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Elizabeth  (Betty) Cosgrave

The death has occurred of

Elizabeth (Betty) Cosgrave

Cloneycurry, Rathmolyon, Meath

Passed away suddenly at her home. Predeceased by her parents Philip & Elizabeth. Deeply regretted by all of her loving family. Betty will be sadly missed by her siblings James, Joseph, Hilda (Moore), Mai (O'Hara), Leo and Michael, sisters-in-law; Ann, Marie, Rosarii and Oonagh, brothers-in-law; Frank and Peter (deceased), all of her adored nieces, nephews, grandnieces & grandnephews, relatives, neighbours and wide circle of friends.


May She Rest In Peace.


Reposing at Wm. Ryan & Sons Funeral Home, Church St., Kilcock (W23 XC90) on Saturday from 4pm to 6pm with removal to the Church of St. Michael, Rathmolyon arriving at 7pm. Funeral Mass at 11.30am on Sunday followed by burial in Kill Cemetery, RathmolyonBetty's Funeral Mass can be viewed on: 


You can leave a personal message for­­­­­­­­­­ Betty’s family in the condolences’ section below. Please continue to respect and follow Public Health advice, to ensure the safety of all, at the funeral home, church and cemetery.

Date Published:

Friday 30th September 2022

Date of Death:

Wednesday 28th September 2022

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