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The death has occurred of


Ballygarvan, Cork

Forrest (Ballygarvan) On April 6th 2024, peacefully in the presence of his loving family and in the tender care of the Staff at Marymount, Garrett beloved son of the late Edmond and Mary, loving brother of Michael, Edmond, Eilish, Maryanne and the late John and infant Daniel Stephen. Sadly missed by his loving family, brother-in-law Willie, sisters-in-law Margaret, Vera and Regina, nephews, nieces, grandnephews, grandnieces, relatives, neighbours and large circle of friends.

May he rest in peace.

Reposing at Fordes Funeral Home, Old Waterpark, Carrigaline, on Monday (April 8th) from 5.00pm until 6.00pm. Requiem Mass on Tuesday (April 9th) at 11.00am in Church of Mary Mother of God, Ballygarvan, funeral afterwards to Killingley Cemetery.


Family flowers only please, donations, if desired, to

Mercy Foundation ( or Marymount (

Date Published:

Saturday 6th April 2024

Date of Death:

Saturday 6th April 2024

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