Thomas Murphy & Sons Funeral Home

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David Costigan

The death has occurred of

David Costigan

Bray, Wicklow

Costigan David, Bray Co Wicklow & late of Phibsborough, Dublin 7, 26th September, 2014, tragically at his home. Sadly missed by his children Dave, Robert, Laura, Donna & Mark their mother Patricia, mother Rita, father Michael, brothers Philip & Brian, sisters Christina & Yvonne, grandchildren Kayla, Callum, Nicole, Charlie & William, daughter in law Sarah, sons in law Nick & Glen, extended family & friends.


Funeral Mass on Tuesday morning at 10.30am in St Fergal's Church, Ballywaltrim followed by interment in Glasnevin Cemetery.

May He Rest In Peace

Date Published:

Sunday 28th September 2014

Date of Death:

Friday 26th September 2014

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