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Ellen Costigan

The death has occurred of

Ellen Costigan
(née Doyle)

Clonad, Portlaoise, Laois / Roscrea, Tipperary

Ellen Costigan (née Doyle) Clonad, Portlaoise and formerly of Ballymoheen, Clonakenny, Roscrea, died suddenly at home, on Friday 22nd December.

Deeply missed by her adoring family, her husband John and five children John Joe, Mary, Margaret, Denis and Matthew; brother and sisters Mick, Kitty, Sarah, Jane and Mary; brother-in-law Donal, sister-in-law Marian; daughter-in-law Rahee, partners Sarah and Adam; nieces and nephews and all those who knew and loved her.


Ar dheis Dé go raibh a hanam dílis.


Reposing at her home in Clonad (R32 PC90) on Sunday 24th December (Christmas Eve) from 3pm, with Rosary at 7.30pm. House private at other times, please. Funeral Mass Tuesday 26th December (St. Stephen’s Day) at 12 noon in St. Fintan’s Church, Raheen. Burial afterwards in the adjoining cemetery. Family flowers only. Messages of sympathy can be shared in the condolence book below.

Date Published:

Saturday 23rd December 2023

Date of Death:

Friday 22nd December 2023

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