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Cornelius (Connie) Murphy

The death has occurred of

Cornelius (Connie) Murphy

Dromid, Kerry

Concubhar Ó Murchú (Uasal), Baile na Cille, Máistir Gaoithe, Cill Áirne, Co. Chiarraí.

Tréis bháis age baile go suaimhneach, ar an 18ù Samhain, in éineacht le na chlann, tá Connie Murphy, céile grámhar Mary, athair ionmhain Noreen agus Emir & a gcéile siùd Tom & Jamie.

Méala mòr a bhás dá dhreatháracha, Michael & Séan, dá dhreifiùr Nòirin, dá dhreiféaracha céile Breeda & Maura & dreatháir a chéile John & agus dreifiùr a chéile Doreen & a fear céile Steve.

Mothòigh a ghar chlann grámhar, Liam, Daniel, Sarah, Niamh, Eva, Ròisìn, Neasa agus Rònán go mòr uatha é, mar aon le na nianna, neachtanna, cáirde agus comharsain.


Níl sé imithe uainn, ach imithe romhainn.

Beannacht Dé leis.


The death has occurred of Connie Murphy of Ballinakilla, Mastergeehy on the 18th November 2023, peacefully at his beloved home in Ballinakilla surrounded by his loving family, after an illness bravely borne.

Sadly missed by his heartbroken family, his loving wife Mary and his adoring daughters Noreen and Emir and their husbands Tom and Jamie. He will be sadly missed by his brothers Michael and Sean and his sister Noreen, his sisters in law Breeda and Maura and his brother in law John and sister in law Doreen and her husband Steve. Greatly missed and loved by his grandchildren, Liam, Daniel, Sarah, Niamh, Eva, Róisín, Neasa and Rónán, his nieces and nephews, cousins, extended family, neighbours and his wide circle of friends.


Ar dheis Dé go raibh a anam dílis


Connie will repose at the home of his daughter Emir (V23F672) on Sunday 19th November from 4pm-6:30pm and at Fitzgeralds Funeral Home Waterville (V23RK24) from 6pm-8pm on Monday 20th November.

Removal will take place from his home at Ballinakilla on Tuesday morning 21st November to arrive at Seipéal Mhuire sa Ghleann, Cillín Liath for requiem mass at 12 midday. Burial will take place afterwards in St. Finian's Cemetery, Waterville.

Requiem mass will be live-streamed via the following link:


Family flowers only please, donations if desired to the Kerry Palliative Home Care Service or to the Dromid Clár Cancer Care Car Fund.


I often took a ramble up to Direen and Droum,

Likewise to Lios a' tSonnaigh, Moulcore and Cashlagh all around.

And back again to Faha Cross where now I do reside,

Where the girls and boys are dancing on the top of Inny side.

Date Published:

Saturday 18th November 2023

Date of Death:

Saturday 18th November 2023

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