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Gerard (Gerry) Mc Nally

The death has occurred of

Gerard (Gerry) Mc Nally

Dunboyne, Meath / Summerhill, Meath

Peacefully surrounded by his loving family and in the tender care of the doctors and staff of St. Francis Hospice, Blanchardstown. Gerry, predeceased by his parents Paddy & Mary.  Deeply regretted by his wife Anne, daughters Sandra and Linda, grandchildren Tori, Dylan, Katie and Shauna, sons-in-law John & Garreth, brother Dessie, sisters Lena, Mary & Nuala, sister-in-law, brothers-in-law, nieces, nephews, relatives, friends and neighbours.


May He Rest In Peace.


Due to government advice regarding public gatherings a private funeral Mass (max 50 mourners) will take place for Gerry’s family in the Church of SS. Peter & Paul, Dunboyne on Tuesday at 11am followed by burial in Coole Cemetery, Summerhill. Gerry's Funeral Mass will be available to view on


Those who would have liked to attend, but due to current restrictions cannot, please leave a personal message for Gerry’s family in the 'Condolences' section below. 


Gerry's funeral cortège will travel from his home on Tuesday morning at 10:40am to the church, friends and neighbours are very welcome to line that route in a safe and socially distanced manner as a mark of respect.

Date Published:

Saturday 29th May 2021

Date of Death:

Friday 28th May 2021

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