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Denis Ahern

The death has occurred of

Denis Ahern

Athea, Limerick

Denis Ahern, Braintree, Essex, England. Formerly of Athea, Co. Limerick. Peacefully at his family home in Braintree surrounded by his loving family. 30th January 2021.

Survived by his loving wife Christine, son Stephen, daughter Kerry, Stephen's partner Terry, grandchildren & great-grandchildren, brother Tom (Athea), sisters Margaret (Coachford, Cork), Chris (Barrigone, Askeaton), sister in law Rita, brother in law JJ, nephews, nieces, grandnephews & grandnieces.

May Denis Rest In Peace.

Funeral to take place in Braintree at a later date.

Date Published:

Sunday 31st January 2021

Date of Death:

Saturday 30th January 2021

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