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Dorothy Gibson (Doris) Pittman

The death has occurred of

Dorothy Gibson (Doris) Pittman
(née Bolton)

27, Orchard Grove, Letterkenny, Donegal

The peaceful death has taken place in St. Eunan’s Nursing Home, Letterkenny on 26th May of Dorothy Gibson (Doris) Pittman née Bolton, beloved wife of the late David. Sadly missed by her family. Mum to Robert (Yogi) and his wife Hari, Anne Condon and her husband Dermot, Martin and Peter and his partner Nicolette. Granny to Joshua, Garret, Connor and Jessica.


Doris will be reposing at her late residence, 27, Orchard Grove, Letterkenny (F92 YV5D) from 4pm – 10pm on Saturday 27th and from noon to 10pm on Sunday 28th May.


House private please on morning of funeral.


Service of Thanksgiving will be held in Conwal Parish Church on Monday 29th at 2pm which can be viewed on the Conwal Parish Church Facebook Page.



Cremation Service at Mount Jerome Dublin on Tuesday 30th at 2.15pm (on her 89th birthday).


Donations in lieu of flowers to Conwal Parish Church Restoration Fund c/o Paschal Blake, Funeral Director, Stoney Arch, New Line Rd, Letterkenny or any family member.


Messages of comfort and sympathy for the family may be placed in the “Condolences” section below.

Date Published:

Friday 26th May 2023

Date of Death:

Friday 26th May 2023

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