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The death has occurred of


Rush, Dublin / Dublin 7, Dublin

ARMSTRONG Deargh (Late of Rush and formerly of Dublin 7) December 17th 2023. Passed suddenly at Connolly Hospital. Beloved wife of Almudena and beloved daughter of Shauneen. Sadly missed by her parents-in-law, brother-in-law, her extended family including her Nans Lilah and Bernadette, the Armstrong’s in Belfast, Derry and Liverpool, the Harte’s in Newry, the Bernardos Somoza in Madrid as well as all her adopted aunts and uncles, neighbours and wide group of friends and work colleagues both past and present. The world is less bright with her loss.


Deargh's cremation service will take place on Friday afternoon, December 22nd, at 1.45pm to 2.15pm approximately at Glasnevin Crematorium Chapel, Glasnevin Cemetery.


Please note that the cremation service be viewed online at –


Those who wish to, may leave a message of condolence in the Condolence section on this page. No flowers please. Donations in lieu to Connect in Drogheda where she was proud to serve on the Board of Directors at and/or Dog’s Trust (a charity close to Deargh’s heart) at House private, please.

Date Published:

Tuesday 19th December 2023

Date of Death:

Sunday 17th December 2023

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