William Hewson (Willie) MAXWELL

Condolence Book for

William Hewson (Willie) MAXWELL

Donabate, Dublin

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Jennifer and family, I was so sad to hear of Willie’s passing. Willie was such a kind, caring, generous and positive man who gave so much of himself to so many. I got to know Willie over the last few years and always admired his positivity and can do approach. He will be sorely missed by us all. Thinking of you all at this very sad time. Corina
— Corina Johnston
Sincere condolences to the Maxwell family on the sad passing of Willie.
Willie was a true gentleman.
From all the members past and present of the Rotary Club of Kilkenny
— Rotary Club of Kilkenny
So sad to hear of Willie's passing. A real pleasure to know and work with on the board of Donabate Portane Community Centre. He gave a lot to his community and will be sadly missed. RIP
— Cormac McDonagh
Condolences Jennifer, Gill and Hewson. Willie was a real character and I always enjoyed meeting up in France and (once) in Ireland. His good humour and intelligent insights always made conversation a delight, and I never once beat him at Mastermind!
— Alastair Keeble
Hi Jennifer

I just wanted to reach out and offer my deepest condolences on the sad news of Willie's passing. I hope you are all coping as best as possible, and supporting each other in this tough time. Willie was a wonderful man and we must hold onto the fantastic and joyful memories of a life well lived, and celebrate the remarkable journey of Willie Maxwell

Paul, Karmela, Jordyn & Harrison
— Paul Malone
I was so saddened to just hearing of the passing of my friend, Willie,
I knew Willie through the Rotary Club of Dublin Fingal and through business for so many years,
Willie was definitly " one of a kind"
Through his voluntary works for Rotary International, His great leadership as Executive to his old Alma Mater, he was an inspiration to all who ever met him.
My deepest sympathy to Jennifer and all the family,
Lar Sheeran,
Past President, Dublin Fingal Rotary Club
— Lar Sheeran MFH
Deepest sympathy to all the Maxwell family on the loss of Willie. I’ll always remember his annual Christmas newsletters that were sent to Ballagh with all the news!
— Elaine Cullinane nee Johnston
It was an honour to know Willie as a member of Fingal Rotary and as a mentor. My sympathies to his wife and family on his recent passing. May he rest in peace.
— Jim Cuddy
My sincere condolences to Jennifer and to Gillian and Hewson and their families, and to Lillian and Edie and their families, and to all the Maxwell family and to all of Willie's many friends. I can only imagine the pain you will all be feeling. Willie was a special person. He was so kind, caring, funny, clever and so much more. I remember when Lillian and I were in France, staying with Willie and Jennifer (and Edie and Cormack) and Willie gave up his ticket to a very special show so that I could go. Such kindness I never expected. I remember when Lillian and I were out bike riding through a French village and got lost. (we didn't speak any French!) As we were trying to make our way back, along came Willie and Cormack looking for us; yet again showered with Willie's kindness and humour. There were so many beautiful stories but most of all it was the overall welcome, the kindness, the fun, the care and so much more that I remember from those times. Thinking of you Jennifer and all your family, at losing a beautiful person gone way too soon from this world.
RIP Willie: you were so loved will be so much missed.
— Patricia Powell Victoria Australia
My deepest condolences to Jennifer and family on the repose of the soul of.Willie RIP.
Go raibh dheis De ar a ainm
— Assumpta Cuffe
That was a lovely day yesterday commemorating Willie. I just wanted to say for myself how sad I am to know that never again can I phone this wonderful man to talk about whatever issues I may have. He was part of my reassurance landscape: I always knew that if I had a worry then Willie was somebody that I could go to. He always made time, he always listened carefully, and his advice was always spot on. It's really hard to believe that he won't be there any more and I'm going to miss him so much. I can't imagine how much more intense this sense of loss must be for those who had him as part of their daily lives. My deepest sympathy to you.
— Pete Wedderburn
Sincere condolences on Willie's passing, may he rest in peace.
— Mulville family, The Burrow, Portrane
To Jennifer and family, deepest sympathy on the passing of Willie. A wonderful human being and a true gentleman. May he rest in peace.
— Greg Langan
With deepest sympathies to the Maxwell family on your recent loss.

I worked in Dale Farm during the summer months many years ago and Willie was a true gent that made a very positive impression on a young teenager that stayed with me for life. He was certainly one of the best bosses I had in my life.He was charismatic and certainly had that human touch when it came to dealing with people.

