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Derek Whelan

The death has occurred of

Derek Whelan

Grange Park Green, Raheny, Dublin

Whelan, Derek, Grange Park Green, Raheny, Dublin. 22nd January 2023. Suddenly, Derek will be very sadly missed by his loving wife Caroline, his loving children Rachel, Rebecca and Robert, son-in-law,  Gary, grandchildren Layla, Mia, Laycie, Denver, Tilly, Kai and Kaleb, brother, sisters, mother-in-law Joyce, brothers-in-law, sisters-in-law, nieces, nephews, extended relatives, neighbours and friends, especially his best pal Brendan.


May he rest in Peace


Reposing in Staffords Funeral Home, Maypark on Thursday from 2pm to 4pm. Removal on Friday to Our Lady of Consolation, Donnycarney for 11am Mass followed by burial in Balgriffin Cemetery Ext.


To view Derek’s mass please click on the following link:


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Date Published:

Wednesday 25th January 2023

Date of Death:

Sunday 22nd January 2023

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