Terence CROSS

Condolence Book for

Terence CROSS

Dundrum, Dublin

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Last week a remarkable collection of donated books arrived in the School of Philosophy at University College Dublin. Today, to my deep shock and great sadness, I learned who they had belonged to and why they had been passed along. I taught Terence as an undergraduate and masters student (what a brilliant MA thesis he wrote too). He was wonderful. His passion ignited debates, his intelligence improved discussions, and his gentleness made them inclusive. Terence was popular with his fellow students and admired by those of us who worked with him as his professors. We had hoped he would some day join us as a PhD student. It was always good to see him visit us when we had guest lectures and conferences. I looked forward to hearing what he thought of things. A really fine man, I can only imagine how you his loved ones are coping with his loss.
— Brian O'Connor
Sincere condolences to Terrys family and friends. Very sorry to hear of his passing. Thinking of you.
— Melina
So sorry to hear of terence's passing. Sincere condolences to all the Cross family
— McCormick Family
Terence I visited you in Fanagans in Dundrum. You were so peaceful and as I said to you that you are with the angels now. Home with the Lord. Anna
— Anna
My sympathies to Susan, Richard and Eleanor, to Julie and to Terry’s many friends.

I remember Terry with great fondness, fortunate to be a friend in our teenage years.

We met on too few occasions as adults but I was always happy to see him and he was always welcoming - a lovely presence at my Mother’s funeral.

Terry’s dry, wicked humour never failed to entertain or to lift a heavy moment. I’m so glad we knew each other.

Rest In Peace.
— Gemma Nardone
Una sentita ed affettuosa vicinanza in questo giorno così triste, a te carissima amica Susan e tutta la tua famiglia.
— Elisabetta
Deepest condolences to Richard, Elenor, Susan and extended families.
Terence was my first cousin whom I had the privilege of meeting last year.
My son and I were on a quick trip to Ireland and we didn’t have the correct phone number for Richard and Terence, so we just turned up, knocked on the door and introduced ourselves.
I’m so glad we did!
Terence was home and we shared a cup of tea in the sunshine of the front garden. We talked about our lives growing up and a lifetime of family connections. Terence came across as a warm, intelligent and hospitable man and I will forever cherish the memory of that afternoon with him.
May Terence rest in peace. From Richard, Esther, Hannah and Callum Cross.
— Richard Cross
Sincere condolences to all the family on the lose of your brother Terry. Thinking of you all at this very hard time. May he Rest in Peace xxx
— Etain & Michael OConnor, Dundrum and Achill Island, Co Mayo
Eleanor, Richard and Susan, heartfelt condolences to you all on the passing of your dear brother Terence. We’ve such fond memories of your mom and Terence and how fortunate we were to have them next door to us for many years. They were wonderful people and always so generous and welcoming to our children when they often broke in to the garden only to find Terence tending to the trees. He would warmly welcome them telling them to go ahead into the house as his mam had bought their (expected) biscuits! Such fond memories of the simple gestures left a lasting impression. Thinking of you all and may he rest in peace. All the Farrell’s (no. 58)
— Gail & Paddy Farrell former neighbour
Condolences to all Terence's family and loved ones on his sad passing. A good & kind neighbour to us for many years in Haddington Square, Beggersbush.
May he rest in peace.
— Peter & John
I was saddened to hear of Terence's sudden passing. My thoughts are with you Ritchie, Susan, Eleanor and also Julie. It was a lovely service today. I worked with Terence in IONA Technologies and at that time, in that setting, it was always Terence and never Terry. It was nice to hear the more familiar Terry, and to see his wide circle of friends today.
— Paul Donnelly - IONA
He shall not grow old as we who are left grow old.
— Morgan Family Castlewellan
Susan, we were so sorry to hear of Terence’s death last week. You & all the family are in our thoughts & prayers. May Terence rest in peace.
— Regina Galvin & Brendan Pigott
Sincere condolences to the Cross family at this time. May Terence rest in peace.

Eileen Mc Kernan
— Eileen Mc Kernan
To Eleanor and family, so sorry to hear of the loss of your brother Terence. May he Rest in Peace. My thoughts and prayers are with you all.
— Julie Millar
Dear Susan, Richard & Eleanor.

Please accept my heartfelt sympathy on the untimely passing of Terence.

We went through Holy Cross and St. Benildus together and I will always remember Terence as an extremely loyal friend. He was charismatic, witty, caring, and very bright - indeed Terence had the potential to be anything he wanted to be.

I am thinking of you all at this very sad time.

May Terence Rest In Peace.
— Kiaran O'Malley
Dear Susan, Richie and Eleanor,

Still coming to terms with this sad news.
It was a pleasure and a lot of fun growing up with Terry .
Bumped into him recently and we weren't long going down memory lane.
I'll always have the memories and they're great.

