P. Townley & Sons Funeral Directors Ltd

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Derek Murray

The death has occurred of

Derek Murray

Oak View, Lucan, Dublin

DEREK MURRAY, Oak View, Lucan, 3rd November 2021, peacefully, after a long illness in Connolly Hospital, Blanchardstown. Predeceased by his loving parents Joseph and May Murray, Derek will be forever loved and sadly missed by his heartbroken sister Joyce, brother-in-law Ken, nephew Kevin, niece Laura and her partner Stef, aunts, uncles, cousins, relatives and his many friends in Oak View and Seodeen.


May Derek Rest in Peace


Reposing at Massey Bros. Funeral Home, Templeogue Village this Saturday afternoon from 12 noon to 2pm. The funeral cortege will leave the funeral home at approx. 2.10pm and proceed to The Victorian Chapel, Mount Jerome for a service at 2.30pm. For those who would have liked to attend but due to Covid Restrictions cannot, may view the service here: https://www.mountjerome.ie/victorian-chapel-service/. If you would like to leave a message of condolence please click the following link: https://www.masseybrosfuneralhomes.com/funeral-notices/. All further enquiries to Massey Bros. Templeogue, 01-4907601.

Date Published:

Thursday 4th November 2021

Date of Death:

Wednesday 3rd November 2021

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