderful son on the webcam was like a healing balm to those who listened and shared with you the wonderful young man who Stephen was to everybody who knew him. It was such a beautiful service and one could not help but be over-whelmed and moved. It was such a great send off for Stephen. The rising of the sun, the setting of the moon and. the longest day. These spoken words were Perfect in every way along with the readings chosen were magical and loving. Stephen seemed to be still radiating that great love he had within him even as we participated in saying fare-well to him. Stephen May You Rest in Peace . Amen
— Barbara and Manus Monks Charleton
To Gerry, Louise and all my cousins, I am deeply sorry to hear the news about Stephen. He was such a lovely man, always full of smiles and laughs, I wish I had had more time to get to know him better. My heart goes out to you all during this incredibly difficult time. I hope you all find strength in the wonderful life he was able to live.
Sophie x
— Sophie Monks O'Byrne
Very sorry to hear of the sudden passing of Stephen. May he rest in peace
— Tadhg Griffin
My beautiful soulmate Stephen, the love of my life. There is not a second that I don’t miss you beside me.

Please help me and your family gain the strength needed to get through these unfathomable times.

I will love you forever
Your Susie
— Susie
I was so sad to learn of the passing of dear cousin Stephen. My heart is breaking for you Gerry and Louise, and all my cousins. You are all in my heart at this very sad and difficult time. Sending you all my love and prayers, in deepest sympathy, love Muireann
— Muireann Charleton, Sligo
To Louise & Family,I am so sorry to hear of the passing of your son Stephen. Thinking of you all at this very sad &
difficult time.
— Marian Jennings (Mount Carmel Hosp)
Deepest Condolences to all the Monk family on the death of Stephen. So sorry to hear this news. Thinking of you Gary I know you had a special bond with your little bro Stephen. Hope that good memories and the love of family and friends help you through this difficult time.
— Aisling Mc Eneaney Carroll
Dear Louise. So very sorry to hear about your Stephen. Ann let me know. Sending you love and prayers.
— Nancy Eager
Sincerest sympathy to Louise and family at this sad time.So very sorry to hear of the untimely loss of your beautiful son, Stephen.Ar dheis De go raibh a hanam dilis.
— Frances Ni Fhlannchadha
The sweetest hello and the hardest goodybye.

Monks, thank you being the best friend I could ever ask for and for the lifetime of memories.

There are no words to tell you how much I'll miss you.

I love you forever ❤️
— Cian O'Reilly
To Suzy and family, I'm so sorry to hear about Stephen. I worked with him in the yellow house, he was an absolute gentleman. May he rest in peace xx
— Tara Clarke
My deepest and most heartfelt condolences to you all on this most devastating loss. My heart is with you all during this time of deep mourning and grief. I am thinking of you all and hope to see you Gerry and Louise and all my beautiful cousins who have lost their darling brother when I return to Ireland in a few weeks time. All my love and sympathies, Oonagh xxx
— Oonagh Charleton
To Louise and family. I was so sorry to hear about the loss of your precious son, Stephen. Condolences to you, his family and friends.
— Mary Kelly
To Louise and Stephanie and all the family, I am truly sorry to hear of the passing of your beloved Stephen. My thoughts are with you at this very sad and difficult time
— Cathy Kerrigan MCH/ SVPH
So very sorry to hear of the passing of Stephen. I remember him always having the biggest smile when working at the Yellow House. My heartfelt condolences to Suzy and all the Monks family. May he rest in peace ♥️
— Aisling Stafford
Heartfelt condolences to Susie, Jenny and all of Stephen’s friends and family at this very sad time. May he rest in peace.
— Klare, Karl, Ken and Karen Havelin
Your son was a very witty guy It’s been a while since we saw him. I have a lovely plant in my kitchen Stephen gave it to me after a late night call to our house. It’s very much alive Rest in peace The Begley’s
— Margaret and Gearoid Begley
We are so sad to hear of Stephens passing . I have lovely plant Stephen gave me after a very early morning call to the house 2am our thoughts are with you at this time
— Rachel and Margaret Gearoid Begley
I have struggled to find the words since I've heard the news.

Simply put Monks you are an absolute gent who has touched the lives of everyone you've come in contact with for the better.

My deepest condolences to all of your family, loved ones and friends.

You will be missed dearly around the office my friend
— Carl Sherlock
My thoughts are with you all.

Unable are the loved to die- for love is immortality ❤️
— Riadhna Holahan
Jenny & Steph..
I was so sorry to hear of your brothers passing.
My deepest condolences to you both & all your family at this very sad time.
— Sarah Walsh
Our deepest sympathies to Jenny and all the Monks family on the untimely and very sad passing of Stephen.
— John and Betty O Connor
My deepest sympathies to the Monks Family and his partner Suzie. Stephen was truly one of a kind and will be deeply missed by everyone who knew him.

Monks, there are no words to describe the heartbreak of losing you.

The life and soul of every room you walked into with your laughter, infectious smile and good humour.
You had a way of making the whole room laugh with one joke or a chuckle that would set us off.
So many special memories over the years that will be cherished and celebrated by our friends group forever.

