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Delia McGowan

The death has occurred of

Delia McGowan
(née Mullally)

Glaster, Lusmagh, Banagher, Offaly

Delia McGowan, (nee Mullally) Glaster, Banagher, Co. Offaly. Died August 15th peacefully at Tullamore Hospital in the fantastic care of the nurses and doctors, surrounded by family and friends. Pre deceased by her parents Jack and Agnes, her son Martin and brother Paddy, deeply regretted by her daughter Jacqueline, son John, brother Micky, sister Lily, grandchildren Clodagh, Seán & Lucy, son in law Michael, daughter in law Emma, nephews, nieces, extended family, neighbours and friends.


May her Gentle Soul Rest in Peace.


Delia will be reposing at her home on Friday evening from 5oc until 7oc. Funeral mass on Saturday morning in St. Cronan's Church, Lusmagh at 11oc followed by burial in All Saints Cemetery. St. Cronan's Church broadcast Funerals live on Lusmagh parish Facebook link.

Date Published:

Wednesday 16th August 2023

Date of Death:

Tuesday 15th August 2023

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