May he rest in peace. .
— Brendan Kinsella, Swords
Jennifer, I just learned of Willie passing today and was really saddened and sorry to have missed out on attending his funeral service. Having first met yourself and Willie in Khamis many years ago I always enjoyed Willie company and the great fun and quick wit of the man. I will remember him in prayer. May he rest in peace.
— Gus Mac Entire
Gillian, sorry to hear about the sad loss of your Dad. My thoughts are with you & your family. May he rest in peace.
— Sinéad Libreri
I was shocked and saddened to hear of Willie's passing. My sincere condolences to Jennifer and all his family. A wonderful human being. He is fondly remembered and immortalised as 'The Man from Acumen'.
— Con Shanahan
With deepest sympathy to all the Maxwell family
— George & Ruth Allison, Dundrum & Amersham
We are so saddened to know Willie has gone from our earthly presence. I remember fondly the way he would draw you into a conversation, never one to stick with just the pleasantries. Sitting around the dinner table in Spain in early 2015, he created an uproar predicting (rightly) the rise of Trumpism in America, much to the disbelief of these liberal Americans. Always well read, always learning, and through his relationships, always teaching, Willie has always had my deepest respect. But oh did he have a mischievous side, notoriously a card "shark" if one is being polite about the bending and breaking of rules. Jennifer, Gillian, Hewson, Niall and Emily, please know that our hearts are heavy with yours and we are missing you across the Atlantic today.
— Rachel O'Byrne, Brian, Graham and Corrina Rebain
Deepest sympathy to Jennifer, Gillian, Hew and all the family on Willie's passing. He was simply a wonderful human being and I know how much he'll be missed
— Shane MacGuill
Jennifer ,Gillian, Hewson, the extended Maxwell families and Willies wide circle of friends and neighbours,

I was greatly saddened to learn of Willies illness and passing. Willie was without doubt, the very very best of humanity. I had the good fortune to get to know Willie in recent years and I always felt following any conversation with Willie he both enlightened me and always listened with great interest and intellect. He gave the very best of himself to anything he put his effort into, from so many different organisations, charities and people, Willie made a difference for so many during his life.

His gentle, kind, always positive and warm hearted outlook will be greatly missed.

May you take comfort at this awfully sad time of a life well lived of a man who gave his best to everything.

May his kind, gentle soul rest in peace.
— Adrian Henchy
So sad to hear of Willies passing .
Willie gave me my first job in Dale Farm Dairies , Feltrim Rd , Swords in the 1970s .
A total gentleman ,it was a great place to work . he was liked and respected by all there .

