Hamrock's Funeral Directors (IAFD) (BIE) - Brideswell

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Eileen DUFFY

The death has occurred of

Eileen DUFFY
(née O'Hare)

Wynne's Terrace, Dundalk, Louth

Peacefully, in the dedicated care of the staff of Dealgan House Nursing Home. Predeceased by her parents Bernard and Eileen, husband Jim, sister Carmel and brother Seán. She will be sadly missed by her sorrowing daughters Geraldine and Lucy, son Damien, son-in-law Gerry, grandchildren Lauren, Gerard, Christopher, Jamie, Kellie and Sabrina, great-granddaughter Ruby,  brother Brian, sister-in-law Betty, nephews, nieces, neighbours, relatives and friends.


May She Rest in Peace


Reposing in the Eternity Room of Quinn's Funeral Homes, Bridge Street, from 2pm-6pm on Monday. Removal on Tuesday at 10.40am, to St. Nicholas' Church, arriving for Funeral Mass at 11am. Burial afterwards in St. Patrick's Cemetery. 


The family would like to record their heartfelt appreciation for the tender care shown to Eileen while she resided at Dealgan House and extend their gratitude to the nurses and staff for their thoughtfulness and friendship to Eileen and us, her family. 

Date Published:

Sunday 27th February 2022

Date of Death:

Sunday 27th February 2022

Hamrock's Funeral Directors (IAFD) (BIE) - Brideswell

IAFD Member
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