Rest in peace.
— Paul McCarthy
It is with a broke heart that I send this messsage, Heartfelt condolences to you all. You are in my thoughts, prayers as is Terry. What a tragedy.
Because of medical problems myself I am unable to attend the actual funerall but will be watching, and present as best I can.
I hope to visit the grave as soon as I am well enough. More Condolences
Liam Burke
— Liam Burke
To the family and friends of Terry .
May your gentle soul rest in peace.
We will miss seeing you on the lane with Julie.
With sympathy to all who loved and knew him.
Rena and J,J, 'Neighbour to Julie '
— Rena Mulligan
Cara Susan, condoglianze a te e alla tua famiglia per la perdita del vostro caro. Ma il dolore profondo di questi momenti sarà alleviato in futuro dai ricordi dei momenti belli vissuti insieme. Un forte abbraccio
— Patrizia Moriggi
To Richard, Eleanor and Susan, I want to be as close as I can in this hard moment. Terence hasn't been just a flatmate to me, but a real friend, one of those you meet rarely in life. We shared our daily life together for one year in Taney Road, and with kindness he always supported me, from the small things to the big ones. I still want to remember him preparing food in the kitchen, watching TV on the sofa, and telling me "Oh, hi, Piergiorgio!" in the corridor with his gentle smile. Thank you Terence, for all the things you did for me and for your your sincere friendship. I miss you already. RIP.
— Piergiorgio Cipolla
So so sad to hear of Terence's passing. We were so lucky to grow up on Taney Road together with all our friends. We have great memories of our childhood in and out of each others homes and gardens. We were so blessed. Have many fond memories of meeting Terry over the past few years. What a gentleman and so kind...so sorry to all his family. Kindest gentle soul....so amazing his caring for his mother. RIP x much love Eleanor, Susan and Richard
— Oonagh O'Malley
To Eleanor, John and the extended family and loved ones of Terry. We were so very sorry to hear of Terry’s tragic passing. Please know that you are in our thoughts and that we wish that Terry’s very gentle soul is now resting in the peace that he deserves.
— Oonagh Ryan & Stephen Hayes
To Eleanor, John, Cian, Luke and Jodie and all the immediate and extended Cross families. Sincere heartfelt sympathy to you all on the sad and untimely death of Terence . May his soul Rest In Peace. Rose and Michael and all the Cahill family . Ballyglass.
— Rose and Michael Cahill
Dear Susan, Richard, Eleanor and family, I want to picture Terence in the company of your mum and dad watching over you all, smiling and conjuring up a funny quip or highbrow comment. His wit and wisdom made him unique. For my part, I will always remember him as a gentle person and a gentle man. I know he will be hugely missed. With love, Helen, Claudio, Lorenzo and Stefano
— Helen Terry
Dear Susan, Eleonor, Richard and all of your families, we’re still stoned for the huge loss of Terence. Our deepest condolences from our hearts and souls. May he rest in peace.
— Fabio and Francesca
Dear Ritchie, Eleanor and Susan,
My deepest condolences on Terry's passing. May he rest in peace.
— Kevin Twomey
Dear Susan, Richard and Elenor, Our Sincere Sympathies to you all and your extended families on the passing of your brother Terence. We are thinking of you all at this very sad time. May he Rest In Peace.
— Lauri and Jimmy Tuite
Deepest sympathies to Richard and family. I have the fondest memories of Terry and the many hours spent in the basement playing cards, ping pong, hanging out in town and the craic that Terry brought to us all. What a sweet, funny and lovely guy. Sincere Condolences.
— Hugh Stephenson
So sorry to hear about Terences passing. It was only a few months back we were chatting in Rome. May he rest in peace.
— Finbarr
Terry was my neighbour on and off for decades on Haddington Road. I got to know him well over the years. Heartbreaking to hear the news. I used to love regularly chatting to him about the peculiar ways of the world. Such a gentle and decent man. I will truly miss him being around.

My sympathies Ritchie. I never took Terry up on his offer to play chess with either of you. I know I would have lost.
— Andrew Hussey
Deepest sympathy to all Terence’s family you are all in our thoughts and prayers at this sad time
May Terrence rest in peace
— Sean and Kay halford
Dear Susan,

