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The death has occurred of
Denis Callanan
Denis, predeceased by his wife Margo, sons Thomas and AJ. Deeply regretted by his loving daughters Helen, Rita, Siobhán, Kate, Mary and Yvonne, sons-in-law Sean, Bill and Ollwier, his 14 adoring grandchildren, brothers Jim, Dick, Paddy, Thomas and Eamon, sisters-in-law, brothers-in-law, nephews, nieces, relatives, neighbours and a wide circle of friends.
May He Rest in Peace
Reposing at Egan's Funeral Home on Thursday, evening, 22nd November, from 3pm to 7pm arriving at The Cathedral of the Assumption at 7.30pm. Funeral Mass on Friday, 23rd November, at 11am, burial after Mass in Killinan Cemetery. Family flowers only please.
Date Published:
Wednesday 21st November 2018
Date of Death:
Tuesday 20th November 2018