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Elizabeth (Teasy) O'Connor

The death has occurred of

Elizabeth (Teasy) O'Connor
(née O'Gorman)

Innisfallen Avenue, Thurles, Tipperary

Peacefully, surrounded by her loving family. In the wonderful care of the Staff of St Theresa's Nursing Home, Thurles. Predeceased by her husband Maurice. Deeply regretted by her sons Jimmy, John and Maurice, daughters Elizabeth and Nora, grandchildren Keith, Mark, Zoe, Jilly, Amy, Triona, Brian and Caroline, great-grandchildren Florianna, Alex, Rose and Florence, daughters-in-law Joyce and Una, sons-in-law Ted and Ian, sister Bridie (Eyres), brothers Jackie, Finbar and Bruno, nephews, nieces, brothers-in-law, sisters-in-law, relatives, neighbours and friends.


May She Rest In Peace.


Reposing in Hugh Ryan's Funeral Home, Slievenamon Road, Thurles on Friday 23rd August from 5pm to 7pm. Arriving at the Cathedral of the Assumption, Thurles on Saturday 24th at 10.30am for Requiem Mass at 11am. Burial afterwards in St Patrick's Cemetery, Thurles.

Date Published:

Thursday 22nd August 2019

Date of Death:

Wednesday 21st August 2019

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