Search Last 7 Days Death Notices

Hanna Webb

The death has occurred of

Hanna Webb

Killeagh House, Killeagh, Allen, Kildare

Sadly missed by her loving parents Dolly and Dave, brothers Ryan and Max, grandparents Caroline and Frank, aunts, uncles, cousins, neighbours and friends.

May Hanna Rest In Peace

Reposing at her family home from 4pm on Friday with rosary at 7pm. Removal by Glennon's Funeral Directors on Saturday morning to arrive at The Church of the Holy Trinity, Allen, for requiem Mass at 11am. Burial afterwards in the Allen Cemetery.

Hanna's funeral mass will be live streamed on the following link:


Date Published:

Thursday 20th July 2023

Date of Death:

Tuesday 18th July 2023

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