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Donal Kelly

The death has occurred of

Donal Kelly

Ballygaddy Road, Tuam, Galway

Predeceased by his father Danny and sister Martina. He will be heartily missed by his mother Anne, sisters Una, Mary, Caroline and Tracy, brothers-in-law, Ger, David, Ja, Andy and Franny, his lifelong friend Alan, nieces Amy, Aoife and Emer, nephews David and Jonathan, grandniece Anna Mae, grandnephew Danny, his neighbours and friends.


May He Rest In Peace


In line with current Public Health Guidelines, a private funeral Mass for family only will take place at The Cathedral of the Assumption, Tuam, on Tuesday at 12 noon, followed by burial in Tuam Cemetery.


This Mass may be viewed at and will also be available on Tuam Parish Radio. House private please at the family's request. Messages of sympathy may be expressed online through the condolence section below. Donal's family thank you for your expressions of sympathy.

Family Flowers only please by request.

Date Published:

Saturday 22nd August 2020

Date of Death:

Friday 21st August 2020

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