Deepest condolences to you and your family on the loss of your brother. I am sure he will stay vibrant and present in your hearts and minds.
best wishes Trish
— Patricia Colbert
I remember so fondly the airport pick up with Terence and the secret giggles Susan, him trying to explain to us the various complicated theories which went way over our heads. He always made me smile, a gentle soul who will be hugely missed.
— Sheila Dunne
My deepest condolences for the loss of your dear Terence.
My thoughts are with him and with you all.
Wish he found now the serenity he deserved.
Rest in peace Terence.
— Maurizio
Dear Susan, Eleanor and Ritchie,
Really saddened to hear of Terence’s untimely passing; I only have the fondest memories of his intelligent and dry sense of humor and the teenage pranks we all got up to in Taney. Terence was a total gent, not of this world in some ways. Thinking of you all at this sad time. Jane
— Jane Devitt
Terry you'll will be dearly missed by all of our family, you were a one in a million human being, will always remember long nights of chats, laughs and board games in Roney. Safe Journey.
— Ger & Niamh Walsh
My dear Susan I am really sorry and near to you and your family in such a sad moment. May your dear brother Terence rest in peace. I send my heartfelt condolences to you all.
"Non so dove vanno le persone quando scompaiono, ma so dove restano…" (Antonie de Saint-Exupéry - Il piccolo principe) Ti abbraccio forte.
— Gisella
Elly, Susan and Richie,
No words can express the sadness you must be feeling now.
Terry was a kind, gentle, humorous, and pedantic person. No better chap for a long debate about the little things that he always believed he won. (He usually did )
He was liked by everyone and he never had a bad word to say about anyone. He will be missed. Keep strong. Lots of love Annie and Greg
— Anne-Marie & Greg Brennan
To Eleanor Susan and Richard
Sincere sympathy on Terence's untimely death. We knew in Dom Marmion he took great care off his mother. May he rest in peace
Una O''Mahony and all the committee.
— Una O'Mahony
Carissima Susan, anche se non conoscevo il tuo amato fratello Terence, la sua scomparsa mi ha colpito molto, sono addolorata, ti sono vicina e ti abbraccio affettuosamente. Le mie condoglianze a te e alla tua famiglia.
— Manuela Carugno
Terry Terry Terry you are going to be hugely missed by so many. Your smile, your funny questions and comments, your kindness and just simply just your company will truly be missed. Rest in peace Terry. We send our condolences to your family. Big hugs to Jules. XX
— Greg & Sandra
I am so very sad to hear the news of Terence’s death - far too young. On my daily walks around the roads I always loved if Terence was in the front garden - he would never just say hello - always come up to the wall and we would have a grand chat chat - he always had time for everyone. I have known the Cross family for a very very long time and are thinking of you all at this very difficult time. May he Rest in Peace
— Anne Maher
We are so saddened by the news of Terence's passing. He was a lovely neighbour. Our thoughts are with Richard and family at this difficult time.
— Caroline and Val, Taney Rd
Dear Susan and family, our deepest and heartfelt condolences for your loss. Terence will live forever in your beautiful memories of him. May he rest in peace. Thinking of you and sending you lots of love.
— Linda & Francesco
Sincere condolences to Terry’s family and friends.
May he rest in peace.
— Karen McCarthy
We were very saddened to hear of Terence's passing. A gentle Soul with warmth, grace and of course, a sparkle in the eye. We shall certainly miss the friendly neighbourly wave as we pass by the gate.

Thinking of all those who loved Terence, particularly his
family and wide circle of friends, we hope that the treasured memories you have shared over the years, will bring you comfort.
— Jocelyn and Evelyn - Taney Rd
To Ellie, Susan, Richard, John, Cian Luke, Jodie and all who loved and miss Terry

Our deepest condolences on your heartbreaking loss. Thinking of you all every day ♥️

Love from Deborah & the family
— Deborah Stenson & Family
So sad to hear the news of Terrys passing. Deepest condolences to all the Cross family. Lots of good memories of fun times in our teens with him & the Dundrum gang. RIP Terry
— Norma Kennedy
Deepest sympathies to Richard and all the Cross family. Nothing but fond memories of Terry, always a true gentleman. May he rest in peace.
— Johnny
So so saddened and my thoughts are with you Richie and family. Wonderful memories of Terry, Patrick, Richie and all the gang at Larry Murphys sitting outside playing chess, debating life politics and everything in between xx
— Barbara Walsh
To the Cross family and our friend and neighbor Julie, our deepest condolences. We are so sorry to hear about the passing of Terry. We have fond memories of his many visits to the cottage in Leitrim over the years and we are grateful that he touched our lives in many ways. We send you all caring thoughts at this difficult time and hope you find comfort and support in the people that surround you and the wonderful memories you carry in your minds and hearts. May Terry’s gentle soul rest in peace.
— Patricia & Gerry Reilly, Drumsna, Co Leitrim
Dearest Susan, heartfelt condolences to you and to all the family. Our prayers and love to you in this difficult time. May your brother rest in peace.
— Jessica and Michele
Deepest condolences to all who knew and loved Terry. May cherished memories soothe your grief . A gentle soul .
— Niamh
Susan and family
Sad to hear of the passing of your brother Terence
I've some happy memories of us at yours on Taney Road
Terence was always up for fun
Sincere condolences
— Elaine Mccarthy
May Terry's gentle heart rest in peace.
— Kealin Ireland, Leitrim
So saddened by the passing of our cousin Terence. While we know that Susan & boys. Richard. Elenor & John & family are especially devastated - the entire family join in the grief over the untimely passing of a very gentle & much loved man
— Deirdre Cross Walsh
To Eleanor Susan Richard and the Cross and Stenson extended families

We send our deepest sympathies on the passing of Terence. May he rest in peace. Ar dheis De go raibh a hAnam
— Amanda, Saoirse, Tara and Ed Stenson - Australia
Dear Susan, Richard, Eleanor & family, we are so deeply sorry for the untimely passing of your adored brother. Our most sincere and heartfelt condolences go out to all of you during this most difficult time. May Terence rest in peace!
— Mia & Enrico Pafundi
Our Sincerest Condolences to the family. May the Almighty Rest his soul in eternal peace. Che Dio ti dia il conforto e la tranquillità che cerchi e che l'anima di Terence riposi in pace.
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