I remember him helping out with Swords Rugby club at that time as well .
He will be sadly missed .
— Pat Kinsella ,
Sincere sympathy to Jennifer and family on Willie’s sad passing.
— Bernadette Dennehy
So saddened to hear of your Dad's passing, Gillian. He was always a very friendly gentleman - Thinking of you and your family at this sad time
— Naomi O'Brien
We have wonderful memories of Willie and send our condolences to Jennifer and the family following his death. Margaret and David.
— David and Margaret Wynne
Deepest sympathy to the Maxwell family on the sad passing of Willie
— Henry Dudley Dovea Thurles
Jennifer - Willie was some man and he and you together were the best team possible. A real force. I. will miss his fun, life and good craic, it so sad and you will be in my thoughts.Declan
— Declan Treanor
Sincere condolences to Jennifer and all members of the Maxwell family on the sad passing of Willie R.I.P. Willie was a most charismatic individual, with boundless energy, and a forever positive disposition. I had the pleasure of working alongside him in managing the ACUMEN programme. He championed clients with a strong conviction, and failure was rarely the outcome. Willie was a huge repository of knowledge on all business sectors throughout the island of Ireland. A true gentleman, he will be sadly missed by all who had the pleasure of knowing him. May his gentle soul rest in peace.
— Vincent Reynolds, Cavan
Deepest condolences to Willies family. I knew Willie from his time based in the Europa Academy and he was an absolute gentleman. May he rest in peace
— Peter Finnegan
Jennifer, I’m sure you won’t remember me, if you do it will be for all the wrong reasons. Many, many years ago Willie and I led each other astray ! He on one occasion taking me to your home, having missed my flight at Dublin airport, for which he had contributory blame !
We managed to have a very favourable business relationship for many years. During those years we established a close friendship, which I greatly valued. Willie was a man of many rare fine qualities, which I deeply admired. I regret that our paths parted so long ago.
My wife and I have been spending a great deal of time in Spain, having sold our home in Cork some years ago.
My sincere condolences to you and your family on your sad loss.
— Mitchel Barry
Sincere sympathy to all the Maxwell Family on the death of Willie. May he rest in peace.
— Michael, Brian, Liz & Mary Watchorn, Athy
Sincere condolences to Jennifer and the Maxwell family. Willie is very fondly remembered by everyone at the hotel.
— Maldron Hotel Dublin Airport
Sincere sympathy to Jennifer and Family on the passing of Willie
May He rest in peace
— Mary B Martin Donabate
Sincere condolences to the whole family on Willie’s passing. A gentleman and a good friend to The King’s Hospital. You will all be in our thoughts and prayers.
— Cormac & Glenda Ua Bruadair
Sincere condolences on Willie's passing. He was a total gentleman and a pleasure to know
— Ken Fitzpatrick
Sincere sympathy to Jennifer and all the Maxwell family at this time on the sad passing of Willie, may he rest in peace.
— Partners & Staff of McInerney Saunders
Sincere condolences Jennifer, Gillian, Hewson and all the family at this very sad time. Thinking of you and sending our love.
— Aoife & Justin Healy
Sincere sympathy to all the family may he rest in peace
— John and Barbara Fryday dundrum
Condolences to Jennifer and family on Willie's passing. May he Rest in Peace. Angela Flanagan & family.
— Gregory Flanagan
Sincere condolences to Jennifer, Gillian, Hewson and all the Maxwell family on your sad loss. Jennifer's kindnesses, generosity and care during playschool years in Castlefarm are well remembered and much appreciated.
— Former Playschool Pupil
Sincere sympathy to Jennifer & the whole family at this time, absent from the body present with the Lord
— Enid Richardson
Sending our deepest condolences to Jennifer and all the Maxwell family on the passing of Willie. Thinking about you all at this sad time. Deepest sympathies to you all.
— Kay and Michael Davis
So sorry to hear of Willie’s passing, our deepest sympathies to Jennifer, Gillian, Henson and families.
— Kieran & Linda Barry nee Dunlop
Pretty average at tennis, annoyingly good at draughts....devastatingly vicious at spoons. A truly beautiful human being who I looked up to enormously. Compassionate, fiercely intelligent and a real privilege to have shared his company over the years since our first meeting all the way back in summer 1992 where we met over beer and football. One of the best ever weekends of my life was the time I was made to get up at 7am to play tennis on a blustery day in Donabate after having been plied with copious pints of Guinness the previous day whilst being dragged round many a drinking hole with an appointment at Lansdowne road for an epic match against the Aussies and then the premiere ( I think ?) of the film Michael Collins. There was also some kedgeree thrown in for good measure as Jennifer could see I was wilting. Thanks Willie for your friendship over the years. We were very proud to have you at our wedding and you will forever be in my heart. Thankyou Jennifer and Hewson for your kindness. Gillian my darling friend and constant in my life, we love you dearly and share your heartbreak xxx Marc and Aurélie
— Marc and Aurélie Stubley
Sending my sincere condolences to Willie's wife, children and extended family. In his role as Governor of KH, I always valued his balanced perspective and wise counsel. He will be greatly missed.
— Patricia Orr
I was so sorry to hear of the passing of Willie. A true gentleman who will be sadly missed within our Rotary family. Deepest sympathy to Jennifer and extended family on his passing. May he rest in peace
— Thomas Mulligan, Rotary Assistant Governor , Athlone
Deepest sympathy to Jennifer and the family on Willie's passing.
— Bim and Kathleen Collins
Deepest sympathy to Jennifer ,Gillian,
Hewson and the extended Maxwell families on the passing of your beloved Willie. He had a very positive outlook and through his involvement with different organisations and people he made a difference for so many during his life. May Willie now rest in peace.
Sean and Patricia
— Sean and Patricia Ryan
Our sympathies to Willie's family & colleagues, it is with sadness we learned of his passing. Willie's contribution to SME Development in Ireland was significant over a quarter of a century and his work highly respected by us, his peers & colleagues. May he Rest in Peace. Aidan & team at Optimum Results
— Aidan Harte
Jennifer, Gillian and Hewson. Very sad to hear of Willie’s passing. He was a true gentleman who was always full of life and ready to provide support and good advice to all. May he rest in peace .
— Kevin and Audrey Menton
Very sorry to hear of the death of Willie, sincere condolences to Jennifer and family.
— Michael Robinson, The Burrow
So sad to hear of Willie's passing - what a lovely man he was. Thinking of you all, Andrew
— Andrew Condon
Deepest sympathy to Jennifer and the entire Maxwell family, In our thoughts and prayers.
— Thomas and Jessie Parr, Bourney, Roscrea
Dear Jennifer , Gillian and Hewson , I was very sorry to hear about Willie . The lovely condolences must be a comfort to you . My fondest memory is his smile when he’d see the Irish Times on the clean table , a man of simple pleasures . Thinking of you all . X
— Helen Quinn
Sincere sympathy to the Maxwell family on Willie's death
— Maurice and Maura Herlihy
Sincere sympathy Jennifer and Family on Willie’s death. He was a kind gentleman that I will remember with great affection.
— Lou McGovern
Sincere condolences to Jennifer & family on the passing of a beloved husband/father/grandfather. Lovely memories of working with Willie during my career with IDA and Enterprise Ireland, Dundalk. RIP Willie
— Anne Caldwell
Our deepest sympathies to Jennifer, Gillian, Hewson and the extended Maxwell family on the sad passing of Willie. Thinking of you all at this very difficult time. May he rest in peace.
— Harry, Sylvia Parr & family, Ashmear, Roscrea, Co Tipperary
My deepest sympathies to Jennifer, Gillian, Hewson and the entire Maxwell family on the sad passing of Willie. Thinking of you all at this difficult time. May he rest in peace.
— Liz Hodgins
Dear Jennifer, Gillian, Hewson and all of Willie's family and friends,
I am truly sorry to hear of Willie's passing. My deepest condolences to you all at this sad time. Willie was a real gentleman and always so kind. May your grieving hearts be filled with his love.
— Anna O'Reilly
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