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Geraldine Flannery

The death has occurred of

Geraldine Flannery

Belair Drive, Tuam, Galway

Geraldine: (Tuam and Attymon) In the care of Greenpark Nursing Home. Predeceased by her sister, Maura and brother, Peter. Deeply regretted by her brothers, Frank and Tony, her sister-in-law, Marguerite, extended family, friends and her many colleagues and associates in the acupuncture community. 


Her remains will be reposing at her home, 2 Belair Drive, Tuam this Tuesday evening from 6 o’ clock. In accordance with HSE guidelines. Funeral Mass will be celebrated at her home on Wednesday at 11 o’clock, followed by cremation at Shannon Crematorium at 2 o’clock.


Mass will be live-streamed at: Funeral Mass Geraldine Flannery


No Flowers Please


The Flannery family appreciate your respect, support and understanding at this time. Those who would like to leave a message of condolence may do so on the CONDOLENCE section below or at


Rest In Peace

Date Published:

Monday 30th August 2021

Date of Death:

Monday 30th August 2021

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