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The death has occurred of
Eileen Cahill
(née Coppinger)
Eileen, predeceased by her husband Martin, deeply regretted by her loving son Martin, daughter Mary, grandchildren, great grandchildren, son-in-law Toddy, brother Paddy, sister Anna, brothers-in-law, sisters-in-law, nephews, nieces, relatives, neighbours and a wide circle of friends.
May She Rest in Peace
Reposing at Egan's Funeral Home on Tuesday evening, 6th August from 5pm to 6.30pm arriving at The Cathedral of the Assumption at 7pm. Funeral Mass on Wednesday, 7th August at 11am, burial after Mass in St. Patrick's Cemetery.
Date Published:
Monday 5th August 2019
Date of Death:
Sunday 4th August 2019