Denis Egan, Funeral Director (Est. 1935)

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Ellie Kenny

The death has occurred of

Ellie Kenny
(née Byrne)

Boulick, Gortnahoe, Thurles, Tipperary

Ellie (Predeceased by her husband Neil and daughter Teresa) deeply regretted by her sons Richard, Michael and Con, daughters Bridget, Mary, Patricia and Aileen, grandchildren, great-grandchildren, sister Mary, sons-in-law, daughters-in law, nieces, nephews, relatives and friends. 

May She Rest in Peace

Reposing at Egan's Funeral Home, Thurles, Tuesday 25th December 2018, from 6pm to 8pm. Arriving to Sacred Heart Church, Gortnahoe, Wednesday 26th December 2018, at 11.15am for 11.30am Funeral Mass and burial afterwards in Boulick Cemetery.

Date Published:

Monday 24th December 2018

Date of Death:

Sunday 23rd December 2018

Denis Egan, Funeral Director (Est. 1935)

Funeral Home at: Dublin Road, Thurles
Mailing address: 14 Willowmere Drive,Thurles
brdegan@eircom.net0504-22729 or 087-2590243056-8834172 Knockboy, Gortnahoe
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