Farrelly Funeral Directors

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Elizabeth (Lilly) Gough

The death has occurred of

Elizabeth (Lilly) Gough
(née Conway)

Tullaghanstown, Navan, Meath

Peacefully at Connolly Hospital, Blanchardstown.


Pre-deceased by her husband Jimmy, parents, brothers and sisters.


Lilly will be very sadly missed by her children Gerry & Adrienne (Athboy) Pat & Anne (Tullaghanstown) and Elizabeth (Mullingar), 14 grandchildren, 11 great grandchildren, sons in law Sean, Pat & Christopher, daughters in law Geraldine & Liz, brothers Richie and Seamus, sisters Sheila, Phyllis, Teasie and Imelda, brothers in law, sisters in law, nieces, nephews and a large circle of friends.


May Lilly Rest In Peace


Reposing at her residence (C15 D2T1) on Wednesday from 4pm to 8pm and Thursday from 3pm to 8pm. Removal Friday morning at 11:15am to arrive at Church of The Assumption, Dunderry for 12 noon Funeral Mass which can be viewed on https://www.moxleyproductions.com/vidfuneral-home. Burial afterwards in Dunderry Cemetery.

Date Published:

Monday 8th January 2024

Date of Death:

Sunday 7th January 2024

Farrelly Funeral Directors

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