Rest easy Brother Monk. 💔
— Damien Crean
Our heartfelt condolences to Gerry, Louise, Jennifer, Gary,Stephanie and Suzanne on the devastating loss of Stephen. He was a lovely young man taken far far too soon. Bernie is with you but Neil, Harry and David were very sorry not to be there in person. We did manage to join on line. We thought the service was a truly fitting tribute to Stephen's short life and the singing and music selection beautiful
— Neil, Bernie, Harry & David Munro
To Louise and family my deepest sympathy on the loss of your son Stephen.
My thoughts are with you all.
May Stephen Rest in Peace.
— Ruth O’Connor. Ex Mount Carmel
I was truly saddened to hear of the sudden passing of Stephen. He was a gentleman and had the kindest heart. I will always remember his infectious smile and witty, playful humour.

I have fond memories of the love and many laughs we shared in our younger years.

My deepest condolences to Louise, Gerry, Jennifer, Gary, Stephanie and Suzanne and his partner Susie. My thoughts are with you all during this incredibly difficult time.

Rest in peace Stephen, you were taken too soon.
— Rachel Begley
Jen and family - there really are no words that can help. I’m truly so sorry for your devastating loss. Sending you all love x
— Frances mowlds
We wish to extend our deepest sympathy to Louise, Gerry , Susie and all of the Monks family on the very sad loss of your beloved Stephen.
— Mary and Liam Grissing, Ballyroan Crescent
Sincerest condolences to all the Monks family and to his partner Suzie on the passing of Stephen. He was one in a million. I will never forget his cheeky smile which he had no matter the occasion. He was a pleasure to have known and will never be forgotten. RIP Monks.
— Declan & Alison McDonagh
Rest in Peace Stephen.

I was devastated when I heard the news. I have so many fond memories of Stephen from Coláiste Éanna. He was a true gent and it was always a pleasure to catch up with him every time I would bump into him on the street.

My condolences to his family and friends at this time.
— Kevin Loftus
Thinking of you all at this difficult time. Rest in peace Stephen. Sending you all so much love.
— Emily Cahill
Very sorry to hear of Stephen’s passing,

He was an absolute gent.

Heartfelt condolences to all of Stephen’s friends and family .
— Conor Murphy
Stephen was integral part of growing up in Glendoher. Made you laugh from the moment he could talk / walk around the estate. Rest in peace. Condolences to Gary and the Monks family.

— David McGovern
Rest in peace Steven, our deepest condolences from Phil , Louise and family
— Phil
Our heartfelt condolances to Louise and Gerald and all of Stephen's family and friends during this incredibly difficult time. We did not know Stephen but it is obvious from all the messages here what a wonderful man he was and that he will be dearly missed.
— Louise & Phil (#32)
We are so very sorry for your sad loss. No one expects to lose a beloved child.
We are all thinking of you all at this very sad time.
Jean Flaherty and Family
42 Glendoher Drive
— Jean Flaherty
Our sincerest sympathies on the very sad passing of Stephen & at such a young age. Ar dheis De go raibh a ainm dhilis
— Una & Christy Martin
Monks, so incredibly difficult to comprehend your passing. So many amazing memories. Your quick whit, funny laugh, and cheeky grin will never leave us, a truly great friend to all. Always in good spirits and welcoming with a big hug. You will leave a massive hole in our friend group. I'll miss overhearing your roars coming through in voice notes when Newcastle scored (albeit rarely!), its some of your voice notes that have kept us smiling these past few days. Sincere condolences to the Monks family and all those who knew and loved him. Rest in Peace Monks. Love always, Ciara xx
— Ciara McDonagh
You were always an absolute Gent and the best of banter at no ones expense. You will be sadly missed, gone much much too soon. Rest easy Monks!

My condolences to the Monks Family during this tough time.
— P Dolan
Our thought and prayers are with you all at this very sad time. Rest in peace Monks. 🙏
— Sheila & Robbie
Our deepest condolences to the Monks Family on Stephens passing. Had great chats with him at Louise and Cillians wedding. Super guy with the best smile ever. RIP Stephen.
— Kieran and Geraldine Kelly
My sincere hearfelt condolences to Gary and the Monks family on the untimely passing of Stephen. I met Stephen only once but what a lovely gent he was. I am so sorry for your loss.
— Tracey Moles
I’m so sorry to hear the very sad news. Sincere condolences to you and your extended family.
— Mary O’ Leary (ex Mt C)
Our deepest sympathies to my brother Gerry .Louise my wonderful sister in law . My nephew Gary , Nieces Jennifer ,Stephanie, Suzanne on the tragic loss of your son, your brother and my nephew. I remember Stephen with his big broad smile and great sense of fun .We will never forget him.May he rest in peace .
— Fionnuala Monks Ken Byrne Shane and Sophie
My Deepest Sympathy Louise to you and your family on the death of your beloved Son Stephen.May He Rest In Peace.My thoughts and Prayers are with you at this Sad time.Ann O Rourke
— Ann O Rourke (Mount Carmel)
The most engaging, adorable, heartfelt, mischevious smile always Steven.
— Jane
I worked with Monks a few years ago and I remember we were on a night out in a pub in Rathmines chatting away. I was quite new to the job at the time but I remember he had said to me if I ever needed anything, just to let him know and he'd help me out. That was the type of lad he was. Top fella, absolutely heart breaking news. RIP Monks 🙏♥️
— Conor
Jen and family, our condolences to you all at this time.
You’re in our thoughts & prayers.
God rest Stephen.

Frankie & Ger
— Frankie & Ger
Heartfelt condolences to Louise and the Monks family on the passing of your beloved Stephen. May He Rest In Peace.
— Ann Mc Caughey
So very sorry to hear of the passing of Stephen- a true gentleman who I have many fond memories of from our younger years. My deepest condolences to his family and partner at this extremely difficult time. May he R.I.P.
— Clare Norton
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