Very Rev. Seán Tynan

Condolence Book for

Very Rev. Seán Tynan

Keadue, Roscommon

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I remember Sean as a great story teller and friend to whom I owe so much, for his support in Zambia but more particularly on our trip overland through Africa. My last memory is that of an evening that happened by chance with himself and Tony in the parish house Keadue. Etched in my memory are the words ''where's my pipe, have you seen my pipe' may he rest in peace.
— richard/dick o' donovan
Although we did'nt see eye to eye on everything fr Tynan did trojan on the Leader Programme and there would be no walks (The Miners Way) without him.He had no interest in money or material things .I really admired him for that.
He should have never been moved from Keadue Parish. My sympathies to his family and friends.
Brian Sheerin
— Brian Sheerin
For many a day fr tynan stood on top of arigna mountain with the pipe.visionary that he was he realized what was on offer above ground.he singly sought its promotion through rural development and brought leader to the area in 1992.with EU funding he developed walkways,tracks,and opened this unique countryside to the visitors.when he established a system he stayed in the background seeking neither favour or we have one of the greatest priest of the diocese. We will not see his like again.I salute his memory with gratitude.
— John Flynn
Sincerest sympathy to the family of Fr.Tynan. RIP.He was a true pastor and promoted social justice and respect for everyone.He had no interest in material things for himself.He was a master communicator with young and old.He will be remembered for his great work with drama and musical groups in all the parishes which were fortunate to be graced by his presence.He was Christlike and a true example of priesthood.May he enjoy making his way through Heaven's labyrinths!
— Elizabeth McCann
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