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Frank Kenny

The death has occurred of

Frank Kenny

Cordarra, Headford, Galway

The death has occurred of Frank Kenny, Nevada City CA, Sausalito, CA, San Francisco CA and Cordarra, Headford Co. Galway, on March 3rd 2023, suddenly at his home near Nevada City, in the presence of his loving family.

Frank is survived by his beloved wife Lisa, her daughter Shayna, brother Denis, sisters Ina, Joan, Carmel and Dympna, sisters-in-law Anne (Patsy) and Ann (Denis), brothers-in-law John Petty, David Burke and Keith Jones, mother-in-law Mari, nieces, nephews, relatives and a wide circle of friends.


Frank is predeceased by his parents Frank and Delia, sister Peggy Judge, brother Patsy and brother-in-law Liam Judge.

Frank's funeral has taken place in Nevada City. A celebration of Frank's life will take place at 12 noon on March 29th, 2023 at The Basque Cultural Center in San Francisco.

Rest In Peace Frank



Date Published:

Friday 17th March 2023

Date of Death:

Friday 3rd March 2023

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